Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

As part of the 100 Day countdown to the 2010 International Day of Peace observance, Peace Day Global Broadcast ( will post a two-hour preview of this years special event. The preview is broken in to 12 segments that include Human Rights, the Eight Millennium Development Goals, and the importance of Peace Day itself.

The preview includes entertainment from some of the worlds top artists, celebrities such as George Clooney and Matt Damon, interspersed with educational pieces from broadcast participants that include UNICEF, Action Against Hunger, Peace One Day, EarthDance, Free the Children, UN World Food Program,, Stand Up, the UN Millennium Campaign, The Elders, Nothing But Nets, Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots, Amnesty International, Engender Health, CARE, One Laptop Per Child, WE the World, Rain Forest Action Network, and many more.

Connecting the peaces of these outstanding humanitarian oriented charities, non-governmental organizations, and UN Agencies as they work towards social justice, greater peace, and the achievement of the eight Millennium Development Goals is the purpose of the broadcast. The theme is "Building Peace Through Sustainability."

Peace Day Global Broadcast is a "state of the world address", showing the solutions, and how we as a planet are doing in reaching the eight goals of poverty reduction, universal primary education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, combating disease, environmental sustainability, and global partnering.

2010 marks the 2nd annual Peace Day Global Broadcast event, in 2009 the first ever Internet based show followed the sun around the time zones of the world garnering over two million viewers who watched from a variety of websites, Facebook pages, and social network in which the Peace Day Player was embedded. With new relationships in place, a longer broadcast period (September 17th - 21st) and better technology at the broadcasters disposal, it is estimated that over 25 million will participate in the 2010 event.

Starting on September 17th with the ringing of the Peace Bell at UN Headquarters by the Secretary General, Ban-Ki Moon, the broadcast will continue with live feeds from around the world and special segments through the official International Day of Peace as voted upon unanimously by the UN assembly, that date is September 21st. On the 18th featured performers and live feeds from EarthDance locations will be on the menu, the 19-20 is the UN Millennium Review Summit, and on the 21st is the official 24 Hour Peace Day Global Broadcast event.

As part of the lead up to the event, Peace Day has a weekly radio program on Wednesday evenings from, during the summer regular people will be asked to submit content via YouTube where they first ask "What's Your Peace", and then share their own peace/passion. Additionally this year, we'll take a special look at the history of the United Nation's International Day of Peace focusing on the efforts of Jeremy Gilley to establish the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence that has a fixed calendar date.

Remarkably, two years on, he achieved his primary objective when the 192 member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted 21 September as an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on the UN International Day of Peace. We call that day Peace Day.

On this day, food aide, medicine, and educational supplies are delivered to people in need across the globe without fear that the people providing the aid will be caught in a cross fire. Empirically, in Afghanistan and Africa the day works, aid is safely delivered which helps million upon million of children and adults who are need. Join your consciousness, help spread the message about this important single day where peace is more than just a word, it is a reality. Your part counts, your peace counts, so please, do your peace. Join us at between June 13th and September 17th for the preview, then tune in to the live show September 17th-21st, tweet it, embed the player in blogs on your Facebook page, social networks or other websites.

The Peace Day Global Broadcast is brought to you by Unity Foundation,, ShockRa Entertainment, and the GlobaLink Totalvision Network. Sponsors are now being reviewed for acceptance, to apply for a sponsorship position or have your video included in this year's broadcast please e-mail

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