Richard Lukens


North San Juan, CA

United States

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What instrument does Carlos Santana play

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  • Rita Ramirez

    Thank You ! I am happy to be a member of this beautiful conciousness. I feel it is vital, especially in these times, to have self realization and act on it. I know we are all here for one purpose, which is to help others Each one of us has a unique gift that will help make this life here on Earth more positive and loving.  Our job is to find what our gift is to humankind and act on it.  This is true realization and success in this realm.
  • Debbie Boyland

    hi there, thank you for the welcome, my nephew lives in christchurch and he and his family are well, im in the north island so im a long way from the devastation, very lucky. the power of our mother earth is incredible. new zealanders are a resilient people and we have many friends all over the world helping us at this unfortunate time, so we look for the blessings in all we can, and carry on with life. there are many miracles happening around us.  Debbie
  • Astrid Fitzgerald

    I didn't find this site. It found me via ether or cyberspace. I just uploaded images of some of my paintings.
  • Astrid Fitzgerald

    Thank you, Richard Lukens, for featuring my art work. I'm honored to be part of this wonderful community. Besides being a painter, I'm also a long-time student of the Perennial Philosophy, and the author of three books - my latestet a novel for young adults as well as people of any age, entitled WINTER BREAK: A Luminous Journey into Wisdom and Love. I would like to post an excerpt if that's possible on this site.
  • Richard G Geldard

    Dear Richard;
    My wife, Astrid Fitzgerald, whose work is featured on your site, invited me. I am a writer/lecturer/teacher, the author of ten books. My web site is I am also a blogger for the Huffington Post and I am on the faculty of the University of Philosophical Research, where I teach philosophy and consciousness studies. On the lighter side, I used to go to Fillmore West back in 68-69 to listen to Santana and loved the jazz fusion he offered then.
  • Andrea Frasé


  • Andrea Frasé

    Thank  you Rick.


    It's always nice to feel welcomed. I will do my best to participate in ways that will help others align more fully with the gift they already really are.  I'm not the greatest at navigating the computer or typing, but every day I get better, I'm just slower with the process.

  • Rex Downham

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I find myself in a world gone haywire, in a world where warm welcomes are few. It's important to note that I love people, and care very, very deeply about all of mankind. This is not a popular belief system in the world I find myself in.

    I am somewhat handicapped, having a body that has been treated badly, and one that has suffered tragedy. I have experienced a miraculous rebirth over the past year though. It started with a hospital stay that I was not expected to survive. I made a decision to ask God for a helping hand after returning to my home. I decided to put all of my eggs in one basket. This is something I had never done. I have always been too wise and resourceful to do that.

    The fact is: I stopped taking the 300 mg of morphine each day. An 18 year habit is tough to break by yourself. I had no difficulty. Unlike other morphine withdrawls I had experienced, this time it was pain free.

    I started with Radiohead. I sang until I could no longer make a sound. I started playing keyboards again, and I went for 6 months on only one hour of sleep each day. My doctor and life-counselor, he witnessed all of this. I reported to him anywhere from 3 to 5 times per week. He observed that I was alert, in good spirits, relatively pain free and 'ascended'.

    During this time, I dropped 114 lbs. I lost 10 inches off my waist. I gave up the 20+ drugs I had been force fed by the insurance industry. I experienced something very, very special. I won't bore anyone further with details, but suffice to say, this previously misdiagnosed 'bipolar' is convinced he may be a savant instead. Or a prophet.

    I'm looking forward to more testing. Even if I am wrong, and I hope to be most of the time, because this is where the learning begins; it will be interesting to look at the data I have assembled. It will be interesting to discuss this. Peace out. Love you.

  • Tom Kowalsky

    Yep my videos from footage to music to editing.
  • I've Lost

    Thanks for the welcome. And yes, all my own work!
  • Rex Downham

    Hi Richard. I wanted you and everyone else know that I may be unavailable for the time being. This is surely where I want to be, but many technical details are preventing me from communicating. I hope to return here and do good works. In the meantime; my good works will be local.


