Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Ideas of implementing a more harmonious, sustainable world.

Peace and blessings all.

May this forum inspire new ideas and creativity that have the power to benefit all sentient beings.

I am a mother who is striving to leave a positive footprint on the planet while raising my boys to be aware of their impact on the world around them. We do things like vote with our money by buying stuff that has been grown, made with integrity and is not harmful to the people or planet. We talk about acceptance of all people, even if they live differently than we do. We converted our diesel school bus/rv to run on waste veggie oil and headed south to Costa Rica where we can live in an intentional community with like-minded people, grow food year round, and develop a deep connection to our Earth. Along the way we have met so may people who have wondered why we would take such a leap into the mystery and the only thing I can say to explain is that I want to live in greater integrity with my morals and my planet. Back in Minnesota, where we were from, I had a house in the suburbs with a beautiful garden and was blessed to have access to wonderful co-ops that sold local, organic food. We were happy, but I still used energy from the grid and had to fight with my son about eating junk food and playing video games or watching movies at the neighbors house. I loved the diversity of the city, Minneapolis, and had so many friends of different ethnicity and social circles which taught my children that all people are beautiful and friendships are beyond boundaries. We use non-violent communication and I implement positive parenting discipline to establish boundaries while nurturing the nature of exploration in my children. I feel blessed to have this awareness and connection with people, animals, plants, and the planet. I feel that my lifestyle has created a karma that reaps benefit while relating with others on this jewel of a planet. Yet, I am only one person and my impact is minimal compared to the millions of people on this planet. Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed with the suffering of the world that I feel I am doing all this in vain. I want to explore ways we can come together as a global being and change the direction of destruction that humanity has undertaken. On this adventure in the rainforests I have witnessed first had the major deforestation that is happening here and all over the world. Costa Rica is beginning to look like the devastated mountains of Montana, covered with cattle and cash crops.
So, what can we do?

I would love to hear any ideas you have about little things we can do as individuals to better our world, or larger things we can do as a group of people to really make a positive impact on our community as humanity thus resulting in our whole world. They can be environmental, social, cultural, or any other inspiration you may have.

Bless each one of you.
Alana Bliss

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Hi.. we will be launching a new section of Architects of a New Dawn that will provide a place for people to post their creative solutions to the issues facing us in today's world. Look for it coming fairly soon... you might find it interesting based on your post here...
Great post, Alana! Thank you.

One of the things I have been working on with my work is how to use art to create economics of peace and inclusion.

There are so many talented people that want to use their work to make a difference in the world. As is most concentrate on what is lacking - in the journey to realize the dream of being a performer for example-lack of venue/audience, lack of sponsorship/funding, lack of organizational support....

Inspired by the story of Stone Soup This fable can be thought of as "The Emperor's New Clothes" in reverse, where nothing is revealed to be something, after all. The original stone was only a pretext to start the villagers sharing in a way that they would not have considered without the catalyst of the "stone soup" that they thought they were improving.

I am inviting people to join us in pooling our resources and leveraging them to attract what is needed while moving forward with what we have.The work will advance my endeavor to apply art based research to regional economic development solutions that empower people instead of the political machine that has previously controlled community and economic development.

My goal with the art series is to facilitate the creation of real wealth (to end poverty) not just promotion of materialism. One of the tangible projects we have just decided to give a go at developing is a grassroots solution for artists (musicians, visual artists, authors/poets), venues (homes of music lovers, inns, bed & breakfasts, boutique hotels, cafes, etc) and service providers (catering, personalized travel planners, yoga instructors, walking tour guides, etc) .

To keep this simple to get rolling I have started a email lists where matches will be this point I am inviting people interested to request an invitation and if you know someone who'd be interested invite them.
Is anyone interested?

All the best,
See mind map:

