Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

This is where Giovanna and Ron will conduct their mutual language sharing. Please feel free to comment as this is an open forum

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Ciao, mi chiamo Giovanna e mi sono iscritta a questo sito solo qualche giorno fa.
Hello, my name is Giovanna and I signed up just few days ago.

“I signed up just few days ago”. The only small error here is in the use of the word “few”. It is the correct word but, in the context in which you have used it, you should write “a few” rather than simply “few”. There are subtle differences in the way we use “few” and they have different implications. For example: to say “there are a few fish in the lake” may imply that there is a reasonable amount of fish or may even imply that there are a lot of fish. However, to say “there are few fish in the lake” implies that there are not very many at all. Conversely, to say “there are quite a few fish” always implies that there are a lot. The word “fewer” is opposite to the word “more”. So we would say “there are fewer fish in the lake than there were last year but still more than you find in other lakes of this size”

Mi hai fatto proprio ridere, Ron, leggendo "how does..." e "the illogical...",
I was laughing very much, Ron, reading "how does..." e "the illogical...",

"how does..." e "the illogical..." I think this was probably an oversight but the “e” should have been “and”

anche se non ho capito proprio tutto perchè sono Italiana,
even if I didn't understand all because I'm Italian Mother Tongue.

“I'm Italian Mother Tongue” should be written “my Mother Tongue is Italian”

Mi è piaciuta la tua speculazione mentale sulle lettere mute
I appreciated your speculation about silent letters (no errors)

E pensare che da quando avevo 12 anni sono innamorata della lingua inglese
Thinking I loved english since I was 12 (This would read better as “I think I have loved English since I was 12)

proprio perchè ha un suono così rotondo, soffice, affascinante,
because it has a so round, smooth, fascinating sound.... (You could have left the “so” out and the sentence would have been correct. However, to add emphasis, the word “such” would be used in this context “because it has such a round, smooth, fascinating sound….”

In italiano ci sono poche lettere mute e poche regole di fonia
In Italian there are few silent letters & few phonia rules. (“phonia” is not English. I think you mean “pronunciation”, which means the way the word is spoken)

A volte risulta piuttosto scialbo benchè sia una bella lingua...
now and then it sounds pale even if it is a nice language. (No errors. But I would disagree that Italian ever sounds pale. I think it is a rich, colourful language. But your sentence was correctly written)

Vuoi imparare l'italiano?
Do you want to learn Italian? (No errors… and yes please)
Tu mi correggerai il mio inglese!
You will rectify my english! (“rectify” is acceptable so the sentence is correct. However, it is more usual to say “you will correct my English”)

Io penso che ogni lingua esprima delle sensazioni diverse
I think every language express differet emotions (you could write: “I think all languages express different emotions” or “I think every language expresses different emotions”. If a verb (verbo) such as “express” follows a singular noun (sostantivo) such as “language”, the verb is given the addition of “s” or, if the verb already ends with an “s”, as in “express”, we would add “es” to make “expresses”. The verb is not changed if it follows a plural noun such as “Languages”. So you express, I express, we express, they express but it expresses.

perchè dietro ad ogni parola c'è una cultura e una storia
because behind each word there is a culture and a history (no errors)

e dietro ad ogni cultura c'è un nuovo mondo di pensieri da scoprire
and behind each culture there is a new world of thoughts to discover. (No errors)

Io ti posso dire i miei e tu i tuoi!
I can tell you mine and U yours. (Hmmm! A bit of “textiano” here?)

I hope this has been of some help. Your English is very good but please say where I have not explained clearly. Verbs and nouns are complicated to explain so tell me if I need to explain this more clearly.
Ciao Ron,
direi che ti spieghi molto chiaramente...
I would say that you explain very clearly...

Ho fatto io un errore in italiano
Ho scritto fonia al posto di fonetica
“–fonia” deriva da un suffisso greco “ –phonia”
esempio: "sinfonia" deriva dal greco = symphonia

I did, make a mistake in Italian
I wrote fonia instead of "fonetica" = Phonetics
"-fonia" derives from Greek "-phonia" which is a suffix;
e.g. "sinfonia" derives from Greek "symphonia" = symphony

ciao. gio'

Ron Tocknell said:
Ciao, mi chiamo Giovanna e mi sono iscritta a questo sito solo qualche giorno fa.
Hello, my name is Giovanna and I signed up just few days ago.

