When I was preparing to move from California to Florida, I had an idea in my head that I was going to create a way to earn income from my interest in fabric and yarn and crafts. I have been noodling around with pins and needles for most of my life and it has ever been my goal to follow this piece of wisdom attributed to Confucius: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." So why not put my love of crafting to "work" for me? I certainly did that with my psychotherapy /counseling / coaching career, combining my love of talking and learning and helping others into a practice that has kept me financially afloat for thirty years.
Martin Luther King once said "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase," and that certainly was my approach to starting my first private practice. I was living in a little town in Northern California whose population at the time was about 860 people. There was a loft over my garage and I converted it into an office. I read Marsha Sinetar's Do What You Love The Money Will Follow and watched the movie "Field of Dreams" to help counterbalance the input of well meaning nay-sayers who told me I was nuts to try to start a psychotherapy practice in the "middle of nowhere". (Yeah, and they laughed at my intention to manifest a horse, too. By this time I had two horses.) Within six months I had a thriving practice that started with one woman who referred her sister who referred her friend who referred her co-worker, etc.
So here I go again. Thanks to a jump start from my step daughter, I just opened Earthwise Designs, a cyber shop on Etsy that specializes in handmade items made from recycled materials. And because I am ever the student teacher, I am including tiny tidbits of inspirational quotes or recycling ideas with each listing. The process of setting up a cyber shop has made me more internet and computer savvy and I now have free license to knit, sew, and recycle fabric to my heart's content as well as the opportunity to empty my closets of completed projects in order to make room for more abundance.
This is what I have learned about manifesting your dreams:
1. Get clear on what it is you want. You don't need to have the whole picture in detail, but a basic idea is helpful to start. And then add possible details, snapshots, images, create a dream board collage or draw a picture, in your mind or in tangible reality, both are valid. Focus on what it is you do want, feed it, it will grow.
2. Take action: give your dream positive attention every day. Write about it. Journal your thoughts and feelings, write your daily progress towards your desired goal (even if it is "I dreamt about it today"). Create images in your mind. Choose to believe it is in process of happening. I remember the story of one woman who wanted to manifest her soul mate. Every night at dinner she set an extra plate for him at her table. He showed up. Not that first night or even the first week, but he did show up. Be persistent.
3. Notice without judging any obstacles that arise in your mind and attend to the inner reorganization necessary to attain your goal. Get a coach, therapist, do TAT or EFT, balance your chakras, pray and meditate ....... take whatever positive action you need to release those fears that prevent you from having what you want.
4. Talk about it to anyone who will really listen. Research and learn. Shamelessly self promote. You just might say a word in the ear of someone who has information or direction to give you. (By the way, my shop address is
and if you need a coach come visit me at www.conversationsforchange.com)
5. Choose love. Surround yourself with inspiration and support. Choose not to spend time with people who drain you or belittle your feelings and dreams. Interact with books, tapes, natural environments, and people that nourish you. Do things that you love and that make you feel good. Practice gratitude for everything, including this dream coming true. (Remember Einstein's concept of time.)
6. Let go of any attachment to how it has to be and be ready to receive what comes to you. At the same time, be specific as to what you want. Honor paradox. Trust the universe to bring it to you in the best possible way. And let yourself recognize opportunity when it comes even if it does not look the way you expect it to.
May you have wings to fly,
and if you need a coach come visit me at www.conversationsforchange.com)
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