We talk of 'natural' materials and 'manmade' materials as if there could possibly be a distinction between the two. What about 'beemade' materials such as honey and beeswax? Are they not natural? Of course they are because whatever a bee makes is part of a natural process. So does the same apply to us? Is not the products of humans part of a natural process?
Personally, I would say yes. The Internet, in particular, is very much a part of a natural process. Just as the mycelium of a fungus can expend for many miles, linking hundreds or even thousands of individual fruiting bodies, the Internet is our way of linking up around the globe. We consider it our invention and, quite possibly, bees would consider honey their own invention if their minds worked that way. This is the symbiosis of the planet and because we are in that loop, whatever we do cannot help but be a part of the natural development of the planet.
But this does not mean that whatever we do is fine from our own perspective. Abundance is the Way of Nature. Seeds are produced in abundance to accommodate the fact that most seeds fail to germinate and most seedlings fail to reach maturity. Most tadpoles fail to mature into adult frogs and so on. There is an abundance of worlds in the Universe and I do not doubt that there is an abundance of worlds on which life has evolved and will continue to evolve way beyond our own level. There is no guarantee that we will evolve into an Enlightened Humanity. If we fail, that, too, will be part of the natural process and it will matter little on the Cosmic level. But it's a bummer for the tadpole that gets eaten.
I see our progress to this point as walking up a plank that is supported on a central pivot like a see-saw. We see our progress as an upward progression. We look behind us and see how far we have risen and we look ahead and see only an upward path before us so it is tempting to continue along the same path. But what happens when we pass the central pivot? Suddenly, the way ahead is a downward progression and, when we look behind, it seems that we have been traveling downward all along. How can this be? Was it an illusion? It is a natural process. Just as a see-saw cannot support your weight when you pass the pivotal point, our evolution cannot support our unsustainable consumption past its own pivotal point.
We are now at that pivotal point. The path that has brought us this far must now be abandoned if we are to progress further. The very tools of our development so far now become the means of our own destruction. Religions that have provided a level of advancement in spiritual thought have, to a greater extent, been the controlling factor that has kept us on the path to this point. Fear and Awe has been the motivating factors. But now the fear and religious feuding is threatening our very survival. The Gods must now be abandoned and replaced with our own spiritual unfolding. They have sustained us just as the placenta sustains the growing infant. But the placenta must be abandoned and, indeed, its hitherto world of the womb if the child is to survive and develop further.
So it is with us. The concept of powerful leaders among us has also served its purpose. Like religions, government has also exploited and oppressed... but it has brought us to this point. It can sustain us no further. The illusory power of a few has reached a point at which 'population control', exploitation of finite resources and oppression of hitherto 'free societies' is threatening to spiral us into a downward path of our own destruction. The concept of monetary economy has provided a powerful motivation to develop to the point at which we now stand and our collapsing economies are as much a natural process as the withering of the flower before the swelling and ripening of the fruit. We now face global shortages because uncontrolled investment is pricing necessary commodities beyond the reach of the majority of the world's population. We have the technology that wealth has created but our use of it is limited by cost. It has become a self-consuming madness.
What do all these factors have in common? They are illusions.
The Gods are illusions. The concept of any individual having the power of authority over another is an illusion. The value of money is an illusion. The only factor that gives these illusions any substance is our willingness to 'buy into' them. They only work if we believe them. God only has authority if the majority acknowledges it. Government only has authority if the majority acknowledges and consents to it. Money only has the value that is assigned to it if the majority play along and accepts the value it represents. But they are all illusions.
Illusions are not necessarily bad. Everything we see is an illusion of light that is interpreted by the brain. But we can put the illusion to use because it is a consistent illusion in that we all see pretty much the same things. Perspective is an illusion that gives us spacial awareness. Without perspective, we would be in real trouble because we would be living in an apparently 2 dimensional world. However, if we actually start to believe that the cow in the distance is only two inches high... see what I mean? We use illusions all the time and most are to our benefit. The illusion of Gods has brought us to an awareness of ourselves as spiritual beings and to the point at which we can now truly begin our spiritual unfolding as one being. The illusion of government has enabled the development of industry and warfare to the point that we can, should we so choose, destroy the world. What could possibly be good about that? It has shown us our power. Power has a very dark side and power is the key to our further development. We had to develop our understanding of power through its dark side in order to know the boundaries. The most important aspect of any form of power is to know when not to exercise it.
It is now time to cast these husks aside. Our needs for further development are way beyond changes in government policy or changes in our economies. All these must now be abandoned and we must literally redefine our societies and rebuild our social structures. The creature that emerges from the cocoon is not the creature that spun it.
So here we are at this pivotal point not only in our evolution as a species but in the evolution of our world. The responsibility of where we go from here does not lie with our governments or with the wealthy or even with God. It lies with you and with me. I lies as much with the homeless refugee from whom I bought my latest copy of the Big Issue as it does with presidents, prime ministers, dictators and kings. It lies with the soldier who, on hearing the command to shoot, must decide whether to pull the trigger or rise from his knees. It lies with Humanity.... of which, we are all a part.
So is this tadpole going to get eaten or will it become a frog? You decide.