“I signed up just few days ago”. The only small error here is in the use of the word “few”. It is the correct word but, in the context in which you have used it, you should write “a few” rather than simply “few”. There are subtle differences in the way we use “few” and they have different implications. For example: to say “there are a few fish in the lake” may imply that there is a reasonable amount of fish or may even imply that there are a lot of fish. However, to say “there are few fish in the lake” implies that there are not very many at all. Conversely, to say “there are quite a few fish” always implies that there are a lot. The word “fewer” is opposite to the word “more”. So we would say “there are fewer fish in the lake than there were last year but still more than you find in other lakes of this size”

Mi hai fatto proprio ridere, Ron, leggendo "how does..." e "the illogical...",
I was laughing very much, Ron, reading "how does..." e "the illogical...",

"how does..." e "the illogical..." I think this was probably an oversight but the “e” should have been “and”

anche se non ho capito proprio tutto perchè sono Italiana,
even if I didn't understand all because I'm Italian Mother Tongue.

“I'm Italian Mother Tongue” should be written “my Mother Tongue is Italian”

Mi è piaciuta la tua speculazione mentale sulle lettere mute
I appreciated your speculation about silent letters (no errors)

E pensare che da quando avevo 12 anni sono innamorata della lingua inglese
Thinking I loved english since I was 12 (This would read better as “I think I have loved English since I was 12)

proprio perchè ha un suono così rotondo, soffice, affascinante,
because it has a so round, smooth, fascinating sound.... (You could have left the “so” out and the sentence would have been correct. However, to add emphasis, the word “such” would be used in this context “because it has such a round, smooth, fascinating sound….”

In italiano ci sono poche lettere mute e poche regole di fonia
In Italian there are few silent letters & few phonia rules. (“phonia” is not English. I think you mean “pronunciation”, which means the way the word is spoken)

A volte risulta piuttosto scialbo benchè sia una bella lingua...
now and then it sounds pale even if it is a nice language. (No errors. But I would disagree that Italian ever sounds pale. I think it is a rich, colourful language. But your sentence was correctly written)

Vuoi imparare l'italiano?
Do you want to learn Italian? (No errors… and yes please)
Tu mi correggerai il mio inglese!
You will rectify my english! (“rectify” is acceptable so the sentence is correct. However, it is more usual to say “you will correct my English”)

Io penso che ogni lingua esprima delle sensazioni diverse
I think every language express differet emotions (you could write: “I think all languages express different emotions” or “I think every language expresses different emotions”. If a verb (verbo) such as “express” follows a singular noun (sostantivo) such as “language”, the verb is given the addition of “s” or, if the verb already ends with an “s”, as in “express”, we would add “es” to make “expresses”. The verb is not changed if it follows a plural noun such as “Languages”. So you express, I express, we express, they express but it expresses.

perchè dietro ad ogni parola c'è una cultura e una storia
because behind each word there is a culture and a history (no errors)

e dietro ad ogni cultura c'è un nuovo mondo di pensieri da scoprire
and behind each culture there is a new world of thoughts to discover. (No errors)

Io ti posso dire i miei e tu i tuoi!
I can tell you mine and U yours. (Hmmm! A bit of “textiano” here?)

I hope this has been of some help. Your English is very good but please say where I have not explained clearly. Verbs and nouns are complicated to explain so tell me if I need to explain this more clearly.
here it is!Eccolo qui (il posto giusto)
I translated your "Take flight among the stars"
Next week I will "paste" my vew of life.
Ho tradotto il tuo "Prendi il volo tra le stelle"
la settimana prossima "incollo" il mio modo di vedere la vita.

We are bound only by our attachment to bonds. We are committed to our bonds not by those who would hold us to them but by our consent to do so.
Noi siamo collegati solo dall’attaccamento ai legami. Noi siamo vincolati verso i nostri legami non da quelli che dovrebbero attaccarci a loro, ma attraverso il nostro consenso a fare ciò.

We can choose to walk in chains and, in so doing, may be inclined to rage against the very chains to which we hold so tightly...
Possiamo scegliere di camminare incatenati e, così facendo, essere propensi ad infierire contro le nostre stesse catene che teniamo così strette…

...or we may choose to take flight among the stars, where there is no destination for the flight itself is the goal.
Oppure possiamo scegliere di volare tra le stelle, dove la scelta di andare verso alcuna destinazione rappresenta il goal.

The world in which we live is a Spectacular Speck amid countless Spectacular Specks that make up the infinity we call "The Universe"... largely because we like to give things names. It makes them ours.
Il mondo in cui viviamo è uno Spettacolare Punto tra innumerevoli altri che costituiscono l’infinito che noi chiamiamo “Universo” per lo più perché ci piace dare un nome alle cose. Ci sembra così che esse possan essere nostre.

