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Green Living

A group to discuss green living & healthy ways to support the ecology of the planet.

Location: Everywhere
Members: 127
Latest Activity: Aug 20, 2022

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Experiments in community...

Started by Adrian Pyle Feb 24, 2011.

A treasure beyond belief

Started by Alexander Jul 23, 2010.

A green godsend

Started by Alexander Feb 21, 2010.

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Comment by Douglas kolberg on September 6, 2009 at 11:39pm
Comment by Douglas kolberg on July 21, 2009 at 11:54pm
green events can change the world
Hello- I am not a writer but wanted to share this- I recently received an email from a 15 year old in the low-income housing projects of the Mission Sf. He thanked me for bringing our Eco Green Village to SF Carnival [zona verde] and commented on how’ cool it was to see solar panels in action’ [powering our stage]. He liked the’ guy growing those mushrooms’ and even went on to say that the lecture on wind power was ’ tight.’ ‘Even the old dude telling stories was alright “[Native American story teller]

At his request I sent him an outline on how to create an event. He and his friends put together a green event at their school as his final project and had demos of permaculture, mini solar rockets, recycling and composting demos and actually created a bio diesel low rider car.

The festival has historically been a place of learning and creative expression. From the modern day rock concert and cultural festivals, to the gatherings of our alders and the international bazaar, this platform has brought together a plethora of musicians, crafters, political activist and healers, all coming together to speak from their heart.

I have been involved in festival production most of my adult life and have notice a welcomed shift in consciousness towards events in the recent years. The mega concert, with its mindless partying and unconscious consumerism is giving way to a new model based on education, healing mother earth, positive music and oneness. [Much like the past]
Outside of the cause driven concerts, the strongest illustration in this shift has come from the Green Revolution. More and more festivals are bringing a green element to their events, concerts, festivals and street fairs, creating a platform to educate people on pressing environmental issues and creative solutions. The beauty of a green event is that it goes beyond race, religion and demographic and ultimate leads people to a place were we see our connection to the earth, our bodies, and a sustainable future based on peace.
As you all know the green movement has less to do with that cool hemp tee shirt and slogans like ‘green is sexy’ and more to do with social justice, healing ourselves as one people on one planet and creating a sustainable future for future generations. I welcome you to join us in support of green events and to help encourage peace, harmony, and sustainability. Green events can change the world!

Green zone productions is happy to announce that we will be creating a huge eco village as part of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock West –West Fest – we will bring together the best of fair trade eco fashion, green home and garden, green building, perm a-culture, alternative vehichal show case, solar demos, organic food, holistic health, green kid zone, eco green speakers and everything green fun and sustainable- 80,000 expected at this event
Contact Douglas aka eco monk for more info – – PS – our friend from carnival is now on staff [in charge of the green kid zone]
Sponsors, vendors and artist welcome – peace and have a groovy green day
Comment by mary rose on July 14, 2009 at 12:55pm
I am concerned when i see people talking about "cars" when i know that the car industry is highly unsustainable. The only way the auto industry was able to keep things going before was to build obsolescence into their cars so that people were drawn into purchasing new ones every year or so. Or, parts wore out which necessitated continual replacement. This created a continual "bubble" economy which has finally folded as bubbles of this type can no longer be sustained.

And, i have to ask just where the resources are going to come from in order for cars to be built. I'm wondering how many people on this list realize that the Ecological Footprint reveals that by the year 2030 it will take another full earth to supply the amount of resources we use today? What this says is that we are "ecologically bankrupt" right now today. So, please pray tell me how we ae going to build all of these new cars -- with what are they going to be built of? We are not just talking about "energy" here, we are talking about the materials themselves. Particularly when China and India are now demanding a lifestyle equal to the American one. Which, on a finite planet is virtually impossible.

Let me bring in a couple other factors here so that we can get real on issues like this. First of all, due to advances in technology it only takes about 30% of the entire worldwide laborforce to produce all the goods and services we need today to fill the needs of the 6.7 billion of us on the planet. And, as we move further into nanotechnology in order to conserve vital resources, it will ultimately take only 3 - 4 % of the worldwide labor force. So, please tell me how we are to have enough employed people to enable sufficient purchase of cars, let alone other items, in order to keep the economy moving?

There is more shocking news in this regard, but i'll save it for the next time when more people have been able to read and obtain valid information on the situation and come to the table ready to look at reality.

The information provided here came from Jeremy Rifkin's "End of Work" published in 1997 and the 30% of laborforce figure came from that date -- it is much less now. For an up-to-date look may i suggest Thomas Friedman's "Hot, Flat, and Crowded" published just last year and which includes information coming out of China and India on resource depletion.

The tagline for Hot, Flat and Crowded, reads: "Why We Need a Green Revolution and How We Can Renew America". But from where i sit it is not just about "renewing America" it is about creating a new world -- one that is able to live within its means, and without "bubble economies".
Comment by Ron Alexander on July 14, 2009 at 10:33am
I am glad to see GM come out of bankruptcy with a committment to "Greener" autos. Hope that includes affordable diesels that can perform as well as a Jetta TDI - the surprising "green car of the year - 2009!"
Comment by Marinspin on June 30, 2009 at 5:04pm
I saw a Ford dealership here today and am shocked when I do see an occasional Ford on the road here.
Comment by Ron Alexander on June 28, 2009 at 4:40pm
General Motors and Chrysler have failed because they specialized in the big gas guzzlers. They were too little and too late with gas-savers. Toyoto has had a hybrid since 2003. However, the most popular engine in Europe is a diesel, which is the green car of the year here (shockingly) over the hybrid this year - the VW Jetta. Still, GM and Chrysler are not realizing their mistake, as I have heard no plans to manufacture affordable diesel sedans from them.
Comment by Marinspin on June 28, 2009 at 2:22pm
How come so many of the smaller cars they have in Europe are not imported and sold in the USA? The cars in Europe make the ones in the USA look huge.
Comment by Douglas kolberg on June 22, 2009 at 9:18pm
sorry- have to go - will wright something when I get back about how Green Events can change the world
stay tuned for West Fest the 40th anniversary of Woodstock West
and the largest ECO GREEN Village the city has ever seen !
Comment by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi on June 14, 2009 at 3:00pm

Comment by Ron Alexander on June 8, 2009 at 10:06am
You are welcome, Amy. If you can afford one, I say take a test drive - they perform like high quality sport cars. I am hoping they will give me a great deal on a 2003 TDI Jetta at the same dealership, which I will use to run with biodiesel, so I can "drive my talk." blessings, Ron

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