In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This landmark treaty, now ratified by all but two countries on earth, spells out the rights of all children … to health, to education, to an adequate standard of living, to leisure and play, to protection from exploitation, to express their own opinions … and many more. All children have these…
I was looking out over the hills behind where I live yesterday and saw a hue of purple heather and golden harvested fields and something went "click" inside of me.
The royal status of purple and gold at harvest time. The alchemy of soul/spirit fusing with matter.
We are at the opportune (portal of unity) place of realising our True Selves at last.
The grand shift which we have long felt coming is upon us now. The winds of change…Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on September 6, 2009 at 5:22am —
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And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on September 5, 2009 at 10:27am —
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Take time to get out in nature, the most visible God source you have. Get quiet and listen. You are the trees, the mountains, and the stardust. You are all these and more......
" Thou art a second world in miniature, the sun and moon are within thee, and also the stars" Origen ( 185-254)
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on September 4, 2009 at 10:18am —
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"Peace is one of humanity's most precious needs. It is also the United Nations' highest calling."
-U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon."
This year marks the first time the United Nations International Day Of Peace will be celebrated with a coordinated 24 Hour Global Broadcast of Video content, the main delivery medium is of course, the Internet.
"Silence is a virtue."
Let this be a gift that you give your self today. Get into a comfortable postion, close your eyes and let your mind settle down. Get behind the mind stream. This is where the real power can be found. It is found in the silence of the vastness that lies within.
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on September 3, 2009 at 2:15pm —
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The Story Of Life By Story Waters - Please note this is an advanced recording and is unlikely to make much sense to people not familar with multi-dimensional or metaphysical…Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on September 3, 2009 at 1:11pm —
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If a rabbit shows up it means:
This is a very creative time for you, so its important to quickly take advantage of any oppurtunity that comes your way unexpectedly.
Be extra vigilant for the next couple of days, and and if anything threatening shows up, leave as quickly as possible.
Try a vegetarian diet for the next few days and pay attention to how you feel.
Rather than steady, step-by-step progress, you'll…Continue
Hi friends,
Just saw The Cove. It's an amazing film.
The publicity generated - via the media; via Broome, Australia, breaking off its sister city link with Taiji, Japan, over the slaughter of dolphins; and especially via the net - seems to have worked, at least in the short run.
There was no reports of dolphin slaughter in Taiji on 1st Sept, the "traditional" start to the killing season. And, thus far, it seems to be holding.
This is an amazing result!
You can sign the… Continue
Added by Harsha Prabhu on September 3, 2009 at 8:52am —
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Added by ROB STEVENS on September 3, 2009 at 2:36am —
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The summer of 1967 was one of the most vocal and radical in the history of America. Nationally, we were embroiled in political scandals, racial injustice - and a horrible war in Vietnam.
The country was firmly divided into two separate groups - Doves, who believed the war was wrong and that our military should pull out and come home, and the Hawks, who thought we should not only be fighting in Vietnam,
but maybe even take it a step farther and decimate China, who was allegedly… Continue
Added by Chuck Hinson on September 2, 2009 at 8:23pm —
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The power of the dance is universal, both in time and place. It is confined to no one nation, no period of ancient or modern history, and no strata of human culture. When combined with the sacred sound, a vibration of thought that’s realized and expressed as the “Song of Creation,” it becomes something of a paradox... an oppositional force that straightforwardly expresses its own… Continue
I posted this some time ago as a discussion but got the urge to repost it in my blog.x..
We all have the wonderful gift and personal responsibility to either accept or not; what one reads, hears, perceives, or experiences. It really is that simple, or is it?
The word discernment conveys more than the condition of understanding, because we use our discernment when there is a perception of that which may not be obvious… Continue
Added by Cindy on September 2, 2009 at 5:15pm —
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The hardest practice of forgiveness is the one we do with ourselves. I tell myself that I should have known, I should have seen it, I should have done better. But I didn't. Decisions I made in some situations were not the best ones. Sheldon Kopp wrote "All decisions are based on insufficient data". Meaning that we can only choose based on what we know at the moment, that at any time new information can come along that will give new perspective to our decision. And so we just do the best we can… Continue
Added by Charly Hill on September 2, 2009 at 3:22pm —
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You are a wonderfully divine expression of all that is good. You are the hope of the world because you carry hope in your heart. You dream of a better life for yourself and others because you know that it is possible. You have come here for this very purpose – to add your distinctive thread to the tapestry of life. As you unfold your potential and weave your story into this intricate fabric, everything becomes more beautiful.
Your personal insight and wisdom is essential in… Continue
Added by Harold W. Becker on September 2, 2009 at 10:13am —
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Have you ever considered just what an immaculate conception we each are? If not, perhaps it is time we did so, huh? For not to do so is like throwing mud in the eye of the Creator Source, yes?
So perhaps it is time to get back to our roots. To examine deeply our true origins in all their glorious depth, their onedrous magnificence, their bountious beauty.
The Architects of Atlantis
Timothy Boe, NCARB, AIA, Hon FIGP
AOAND struck a vibrant chord with me, as for many years I have felt that the true potential for Arts, Music and Media has remained largely untapped. Moved in 1996 to commit my thoughts to writing in an article titled “The Architects of Atlantis,” it seemed to draw a modest response at the time. As in nature, sometimes we have to be content to just wait for the fruit to ripen before it may… Continue
Added by Timothy Boe on September 1, 2009 at 7:07pm —
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5 Loglines of the screenplays of Elizabeth Errani Emaldi
My site web:
Logline of the screenplay
"Lhundrup Dhechen"(Great Blessing)
The experience of three friends
Exploring Kathmandu and its charming temples
In contact with mysterious
Tibetan monks and paranormal events,
In the monastery of Kopan
on the hill of the sun,… Continue
Back in the far away time of the universe,
a pearl of sensual pleasure falls between two
parentheses and closes the gate of the earthy
deceit leaving grow in my summer garden,
under the olive tree of peace, a sea
of orange flowers,
the colour of illumination.
Universal love to the beat of the heart that awakens.