And yet communities like this come into being because we are responding to a cry of "Healing needed here!"
E ancora le comunità come questa diventano realtà perchè stiamo rispondendo al grido di: “ci serve una guarigione!”
Does the Universe need healing? If so, how are we to heal it? Does our Spectacular Speck need healing?
Ci serve una guarigione? Se sì, come guarire? Il nostro Spettacolare Punto ha bisogno di guarire?
I think infinity can cope with whatever ills it encounters from time-to-time within this eternity... but I'm sure it's grateful for the offer.
Io penso che l’infinito possa lottare con successo contro qualsiasi malattia capiti di tanto in tanto attraverso l’eternità… ma sono sicuro che per gli altri questo significhi qualcosa.

Do we need healing? Here, I think, is the crux of the matter. We worry about what we are doing to our planet, our Spectacular Speck. Be mindful, yes. But there is no need to worry. This Speck of ours will survive us. We may clumsily wipe out every living organism on our planet, including ourselves but, in the Great Scheme of things, no real harm will be done.
Abbiamo bisogno di guarire? Questa è la questione cruciale. Ci preoccupiamo di cosa stiamo facendo al nostro pianeta, al nostro Punto Spettacolare. Siate memori / premurosi, ma non preoccupati. Questo Punto ci sopravviverà. Noi possiamo goffamente annientare ogni organismo vivente sul nostro pianeta, compresi noi stessi, ma nel Grande Progetto delle cose, nessun danno sarà veramente fatto.

D H Lawrence once wrote "A bird can fall frozen to the ground without ever having felt sorry for itself". We've no way of knowing the truth of that, of course but it rings true to me. Why should it feel sorry for itself? It has lived and whatever spirit or essence remains will move on.
D H Lawrence scrisse: “Un uccellino può cadere a terra congelato senza nemmeno aver provato dispiacere per se stesso”. Non siamo in grado si sapere se questa sia la verità, ovviamente, ma per me può essere vero. Perché l’uccellino avrebbe dovuto sentirsi dispiaciuto per se stesso? Esso ha vissuto e qualsiasi spirito o essenza rimanga andrà avanti.

We fear death and we mourn the departed yet, were we alone in the woodlands, we could fall down dead and our departing would not even disturb the birdsong. Is that because birds are callous? Is it because we are worthless? No, of course not. All living creatures are hard-wired to hang on to life as long as we can because, if we didn't, we'd probably not get around to taking our first breath. This imperative of life is not because death is so terrible or that life is the be-all and end-all (well, the be-all, anyway... death being the end-all). It is simply because we are hard-wired to cherish life.
Abbiamo paura della morte e piangiamo la dipartita, siamo soli in questo mondo di alberi, potremmo cadere morti e la nostra dipartita non disturberebbe nemmeno il canto degli uccelli. È’ perché gli uccelli sono senza cuore? È’ perché non abbiamo parole? Certo che no! Tutte le creature viventi sono ben legate alla loro vita fin tanto che lo si possa, poiché se non lo fossimo, probabilmente noi non avremmo fatto nemmeno il nostro primo vagito. L’imperativo del vivere non è perché la morte sia così terribile o perché la vita sia “sii tutto e finisci tutto” (cerca comunque di essere tutto, che tanto poi la morte sarà la fine di tutto).
È’ semplicemnete perché siamo così avvolti ad amare la vita.

This fear of death and fear of change is symptomatic of our experience of consciousness. Ah! The cry becomes louder: "Healing needed here!" I think we're getting close. Our experience of consciousness.
Questa paura della morte e paura del cambiamento è sintomatico della nostra esperienza di consapevolezza. Ah! Il pianto si fa più forte. “Ci serve una guarigione, qui!” Io penso che ci stiamo andando vicini. La nostra esperienza di consapevolezza.

Here is the heart of our malaise. Here, all our desires and fears reside. Our love, our hate; our joy, our pain; We cling to our chains so tightly because we fear that to surrender our grip would release us from the joy as well as the pain; the love as well as the hate.
Ecco il cuore del nostro malessere. Qui risiedono tutti i nostri desideri e le nostre paure. Il nostro amore, il nostro odio, gioia, pena. Ci avvinghiamo alle nostre catene ben saldamente perché abbiamo paura che abbandonare la nostra malattia ci sganci dalla gioia e dal dolore, dall’amore così come dall’odio.