Dear Alana,

Sooner or later everyone will start to understand that whatever we do and wherever we do it....well it affects the whole. Pollution doesn't know a state line or a national boundary. I know so many people who are telling themselves they will live a better life if they just get back to nature. I heard the same thing back in the 60s. Now the following is just my opinion but I learned it when I worked at IBM in the 70s. The founder, Tom Watson, used to say that if you saw a problem and did nothing about it you became part of the problem.
When people come forward with answers we need to do some research because much of the time the solution they provide isn't what it appears to be. Take for instance solar energy. It is great until you discover that the way the old fashioned solar panels are built produce toxic waste that may be killing people in China.
That energy grid you left to cut down on your effect on the planet will be remodeled in a few years with digital technology and we will have wind farms on both coasts and in the mid-west. People and architects will begin to build more eco-friendly buildings with better, maintenance lower,etc. Now I do not know if you noticed it but opportunity to prosper has been coupled with technology for a long time. I am a firm believer in Humans being designed and equipped to finish the job that the great Spirit started. Running away never solved anything. This concept I hear about "all you need is inner peace" and all is well. Not true. I am all for inner peace but I am not one for burying my head in the sand while someone needs help. I think it is naive to think you can live anywhere and think that you will never be plagued by evil or corruption.
Each individual does need to look inside but not only to discover peace but to discover purpose. Each and every person can do or be whatever they want if they really want it and it has true purpose.
Of course what ou wrote is true. I, personally did not move here to hide out from any evlis or pollutions, rather I came because of the year round growing seasion and the oppurtunities that lie in leaping into the mystery. Since getting here I have been amazed at the jungle deforestation and as a permaculturalist have decided to answer the calling of local farmers to co-create more ecologically benificial farming techniques as well as contribute to the awareness of the importance of the biodiversity of the rainforest. If I left the US for any reason as far as avoiding something it was the pharms in schools and the brainwashing of children through marketing. Where I live now there are problems, yes, however I am choosing my battles or rather my inspiration. Bless you for pointing out that hiding from that which you are afraid of or that is harmful will not make it go away, it is in my perseption the reason the communes of the 60s failed. We are in no way hiding here, rather loving and participating in the awareness of the farmers of the rainforest.
Bless you and may your spirit soar with the awareness of radiant love.

Deborah J. Boyd said:
Dear Alana,

Sooner or later everyone will start to understand that whatever we do and wherever we do it....well it affects the whole. Pollution doesn't know a state line or a national boundary. I know so many people who are telling themselves they will live a better life if they just get back to nature. I heard the same thing back in the 60s. Now the following is just my opinion but I learned it when I worked at IBM in the 70s. The founder, Tom Watson, used to say that if you saw a problem and did nothing about it you became part of the problem.
When people come forward with answers we need to do some research because much of the time the solution they provide isn't what it appears to be. Take for instance solar energy. It is great until you discover that the way the old fashioned solar panels are built produce toxic waste that may be killing people in China.
That energy grid you left to cut down on your effect on the planet will be remodeled in a few years with digital technology and we will have wind farms on both coasts and in the mid-west. People and architects will begin to build more eco-friendly buildings with better, maintenance lower,etc. Now I do not know if you noticed it but opportunity to prosper has been coupled with technology for a long time. I am a firm believer in Humans being designed and equipped to finish the job that the great Spirit started. Running away never solved anything. This concept I hear about "all you need is inner peace" and all is well. Not true. I am all for inner peace but I am not one for burying my head in the sand while someone needs help. I think it is naive to think you can live anywhere and think that you will never be plagued by evil or corruption.
Each individual does need to look inside but not only to discover peace but to discover purpose. Each and every person can do or be whatever they want if they really want it and it has true purpose.
Bless you Sandra, you are deep inspiration. I will remember to breathe.

Sandra Daubney said:
What a great post, Alana.
Hold that vision of the world you want, Alana.
Don't let the negative things, spoilt rainforest etc take your energy down.
Take a deep breath when it hurts and go back to the vision.
Then hold it even stronger in your heart and keep feeding it so it can ripple further and further out.
Be joyful, things are changing.
In peace.
Hi Deborah,

You make excellent points. Certainly denial is not an effective strategy to chart the way forward. Neither is a totalitarian approach to defining solutions - if history is any indicator.
However, I think this kind of sharing is helpful because we can learn from what others are exploring in the way of seeking better solutions.

you wrote:"Each individual does need to look inside but not only to discover peace but to discover purpose. Each and every person can do or be whatever they want if they really want it and it has true purpose."

I think that speaks to the essence of the situation.

One of the great benefits I find in spaces like this is that it encourages me to share what I am doing and learning, while also learning about what others are doing and learning. I think that because of the connections and growing interest, something that might have remained just a dream or sideline interest at best has become a major focus.

And like Alana - in pursuing an initial interest a whole new level of knowledge opened up that allowed me to better understand the broader context. It seems it is this kind of journey that leads each of to find our place of passion that powers our work to create a better world now - not sometime down the road.

All the best!

