Architects of a New Dawn

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Weekly Tidbit: Change in Consciousness

For years people have believed in the immutable power of genetics as the primary factor in human behavior and condition. While the debate between nature and nurture continues, isolated genes have been given credit for ADD and heart disease and dyslexia and cancer and a whole range of dis-eases. I have often heard people use family history as immutable evidence of not being able to change being overweight or some other issue in their life. However, the dogma of DNA as the immutable determiner is now being challenged in the fields of energy psychology and energy medicine.

"Scientists are discovering the precise pathways by which changes in human conscousness produce changes in human bodies. As we think our thoughts and feel our feelings, our bodies respond with a complex array of shifts. Each thought or feeling unleashes a particular cascade of biochemicals in our organs. Each experience triggers genetic changes in our cells" writes Dawson Church, in his book, The Genie in Your Genes. If experiencing trauma triggers genetic change, must the healing of trauma also effect genetic re-organization? And if each thought or feeling sets off biochemical changes what happens to those of us who live with a daily barrage of unpleasant reactivity due to stressful work or living environments?

Back in the day, I learned a technique called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) that evoked an accelerated processing of a targeted trauma memory. At that time, it was acknowledged that current understanding of neurobiology did not provide a scientifically exact explanation as to how it worked but many of us who used it in our clinical practice really didn't care because it was effective in reducing trauma symptoms in our clients. Today we have Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Tappas Accupressure Technique (TAT)that offer ways to effect internal changes that seem at times almost magical in their effectiveness. Having recently resolved an issue using EFT that had been problematic for 15 years and unresponsive to a multitude of other treatment approaches, I will testify as to the impressive power of these methods. And if "Magic is no more than a change in consciousness," as Jamie Sams and David Carson propose, then magic these techniques are in their ability to produce change in our physiological as well as psychological being.

What a magical world we live in today. With new understanding of energy medicine and energy psychology we are finding tools to support our ability to manifest the changes we desire. What it takes is to choose where you put your attention, open your mind, and begin. Not to say that it is always easy, as most of us have a lot of programming to overcome. But it is starting to seem pretty simple, and it can start with the intention and practice of choosing love over fear. And then opening to the tools and resources that are available to you.

May you be well,

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