We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Rahu Lüli, the teenage monk from Kõrgus, is once again the central character of the weekly instalment of the Threshold Bookcast.
This time, we find the novice reminiscing as he explores unknown territory uphill, following a hunch that has occurred to him prior to the morning…
ContinueAdded by Christopher Stewart on May 18, 2012 at 4:26pm — No Comments
Only Humans can
As we race through this life we are fed,
By the passion and the dream,
And the chance of being able to achieve all of our wildest schemes.
And with each breath we are reminded of how precious this life is.
And the mysteries we encounter as we learn how here to live.
For here on this precious planet we live as God and Man,
We learn how to be humans so we may find a way to be all we can.
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on May 18, 2012 at 9:26am — No Comments
Learn more about Cisco’s CSR focus on children’s healthcare by downloading our white paper.…
Added by Jessi Copeland on May 16, 2012 at 7:24pm — No Comments
Denise Morrison, President and CEO, Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB) today announced that Campbell will donate one million pounds of food to Feeding America to recognize the efforts of the 210,000 members of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) who will help Stamp Out Hunger across America on Saturday, May 12.
The donation announcement was made at the conclusion of a Stamp Out Hunger food drive ceremony at Campbell’s World Headquarters…
ContinueAdded by Jessi Copeland on May 16, 2012 at 7:19pm — No Comments
Let me take this moment to introduce myself. Although you have the opportunity go to ombassa.com to see what I share, I am feeling to share in this sacred space with you about what has been closest to my heart in assisting to craft a "new dawn".
I've dedicated my life to assisting others to living a healthy lifestyle through events, consultations, books CDs, whatever I could create to do so.
Last summer, the Creator put in my heart to resuscitate a movement called…
Added by Ombassa Sophera on May 16, 2012 at 9:44am — No Comments
The Light of the Creator is seen within the form that’s ageless,
And in the light, Love is Born,
And the gift of being is reborn..
So creation becomes a learning tool,
And the creator our teacher and harmlessness our rule.
The subjective and objective path is found
And our point of Comprehension learned
As co-creators with God we learn to be
And learning love is…
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on May 16, 2012 at 9:43am — No Comments
The Hard lessons are the ones that let us deal with all that we have
In our lives that create our legacy.
Not how we escape from our lives but how we embrace and amplify our lives.
And from that gift of caring how we make a foundation of being
That we can build upon.
And from that foundation from which we can live and be we look at the loving of the life we have dreamed and created.
And how that life can be a living…
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on May 15, 2012 at 9:57am — No Comments
Happy Mother’s Day !!! The most powerful bond is a mother and her child. A mother is unconditional in her love for her children. Without the wonderful mother’s in this world caring for their children, where would our planet be? Where would you be? How many people would not have become the success they are without their moms? Think of all that your mother, grandmothers, aunts and other special “mothers” have done for you. What a blessing they are and what an incredible contribution they make.…
ContinueAdded by Izabella Malenka on May 13, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments
Love at the Heart of it all
We honor the Mother
And the giving, nurturing, nature of unconditional Love,
A love that gives life and the spirit of caring
that is carried in the Heart of Love.
For in the heart of this love is the seeing of the soul,
And the good that we all carry there.
And in seeing that good we see the God within the other,
And so feed the potential of that good in the other.
And in feeding that…
ContinueAdded by cindy paulos on May 13, 2012 at 10:45am — No Comments
Added by jb on May 12, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments
The twelfth chapter of « 2206 : Window Onto A New World » features Aaren Mayr, the Treasurer of the Alliance of Sovereign Nations.
Flying back to Milagenia, the secessionist reflects on how his official functions have increased the frequency of his…
ContinueAdded by Christopher Stewart on May 11, 2012 at 2:42pm — No Comments
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