"Deborah J. Boyd said:
Dear Alana,

Sooner or later everyone will start to understand that whatever we do and wherever we do it....well it affects the whole. Pollution doesn't know a state line or a national boundary. I know so many people who are telling themselves they will live a better life if they just get back to nature. I heard the same thing back in the 60s. Now the following is just my opinion but I learned it when I worked at IBM in the 70s. The founder, Tom Watson, used to say that if you saw a problem and did nothing about it you became part of the problem.
When people come forward with answers we need to do some research because much of the time the solution they provide isn't what it appears to be. Take for instance solar energy. It is great until you discover that the way the old fashioned solar panels are built produce toxic waste that may be killing people in China.
That energy grid you left to cut down on your effect on the planet will be remodeled in a few years with digital technology and we will have wind farms on both coasts and in the mid-west. People and architects will begin to build more eco-friendly buildings with better, maintenance lower,etc. Now I do not know if you noticed it but opportunity to prosper has been coupled with technology for a long time. I am a firm believer in Humans being designed and equipped to finish the job that the great Spirit started. Running away never solved anything. This concept I hear about "all you need is inner peace" and all is well. Not true. I am all for inner peace but I am not one for burying my head in the sand while someone needs help. I think it is naive to think you can live anywhere and think that you will never be plagued by evil or corruption.
Each individual does need to look inside but not only to discover peace but to discover purpose. Each and every person can do or be whatever they want if they really want it and it has true purpose.
I think the best thing we can do is continue to communicate. Being with like-minded people helps to reinforce and strengthen your resolve to stick to your principles. But being ONLY with like-minded people is like tossing seeds around in the seedbag.

We have to be ready to hear views that oppose our own without offering judgment unless it is asked for. We must be ready to genuinely consider those views and put our own prejudices aside. We must learn to think about it from the other person's point-of-view. We must learn to not blindly oppose on principle but to listen, consider and and give honest feedback based on rational consideration.

Why must we do this? Because this is what we must ask of others.

Protest is one way of communication and it certainly has its place but strength of public opinion forces change, not strength of protest. Your protest should be aimed at changing public opinion rather than trying to make those in control quake in their boots. The public have to like you.

We can get the message across by shouting our outrage but people tend to feel threatened by this. If you feel under attack with words, the best defense is to stop listening.

I think the most effective form of communication is being able to discuss it amicably with someone totally opposed to your views. You want them to take your views on board? Take THEIR views on board.

We also need to remember that the objective of argument is to arrive at the best conclusion. This may require you to let go of some bias or prejudice you hold dear and adjust your own views. Nobody actually wins an argument because winning is not the objective. The objective is to present views that the other party may wish to consider and to consider views that the other party may present. The ideal outcome is when both parties adjust their views as a result. This is when an argument is won.

We also need to learn to let the subject emerge naturally. If you live and act in accordance with your views, this will be apparent. If you never talk about your views voluntarily, people will eventually ask. The thing is that, when they ask, they listen to the answer. If you tell them your views without being asked, it comes over as preaching and invites opposition rather than consideration.

This will all take the time it will take and we must accept that

You ARE alredy LIVING the change.BLESS.
Stay in the NOW.LOVE and LIVE an enlightened life ..share the love like you do..
Enghouh people living this way will share the BEINGNESS WITH they already are and will find many many creative sustainable NEW ways to collaborate .

ACCEPTING..seems a big problem in this world.
So much is done already and so much awareness is being poored to us from everywhere..
I like to be around accepting fun loving and truthful people.So does kids those who are them self's..

Have you noticed..relaxed and free people..Kids love them
..I decided to make/live- soulsolutions in my life that IS one BE.

Thank 's for sharing it is wonderful to meet people that are courageous to live their vision.Blessings.
Joy to your life.Freedom to choose your way of living on all levels-blessings and love.

starting with one heart-your the next one..
one step on to the other...keep going..pure existence is sustainable and the fountain never sees to create..anew.

The source and flow...of life..when felt -true even for a short period is BLISSFUL and goes a long way..
I wish the people would feel that..and I know they would be in peace and not a- fraid.

..times I do not "feel" bliss full..I have this community to come to..BLESS!!!
..or just go to the nature..I love hugging trees..I too can feel the trees when they are cut down..
well..we do the best we can with what we have. where we are...LOL.
Rest we create...YES?

photo :Heli Aarniranta Finland
From my personal life experiences I believe that if EVERYONE did one thing-for one person-no matter how small the gesture-what a peaceful world this would be!

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