The bonds are not Love but the need to possess the object of our love. The bonds are not joy but the need to pursue it. These bonds are based on fear.
I legami non sono l’amore, ma il bisogno di posseder l’oggetto del nostro amore. I legami non sono la gioia, ma il bisogno di perseguirla. I legami sono basati sulla paura.

Imagine if you could LOVE without need! Imagine if you could experience JOY without pursuit!
Immaginate se poteste AMARE senza bisogni. Immaginate se poteste provare GIOIA senza perseguirla!

Then you would, indeed, take flight among the stars.
In verità, potreste volare tra le stelle.
Ciao Ron,
spero tu stia bene! Hope You're fine.

Penso che molte persone abbiano (conditional) bisogno di guarigione.
I think (that) many people need healing.

Guarigione dall'ignoranza, dalla stipidità, dalla superstizione, dalla pazzia.
Healing from ignorance, stupidity, superstition, madness.

Il linguaggio può essere un ponte,
language can be a bridge,
ma solo chi vuole attraversarlo con l'intento di capire
but only the one who wants to get through with an understanding intent
potrà scoprire nuove dimensioni.
will discover new dimensions.

Io sto volando sopra quel ponte (per usare le tue parole)
I'm flying over that bridge (using your own words)
Non sono legata come un acquilone.
I'm not bind as a kite

Io volo per cercare qualcosa che non ho ancora scoperto.....
I'm flying to look for something I have not discover yet....

Spero di incontrarti tra le stelle!
I hope to meet you among the stars!

giovanna marino said:"Ciao Ron,
spero tu stia bene! Hope You're fine.

Penso che molte persone abbiano (conditional) bisogno di guarigione.
I think (that) many people need healing.

Guarigione dall'ignoranza, dalla stipidità, dalla superstizione, dalla pazzia.
Healing from ignorance, stupidity, superstition, madness.

Il linguaggio può essere un ponte,
language can be a bridge,
ma solo chi vuole attraversarlo con l'intento di capire
but only the one who wants to get through with an understanding intent
potrà scoprire nuove dimensioni.
will discover new dimensions.

Io sto volando sopra quel ponte (per usare le tue parole)
I'm flying over that bridge (using your own words)
Non sono legata come un acquilone.
I'm not bind as a kite
(here you would use the past tense for 'bind', which is 'bound' "I'm not bound as a kite")
Io volo per cercare qualcosa che non ho ancora scoperto.....
I'm flying to look for something I have not discover yet....
(here you would use the past tense for 'discover', which is 'discovered' "I'm flying to look for something I have not discovered yet")
Spero di incontrarti tra le stelle!
I hope to meet you among the stars!


In inglese tutte le parole sono androgino. Di conseguenza, è motivo di confusione per me e alcune delle mie parole può essere indossare scarpe sbagliato.

That was supposed to say: “In English all words are androgynous. Consequently, it is confusing for me and some of my words may be wearing the wrong shoes (referring to men in stilettos or women in work boots… a bad joke that doesn’t make much sense in English and probably none at all in Italian… but I tried)

il tuo inglese è molto buona e non ha bisogno di molto di rettifica…

Your English is very good and it does not need much correcting…

…a differenza del mio italiano

…unlike my Italian.

This has taken a long time with an Italian / English dictionary as I’m trying to form the sentences correctly. My head is now buzzing so I’ll finish in English in case my brain explodes :o)

I look forward to finding out where I went wrong with it.

Uhmmm...Let's see....

In inglese tutte le parole sono androgino. (androgine)
(the main rule is: masculine words end in –o, masculine plural words end in –i,
feminine words end in –a, feminine plural words end in –e)

Di conseguenza, questo è motivo di confusione per me
e alcune delle mie parole può (possono - 3° pers plural) essere confuse.
essere indossare scarpe sbagliato. (it doesn’t make any sense, but thanks for trial!!!)

That was supposed to say: “In English all words are androgynous. Consequently, it is confusing for me and some of my words may be wearing the wrong shoes (referring to men in stilettos or women in work boots… a bad joke that doesn’t make much sense in English and probably none at all in Italian… but I tried)

il tuo inglese è molto buona (buono) e non ha bisogno di molto di rettifica…
di molte correzioni.

Your English is very good and it does not need much correcting…

…a differenza del mio italiano. (correct)
…unlike my Italian.

This has taken a long time with an Italian / English dictionary as I’m trying to form the sentences correctly.
My head is now buzzing so I’ll finish in English in case my brain explodes :o)

Va là! Va là! Per così poco? Uhmmm…!!!
Poca voglia di studiare!! (joking)

I look forward to finding out where I went wrong with it.

