Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Edel O'Mahony's Blog (893)

Daily Insights

Truly making love...

Is energy in motion

Here you let go

Of inhibitions and fear

Here you surrender

To your passion

And allow

Your are guided

By how you feel

You are present

In the very moment

All your focus

Is on the experience

This is being

In high frequency

Sex is the taking

Of energy

Making love is

The giving and receiving

Of energy

Of unconditional love

At work

The same elements of

Letting go…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 25, 2012 at 12:58am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Fear is a man made product...

There to keep you small

To keep you in control

To reign in

Your creative energy

If you fear not being wealthy

You will attract

The frequency of lack

If you fear

Letting in love

You will attract

The frequency of lack

As fear keeps you

Out of alignment

From your true energy

Where you will always


In high frequency

Where wealth flows

Where unconditional love

Knows no other…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 24, 2012 at 2:14am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Your wealth...

Directly correlates with

Your self worth

Whether it be



Or Spiritual

Low self worth

Puts you in low frequency

Puts you in resistance

To energy 

Attracting wealth


Your self worth


You allow yourself

To accept…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 23, 2012 at 12:33am — No Comments

Daily Insights

You witness...

Energy's communication

When you get out

In nature

You hear it

In the song of the ocean

You see it

In the beauty

Of the trees and animals

You feel it

In the warmth of the sun

Nature is energy

In high frequency

And in total abundance

Always lovingly

Sharing energy

With you

To raise your frequency

Be in the now in nature

You then witness

Your energetic connection

To all things

You take the…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 22, 2012 at 1:32am — No Comments

Daily Insights

When you believe...

That your life

Is uncertain

That you can't

Make ends meet

Or that it is

A never ending

Series of disasters

It WILL continue

To be so

As you are

Resonating the frequency

Of lack and fear

Abundance and flow

Resonate from

High frequency

And energy will

Only and always

Attract to you

What you resonate out

To change

The experiences and opportunities

Coming to you

You must change…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 21, 2012 at 2:29am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Your desires become real...

When you take

Your focus off

The 'How'

This is energy's job

When you intervene

You cause your own resistance

Your focus

Is in raising your frequency

In the knowing

Everything is flowing

That you are your abundance

This comes from

Being present

In every moment

Not rushing through

Your day and life

Really understanding

The uniqueness

Of every moment

Of appreciating



Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 20, 2012 at 1:54am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Living your passion...

Takes focus and courage

It takes holding strong

To being

Authentically YOU

If you let others

Change or influence

Your decision

You cannot be authentic

Only you know

What will align with

Your values and energy

In believing in

Your abundance

In trusting your


With your energy

Who is always guiding you

Through how you feel

You will know

The decisions made by you

Will always…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 19, 2012 at 2:15am — No Comments

Imagination is More Important Then Knowledge


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 18, 2012 at 2:54am — No Comments

Moving out of Scare City

It comes from an individual’s belief, as it is scientifically proven our cells take their signal from our beliefs, transmit this through the body which then determines the frequency we resonate out.  With individual beliefs coming from fear and uncertainty, it produces low frequency; multiply this…

Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 18, 2012 at 2:49am — No Comments

Removing conflict in your life

You often here people say ‘ I seem to attract trouble’ and if they understood the way energy works, they would probably be right. Any experience that comes into your life does so from the frequency you have been resonating out, now that is not to say if you had a car crash it was because you believed you were going to have a car crash! It would be the…

Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 18, 2012 at 2:47am — No Comments

There is No One Else Like YOU



You are a unique expression of energy here to live unique
 life experiences.  As energy you are never alone

you are connected to everyone and everything
 so why do you think you are…

Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 18, 2012 at 2:45am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Home lives within you...

It is not in

The external places

You travel to

The people who

Come and go

From your life

Home never leaves you

It is here you find

Unconditional love

For yourself

Here your 

Honour, respect and integrity

Wait for you

With open arms

Ego will…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 18, 2012 at 2:38am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Struggling to fit in...

Is energy's way

Of showing you

You are out of alignment

With your essence

You thrive in being

Authentically YOU

As you individually

Recognise your


You believe in

Your true ability to create

Collectively there is

Growth in

Confidence and consciousness

Here is where

Abundance to all

And for all flows

You ARE unique

You ARE energy

Know and own

Your magnificence

Then you…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 17, 2012 at 2:05am — No Comments

Daily Insights

You are not here...

To be part of the herd

To try and fit in

When you know

And feel their message

Is incongruent with you

Your are here

To be unique

To have the

Strength and courage

To move away

To trust and believe

In your energy

You know this

By how you feel

By listening to

Energy's conversation

Through your intuition

Being guided by your

Passion and vision

Focusing on your desires



Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 16, 2012 at 2:34am — No Comments

Daily Insights

There is nothing...

More important then 

Contribution and service to others

Here you live

The energy of abundance

You live from

Unconditional love

There is no belief 

In lack

There is no control

There IS 

Honour, honesty and integrity

You allow your energy 

To flow to…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 15, 2012 at 3:01am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Your power comes...

In keeping 

Your heart open

In living from

Unconditional love

It is only the ego

That tries to make

You close your heart

Through fear

As in fear you are

Furthest from

Your natural energy

And the power 

To transmute

Your desires 



Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 14, 2012 at 1:38am — No Comments

Daily Insights

It is not what you make of yourself...

That brings happiness

It is living

Your authentic life


Your true magnificence

Living by

Your values and vision

Your focus

Must be on

Your desires

On finding

The extraordinary

In your moments

By consciously creating

Your reality

Leaving others

To create their

Unique life experience

You are not here

To create a life

That fits into

The boxes of…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 13, 2012 at 1:12am — No Comments

Daily Insights

Don't feel you are limited...

To this one lifetime

You are only using

Your physical body

For your current life experience

You as energy

Are immortal

Never ending

Everything you experience

Goes back into energy

All creativity



Can be downloaded

When you join in

Energy's conversation

When you begin

Your energetic communication

Stop planning a life

Twenty years down the road

There is no…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 12, 2012 at 3:39am — No Comments

Daily Insights

You are not here...
To be accepted
By other people
What matters
Is that you
Love and accept
You are here
To live your
Unique life experience
To fulfil
Your desires and passions
To create your
Individual abundance
Where you
Then align with
The energy being
You are
Only you know
Your true worth
And the value
You bring
To this world
Is priceless.

Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 11, 2012 at 2:29am — No Comments

Daily Insights

When you give up...

The worry,

Stress and fear

You then allow

Your energy

To take the driving seat

To have the strength

And courage

To confront

Your vulnerability,

Your deepest fears

And painful memories

To acknowledge them

You then allow energy

To release the chains

That bind you,

To your ego

You are then

No longer the slave

To ego

You become

The ruler

Of your reality

You own

The conscious…


Added by Edel O'Mahony on February 10, 2012 at 3:24am — No Comments


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