Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Saturday Morning, 9:00 am PST / Noon Eastern is a special SAINT Show "The New Evolution" ~ Our Galactic Story.

Long, long ago, there were many asked from the celestial realms to

assist with the Gold Age evolution planned for Planet Earth.

Participation is strictly voluntary.

This was the grand finally Will of God Force…a mission

where the duality force matrix would be coming to an end.

A small group of us had assisted there before, and some

incarnated there just for fun and amusement.

Earth had long been considered a most amazing incarnation vacation zone.

It was amazing because it was one of few places where

some would vacation by playing the game of “re-awaken”.

It was called a game because it was a reality matrix where upon

entering, you would lose all memory of who you were, are, etc.

Thus, the mission in the game was to successfully remember who we are.

The strategy before entering could all be pre-planned,

from birth to death…our parents and families, the kids we would have,

the lifestyles we would lead…all different strategies ‘we thought’

that would best help us succeed!

During this SAINT Radio Show you can listen to a live planning session,

The different strategies we considered using…and finally,

the future meeting date we all set to join on Earth again.

Our clue to remembering our rendezvous was called SAINT Team!

Vacation Trip Mission Planning Hosted and Co-Hosted By: Councelone & Christopher

Show Date: Saturday, 12/4

Time: 9:00 AM PST 10:00 AM MST 12:00 PM EST Internet

Listen Live...Link :

Call-in Number: (424) 258-9304 - (for questions, discussions and chat).

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