Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I Predict that a MOVIE OF SANTANA will be made real SOON ~

I've got ESP and World Vision gifts...
I believe that soon Hollywood will be making a MOVIE about CARLOS SANTANA called "The Awakening of a New Dawn".....ha ha
That would be a great name.....DO IT! Come on Hollywood draw up them papers and gather all the information which would be a great movie. This movie would make so much money!!!!!! that it would help our Economy!! We have a True Gem in the Midst of Healing the world around us.
Love You Carlos Santana.

Music Diva ~ Debbie

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I don't have ESP, but I do believe in producing one's on destiny. I predict that I will one day have my own music in some movies.
I will predict that one day brother Carlos will have a movie Called Santana Life story and also i predict that 1 day i will meet bro Carlos and I will Jammed with him. I will call our music Santana Balitao Blues
I believe I am storing my crystal ball in a shoe box in the closet for now so my ESP can take a much needed vacation.
I predict that when I come to the day that I meet Santana, He will realize that I'm his one true soul mate...and we'll hit it off. lol lol I'm divorced so what......
Just keep believing :)
What if you're WRITE?
Love, Erin
Let's hope that it comes together soon! We all would love to see it! And it not just because we are tired of the crap, as much as it would make for a very CAPTIVATING story! RIGHT? I'm surprised Hollywood is not all over this yet....

if it's a movie about Carlos Santana, then it's a movie about you, it's a movie about me, Hollywood won't make it, i will, you will, we don't need another ego movie, and Carlos won't have it, ask your spirit guides what i have to do with the movie, and if you don't think you're Big Time enough, think's an ancient belief and practice that i picked up in Hawaii where my children are born and raised, it's called: Ho'oponopono Aloha Nui.............and who was the "Shaman" that Carlos had in mind in one of his albums?...............and who is Metatron?, and which spirit guides you through Keter?............Carlos admitted in an interview that he was channeling Metatron?............and who is Metatron's brother?: Sandalphon (Elijah/Eliyahu)..............

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