    All my best to all!


    Rex Downham

  • Susan Dirks

    HI, Richard, thanks for the warm welcome, yes, Iowa is pretty interesting this time of year.  Today it's frosty, tomorrow will feel like true spring.

    I signed on to Architects at the suggestion of one of Carlos' fan mail monitors.  I will be posting music from my son's band, Mad Monks, amazing original prog rock style music with a message.  Too busy at work to get to the upload, maybe this weekend. 

    Again, it's wonderful to have a welcome from you!  I see your good works, keep it up! 

    Susan Dirks

  • Blanche Toney

    Thank you Rick, glad to be here. I'll have more pictures soon. I'm having my Ribbon Cutting event on April 5th, so we'll have some great pic after that.




  • Val Oliver

    Hello, Rick! Awesome to be here. I sent you a message about a special project. Do respond if you'd like to be in the loop as things develop. Namaste!
  • shane hitchens

    yes thanks for that rick i reaaly appreciate it  and im  really  looking forward to seeing santana in brisbane next week all the best shane hitchens
  • xrstina

    It's Christina, but that's so boring! so Xrstina is what I use for a screen name.  I do photography and I blog. (Political, music, social commentary). I am interested in breaking down barriers between people,  consciousness, peace and zeitgeist.
  • steven

    hi rick.

    thank you for your comment.

    its nice to be here.

  • Rebecca Rodriguez

    Thank you! I am delighted to be participating more fulling in the "new dawn". It's definitely happening. What this community is doing is vastly important for the eartht and for the whole human race (as we now know it). All things change.
  • Dawn Clarke

    Thank you for the greeting - I feel blessed to be part of this push for the Way Of Love, one people, one earth - for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.......I loo forward to connecting with everyone here :)
  • Adam Smith

    I just joined and checking things out. I live in the Philadelphia PA area. Are there any local contacts or events?
  • Sharon Slayton

    Thanks!  I appreciate the welcome!  Tim Eaton said to say hello to you!  Nice to meet you! 
  • Elizabeth

    thanks Richard! I was delighted to find this space.  Music has been a major force through out my life, and now inter dimensional photography has captured my interest.  Early signposts of the new dawn!



  • traci amos

    thank you :-) it is a very beautiful place to be!


  • Dawn Sears

    Thanks Rick...I'm glad to be connected, and in sync with the positive energies of our world. Much love and happiness! Cheers to Life!
  • Elizabeth Bradley

    Hi Rick, thank you for your warm welcome....much love and light xxx
  • dearangeline

    Thank you for your welcome message.


  • dearangeline

    Nice question Richard,

    My life is inspired at waking, (especially to the Sun at dawn) and is always followed by gratitudes; with colour and sound life is in everything and becomes a like, 'a breath of fresh air', a symphony complimenting my belief, "we must be good to our fellow man"


    I also find inspiration in progress, building, scheduling and directing the energy of entrepreneurs interested healthful products, nutrition & global business. 

    (i.e. new trademarked healthful compound, increases nutrients, absorption & oxygen uptake albeit is distributed privately) Adieu.....msg. to me anytime


    Thank you Carlos Santana, for your webpresence is splendid; and you Richard for your message.

  • Linda Penner

      Thank you very much Rick for the warm welcoming. This is a beautiful site indeed and I absolutely love it.


    Linda Penner

  • Vanessa Nova

    Hi Richard!  Thanks for the add!  My band is releasing a single called "Be the Change" this Friday for Earth Day and all benefits are going to the Golden Pyramid of Peace project in Japan for the relief efforts there.  I am new to the site but have known about the project for some time.  Is there any way I can get my music and videos posted on the Music channel here?  Thanks so much for your good work and peace be with you! 
  • Beverly Kane

    Hi Richard,

           Found your website address on  I'm interested in crystals and stones and their use in healing.  I am a networker in my area, so when I find something that other healers would be interested in, I forward it to them. We have a group that meets monthly so I'm sure there will be many things of interest.  Peace!

