Architects of a New Dawn

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Spiritual Places Around the World


Spiritual Places Around the World

Here's a group for anyone interested in spiritual sites, sacred places and places of power all over the world (and from any spiritual background or tradition).

Members: 49
Latest Activity: May 1, 2018

Discussion Forum

Where's the place you've always wanted to visit? 25 Replies

Started by Greg Roach. Last reply by Infinity09 Mar 2, 2014.

See the dolmens for guidance and inspiration!

Started by Yuri Smirnov Nov 6, 2013.

What place or experience was the most shocking to you? 3 Replies

Started by Greg Roach. Last reply by Debra Rincon Lopez Sep 5, 2012.

Spirit of Place

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Comment by Yuri Smirnov on January 4, 2016 at 10:37pm

In the beginning of the year 2016, I've prepared a pleasant surprise for you, a new website, actually a portal to Vedic Russia full of inspiring information and breathtaking pictures and videos. Please see it, comment it, and share it with friends!

Comment by Yuri Smirnov on November 6, 2013 at 11:47pm

My dear friends!

Come and join us on Dolmen Pilgrimage in the year 2014! Visit the Keepers for guidance and inspiration - April, May or September are on your choice!  For details and tour itinerary please visit
More dolmen pictures and feedback from the recent tour here:
Please note, the number of spaces is limited as we accept no more than 9-10 participants in each group - small groups are always better because everyone gets our personal attention. So please book your space earlier :)

Please feel free to ask me any questions.

My best wishes,
Yuri Smirnov,
SOL Magazine publisher
Dolmen tours,

Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 27, 2010 at 5:49am
Music is looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of the people. The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song or the rhythmic movement of the body. From immemorial times the inspiring affects that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.
The ancient kings made music in order to honor merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity inviting their ancestors to be present. In the Temple folks drew near to God with music and pantomimes. The Ancestors were invited to these divine rituals as guests of the ruler of heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions. This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in revering his ancestors with solemn moments of spiritual inspiration established the bond between God and man. Our first Earthdance and Theater.
Comment by Greg Roach on December 5, 2009 at 6:55pm
Here's a google "street view" tour of Stonehenge:
Comment by Ron Alexander on November 17, 2009 at 10:58am
Hi Joni, well, I was there for that weekend, but travel there several times a year. Interestingly, when I was a sailing capt. I had regular students come sail with me from the beautiful little Blue Ridge town of Saluda, N.C. lot of Florida people have their second homes there or move there like Violette.
Here is another story about these wonderful mountains sent to me by a friend:
first allow me to tell you of my experience on the blue ridge in asheville a few months back.
while visiting a friend their for a weekend she took me to one her favorite outlooks. just to the left of the outlook was a small patch of forest. she encouraged me to take a walk into the forest. i asked if she was coming along with me. she said, "no you go yourself," it's a very peacefule place and i want you to experience it on your own. my friend who is wise and very intuitive knew what she was doing.

being the true beach person that i am did not pack, nor do i own a pair of hiking boots, so on sandaled foot i ventured into the forest. i walked a narrow path and soon spotted a flat rock unearthed and waiting for me. i sat upon the rock and gazed out in front of me. the trees and vines, the beauty of the earth mother. my eyes fell to the ground and there i saw a plastic grocery bag and then a plastic cigar tip. i glanced up and said to earth mother, "how very sad this must make you that my brothers care so little and do not appreciate all that you provide us with. how you nurture not only our bodies but our spirits." within seconds of uttering these words, a drop of water dropped from a small branch. i knew that instant is was the earth mother confirming to me the great sadness from our human greed, glutney, and lack of consideration for all living things. i apologized to her on behalf of my brothers that care so little for her.

i left the little forest area feeling loved yet with remenants of sadness...
Comment by Ron Alexander on November 16, 2009 at 11:14am
New Spiritual Mecca
"Asheville and surrounding area is the new mecca of spiritual energy. That people are being drawn from all over to Ashville and nearby areas without knowing why.

I know I had been drawn to this area since the 80's and finally was able to escape the darker energy of Miami to move in ''91. Have made multiple moves away yet am always drawn back here. As you know these mountains are the most ancient on the planet and my personal experience is that they embrace with a wisdom and nurturing that I have not experienced anywhere else." Violette Ruffley

Last weekend I was in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in N. C.
I had a wonderful healing reunion with family - especially with Aunt and nephew. She is his great aunt, and has been rescuing him from trouble for a few months now. She really appreciated me taking him to Asheville for a Science of Meditation Seminar by Dr. Paul Fleischman. I don't know how much he enjoyed the lecture and the Dhamma Brothers Video, but he really enjoyed the beautiful day on the Blue Ridge Parkway and in the N. C. Botanical gardens.
A few days later, I received some good news from Barry (recovering from addiction, alcoholic problems), as I sent him the Unity Prayer of Protection along with his photo I took of him in the mountains. This photo was interesting as the setting sun, already behind the trees, burst forth and washed Barry with its light, as I took the photo. I remind him often that I will always see the Light in him, no matter what.
Barry enjoyed his photo and this Unity Prayer of Protection caption, and asked me to send it to him on his facebook "wall" so he could share it. A close up looks a lot better as you can see a rainbow of sunrays enveloping Barry. Someone said it looked like diaphanous "angel wings."

The light of God surrounds me;
The love of God enfolds me;
The power of God protects me;
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is.

Ron, great photo! There are many orbs of light beings throughout the picture in addition to angels wings. Truly a blessing of the protection, peace and love of Spirit.
JoAnna Adams

In addition, after dropping Barry off, I drove up an old two hwy. (80) from near Marion to try to find 'Carolina Dreams" - a meditation "furniture" establishment. I never found it but that on that "Lake Tahoma" drive, I felt very serene and secure, even though it was mostly deserted. It was a peaceful sacred feeling from just being in that upward twisting drive with beatiful lake, then mountain rocky creek beside road.

Comment by Greg Roach on November 3, 2009 at 1:46pm
Please join me at the Theosophical Society of Seattle this Sunday afternoon for a new talk on travel and spirituality called "The Secret Alchemy of Travel."
Comment by Gavin Tonks on October 13, 2009 at 12:23pm
Thanks for your link too
How is the shadow going up and down the stone on the equinox
i mean just think of the effort needed to move 2 rocks and then to align them
Comment by Greg Roach on October 13, 2009 at 12:08pm
Thanks for the link Gavin. Much appreciated. I was unaware of this site - but it brings to mind the discoveries relating to neolithic astronomical sites in France:

Thanks again for sharing this.
Comment by Gavin Tonks on October 13, 2009 at 7:16am
A South african has just discovered these amazing neolithic stones, called Adams callender

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