Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.




Listen for the Sound of Light

Feel the Sun rise within your very being..

And Let the deepest Chamber of your heart

Be filled with the bliss of God’s Love.



Quiet the Mind..

Still the thoughts,

And be in the Presence of the Holy Spirit..


Let the wings of the Angels protect and hold you,

And embrace your weary body

Allow your self to be healed of your sorrow.


And merge with the Moment,

The eternal Moment of Now.

Merge with the All, and with the Nothingness,

The answers and the questions,

And just allow your self to be.


And with a breath, a very deep breath,

Let the nectar of Spirit fill you with Peace.


And in this perfect place of peace,

May you understand the Soulution

That comes from uniting with God,

With Love, and with all of God’s Creation.


Here in this Now Moment,

May you be whole in the Vibration

That can hold the Way for the World

To find the Love and the Light,

That will allow the solution

To come into being,

And with your Heart be grateful,

Grateful for the this moment,

Grateful for this Life

And grateful to God.

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