  • Beverly Kane


        Want to clarify my last comment.    I got the address from a friend who thought it was WOW!


    Rick, thank you very much for the welcoming.  I really appreciate it.  Yes i will post some info on myself shortly.  Your site looks really interesting.

    Thank you


  • Sande Elsand

    i have founded you through face book , i think we share same believe
  • Marybeth

    a friend forwarded a link.
  • Yaniyah Ravenwood

    Hi Richard

    Thanks for the warm welcoming, Richard. I am just getting acquainted. this is very exciting.

  • Michael Bowen

    Thanks for the comment Richard.  Have a Happy Easter!!!!!!!!



  • Breezeluvr

    Hi Richard....Thanks for putting this site together.  I, as most, love Carlos too.  I was drawn to him at age at 55, and especially after listening to his intro on this site, I realize why I was so drawn to him all my life.  So many wonderful people here all coming together.  This is GREAT.  I watched the video you posted - Redemption Song, Playing for Change.  Beautiful.  I forwarded that out to people in my address book.  Thank you for being you.  Many Blessings to You.
  • craig de gouveia

    hi richard! thanks for connecting. this looks like an amazing community. yes i know vanessa from cape town, we are involved in many projects together. check out our music at - it's all about bringing a new paradigm of peace, joy, and positivity to earth!
  • Stevanne Auerbach, PhD

    Rick the space on and off line is inspiring. Sorry its taken me so long to get here. Looking forward to connecting soon again and more networking. Thanks for all that you and your team have done to create a wonderful opportunity for all participants.
  • Jennifer Dell


    I heard that carlos was going to be in the San luis obispo area here on the central coast of california.

    do you have any information regarding this, like when and where?

    Thank you.

    Onward and upward

  • Acollectivemind Fletcher

    now that's funny cause it's true
  • Maria Celeste Garcia

    Thank you, Rick.  :)
  • Spinsmagic

    actually, I wanted to use my medicine name of Spinsmagic on my page and thought i was updating info not adding another page.  So please delete the Felicia one...thanks
  • Gail Muldrow

    Thank you so much. We can do miracles everyday. Together we are the miracle.

  • Fred J. Keyser

    Hello Brother and Sisters; I'm a new member; just met Rick..I'm excited to keep finding Us coming together at this time...from coast to coast...seemingly readying to implement our Heart in this world.      My part of that Grand Mosaic is a body of knowledge called "LovingCommunication"©.
    LovingCommunication is a set of places to think from.....and places to speak from - which result in the disappearance of human upsets, misunderstandings and arguments.  It works each and every time and allows the couple to re experience the original Love and to continually go deeper in togetherness ("we-ness" - which by the way, seems to be Life's true purpose for us being in relationships)....
    The LC© principles first appeared as mathematical formulae in the mid 1980's.  They are the actual moving dynamics governing human communication.  When you use these natural laws, you can easily navigate in emotional "rough seas"; you can repair precious relationships and deepen the love everywhere in your life.
               Suddenly you clearly understand what occurred in past relationship situations and why it happened and what was "trying" to happen.......and also what you could have done had you had these understandings.
    And here's the site:
  • Markus

    Greetings :o) all is well so far beside some sad things that nobody can change currently ... thats normal :o)
  • carol hill

    Thank you Rick
  • Eva Lindberg

    Hi Richard,

    Nice to be in touch again. Your website is great!!

    I guess my initial profile needs to be redone, so I will add the latest updates. Love to share with you a new website we have been working

    It's a great music transmission piece! Hypnotic Oriental Chants & Prayers and Remedy for the Whole World. If you want, listen to the healing music, & please share it. Free demo and if you want to down load it, go to CD Baby!

    Blessings, Eva from TLC ~ Tulip Love Community ~

  • Eva Lindberg

    PS...On the Homepage there is a nice flash feature,

    PLAY with the Water as you hear the Music!