Ciao, Ron
Ciao, Gio’

Ron Tocknell said:
giovanna marino said:"Ciao Ron,
spero tu stia bene! Hope You're fine.

Penso che molte persone abbiano (conditional) bisogno di guarigione.
I think (that) many people need healing.

Guarigione dall'ignoranza, dalla stipidità, dalla superstizione, dalla pazzia.
Healing from ignorance, stupidity, superstition, madness.

Il linguaggio può essere un ponte,
language can be a bridge,
ma solo chi vuole attraversarlo con l'intento di capire
but only the one who wants to get through with an understanding intent
potrà scoprire nuove dimensioni.
will discover new dimensions.

Io sto volando sopra quel ponte (per usare le tue parole)
I'm flying over that bridge (using your own words)
Non sono legata come un acquilone.
I'm not bind as a kite
(here you would use the past tense for 'bind', which is 'bound' "I'm not bound as a kite")
Io volo per cercare qualcosa che non ho ancora scoperto.....
I'm flying to look for something I have not discover yet....
(here you would use the past tense for 'discover', which is 'discovered' "I'm flying to look for something I have not discovered yet")
Spero di incontrarti tra le stelle!
I hope to meet you among the stars!


In inglese tutte le parole sono androgino. Di conseguenza, è motivo di confusione per me e alcune delle mie parole può essere indossare scarpe sbagliato.

That was supposed to say: “In English all words are androgynous. Consequently, it is confusing for me and some of my words may be wearing the wrong shoes (referring to men in stilettos or women in work boots… a bad joke that doesn’t make much sense in English and probably none at all in Italian… but I tried)

il tuo inglese è molto buona e non ha bisogno di molto di rettifica…

Your English is very good and it does not need much correcting…

…a differenza del mio italiano

…unlike my Italian.

This has taken a long time with an Italian / English dictionary as I’m trying to form the sentences correctly. My head is now buzzing so I’ll finish in English in case my brain explodes :o)

I look forward to finding out where I went wrong with it.

La nozze di la mia figlia è stata una festa da ricordare. Tutti erano felici… e un po 'ubriaco. E 'stato un matrimonio non convenzionale. Dopo la cerimonia, abbiamo messo in costumi bizzarro e ballato fino a 03:00. Gli ospiti accampati in un campo. E 'stato più come Glastonbury Festival di un matrimonio (ma non così tante persone).

The text in my Italian dictionary is very small so I'll stop before I go blind. Point out my errors then write a passage in English so I can point out yours.

Io prosperare sulle critiche!

La (nozze is a plural feminine word so must be the article) Le nozze di la mia figlia è sono state(plural verb) una festa da ricordare.
Tutti erano felici… e un po’ ubriachi (ubriaco is singular).
E' stato un matrimonio non convenzionale. (correct)
Dopo la cerimonia, abbiamo messo in costumi bizzarro (I can’t understand what you did. Did you wear special clowny costumes? Costume in Italian is a dress wore by an artist at theatre, such as Pulcinella or Tosca. Anyway the verb is ”abbiamo indossato” .... I think you must have been very drunk!!)
e ballato fino a alle 03:00. (03.00 is plural feminine – hours are feminine)
Gli ospiti accampati in un campo. E' stato più come Glastonbury Festival di che (it sounds better) un matrimonio (ma non con così tante persone). (just missin “con” = with)

The text in my Italian dictionary is very small so I'll stop before I go blind. Point out my errors then write a passage in English so I can point out yours.

Io prosperare sulle miglioro con le critiche! (each person has its own declantion – prosperare means rather that your business are going better)

You’d like to correct my english mistakes?
I’m very happy about this because I want to improve it.
It’a pity you’ll find none!
Ha ha ha!!!! (Italian laugh)

Ciao. Gio’

Here is the preposition declantion.
I hope you'll see it properly!

Articolo Determinativo
   + IL  + LO  + LA  + I  + GLI  + LE
 Masc.  Masc.  Fem.  M. Plur.  M. Plur.  F. Plur.
 DI +  del   dello   della   dei   degli   delle
 A +  al   allo   alla   ai   agli   alle
 DA +  dal   dallo   dalla   dai   dagli   dalle 
 IN +  nel   nello   nella   nei   negli   nelle 
 CON +  col   -   -   coi   -   - 
 SU +  sul   sullo   sulla   sui   sugli   sulle 



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