Creating Abundance NOW!…
Added by Dawn Solomon on February 21, 2010 at 6:09pm —
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is much appreciated:)
Added by Jennifer Shafer on February 21, 2010 at 5:58pm —
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SPOOFING the Hudson River Landing in NY ...this is hilarious! Enjoy and SHARE SHARE SHARE with all your friends! Kevin =)
Added by Kevin WIlliams on February 21, 2010 at 12:33pm —
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As far as in Italy compact portable Cd players are being retired from the market.
This induce people to download music on USB devices for free.
All my extensive collection of Santana and other remarkable musicians have to be played on the computer so that it's impossible dancing while listening to it or listen to it in a lonely isolated place.
Love should lead us thinking that expanding is the right choice. For a lot of consideration humanity has to know a contraction of…
Added by Lorenzo Abbiati on February 21, 2010 at 8:48am —
1 Comment
Open your Heart
Open your Heart to the Blessed
Miracle of God’s Love
Which is here with You
In this Sacred Moment
If you Just Believe
Believe in the Good
In Each and Every Soul
Believe in the Possibilities
So Love may Grow
We are Children of The Light
And When we open our Hearts
With the innocence of a Child
The Love that we have
Waiting in Our Soul Comes into our Being
To Become that Presence of…
Added by cindy paulos on February 21, 2010 at 8:47am —
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Goals and desired outcomes seem to come in two flavors: the ones easier to achieve and the ones we struggle with. There’s a word you can apply to both that can shift the quality of your experiences and take some of the “charge” out of struggle.
Goals and desired outcomes—personal and professional—are imbued with an aspect we are, hopefully, aware of but sometimes aren’t. That aspect is our Why—why we want or feel motivated or inspired about what we say we desire to experience. Your…
Added by Joyce Shafer on February 21, 2010 at 5:39am —
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The Miracle of Life
As the Lotus Blossoms
To the Sun
To reveal its beauty
So the Souls Light
Graces the Being
Opening the Heart to Love
And Enlightening the Mind
We are Miracles of Creation
Unfolding with the Grace of God
Blessed with Gifts from Spirit
Becoming the Flowers
In the Garden of Heaven
See the Beauty of Who you Are
Breath in the Fragrance of Heaven
And Blossom to the Light
With Reverence…
Added by cindy paulos on February 20, 2010 at 7:40am —
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The Presence within the Presence
The Presence within the Presence
Is called upon
To be Held without Holding
By Just Being
Without knowing
Just Being
With Presence
For the Presence is Beyond the Mind
Recognized by Spirit
And transforming Form
The Presence calls the Holy Spirit Home
And is alive by being the Presence
The Answer to Our questions
The greater Formless Force
Which Speaks throughout…
Added by cindy paulos on February 19, 2010 at 8:24am —
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I am a scientist-artist with websites at and Dr. Bruce Lipton has said of my work: "You write for the New Culture and I hope your works are globally disseminated." One of those work--"Lifting the Earth--A Groundcrew Guidebook to Uplifting Earth"--is available as a free read at…
Added by Theodore Dana Hall on February 19, 2010 at 8:00am —
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As many of us are doing, I have been searching and thinking about where we are in the evolution of humanity. And more importantly, where we are going.
In this quest, I often get upset and concerned about what
is going and all the negativity that those events represent for me. It is refreshing to read about the truth and how, no matter what it is, we are on course to a new world.
Check out
what Fred Burke has to… Continue
Added by Bob Ballard on February 18, 2010 at 8:43pm —
1 Comment
Look, everyone knows I love Santana's music and have been inspired by it for over four decades, but I'm getting bored and tired by the way Carlos is borrowing quotes from here and there including religious titbits and anecdotes to support his lofty position in the musical and media community.
The preaching to audiences is a little condescending and the selective name dropping of his heroes is becoming old!
Claiming to support fronteer issues as peace and love has been unravelled by his…
Added by JEFF MAKOR on February 18, 2010 at 9:35am —
The Presence of Humanity
The Lights Presence is Alive
Throughout the Whole of Humanity
Each Flame burning Bright
Through the Darkest night
Alive within the Spirit to be free
Come to meet the Masters
Before the Break of Dawn
Their Souls are dedicated so all can be as One
You can hold the Truth
In your very Soul
The Presence there is waiting
Let it take control
Bring your Sacred Presence
To the light of…
Added by cindy paulos on February 18, 2010 at 8:36am —
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Dear Architects,
....for multiple information and inspiration concerning awareness,healing initiatives and much more it is deeply recommended to visit one love dp
Added by The Dreaming People on February 17, 2010 at 5:21pm —
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"You sit here for days saying, 'This is strange business.'
You're the strange business. You have the energy of the sun
in you, but you keep knotting it up at the base of your spine.
You're some weird kind of gold that wants to stay melted in
the furnace, so you won't have to become coins."
~ Rumi
The Olympics are all about prowess and prizes. And while it's exhilarating to watch athletes who have trained for years achieve…
Added by Amara Rose on February 17, 2010 at 10:00am —
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The Source of Being
The Abundant Source f All elements
Is Alive in your Soul
As you Accept the possibilities
Of all that you are,
You receive the Rainbow rays of Light
That are alive in your soul
Sacred Awakenings are opening to this presence
As they find a home in your acceptance
All of the Universe is Reflected
In the Radiance of this Holy Moment
As you fulfill your purpose
In Being here Now
Added by cindy paulos on February 17, 2010 at 8:26am —
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Because many of you reading this newsletter are professionals in the Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) field, professionals who utilize ADR and/or people who have a personal interest in mediation, it becomes habitual to think of mediation as a process by which a trained professional sits down with two disputing parties,…
Added by Alec Wisner on February 16, 2010 at 6:30pm —
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Creating Abundance NOW!…
Added by Dawn Solomon on February 16, 2010 at 2:16pm —
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The Living Presence
See the Living Presence
In all of Life Creations
The pure Essence of Being is alive in You
And as you Receive
This Pure Spirit into your Heart and Mind
You discover the Energy
That connects all souls
As you Share the Presence
And Allow others to see it revealed
In their Beings
The Pure Light of this Love is Exchanged
Revealed in the Vibration
Of the Essence of the Soul
Breath in the…
Added by cindy paulos on February 16, 2010 at 8:02am —
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A single rose, its petals a bit brighter,
Its color a bit more beautiful
It stood out from the other nine
In a bouquet of ten
Somehow I knew this single rose
Had more meaning in its worth
Its design was quite eloquent
As it beckoned all that could see
Its clever disguise
At dinner on Thanksgiving
It beguiled me with its fancy lure
Somehow I understood this rose
In its valor
It called out to…
Added by CarolAnnB on February 16, 2010 at 5:01am —
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Building on the success of the first ever “
UN PEACE DAY GLOBAL INTERNET BROADCAST” in 2009, which saw more than 2 million viewers, we are proud to announce the PEACE DAY 2010 event. Let us know if you'd like to participate, read the pdf attached to this page for complete contact, sponsorship, or participation details.

Established by U.N. resolution in 1982, "Peace…
Added by Peace Portal on February 15, 2010 at 2:28pm —
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