You are invited to attend the San Diego World Premiere of
HERE II HERE "LIVE" @ World Beat Center
Saturday, February 20th, 2010
San Diego (Balboa Park) California
"Streamed "LIVE" on One World TV"
HERE II HERE, recently featured on ABC GOOD MORNING AMERICA in front of 4 million viewers, is an intoxicating “Conscious Pop” music group of five experienced entertainers dedicated to creating powerfully infectious mainstream songs that promote a peaceful planet. Driven by their signature rhythmic blend of tribal pop, illuminated rock, and soul-inspired R&B harmonies, HERE II HERE’s music penetrates audiences straight into the heart with moving, innovative lyrics of peace, awareness, connection, laughter, and of course – divine love.
Formed in 2002 (as “Inner Voice”), HERE II HERE’s irresistably mesmerizing live performances have garnered them wide attention as the foremost up-and-coming “mainstream-spiritual“ music band of our time. Their unique style has led to performances at the United Nations; on ABC TV; at Miami Dolphin Stadium; at Agape International Center (LA); as well as appearances on “conscious music” expert panels at major music conferences and performances alongside the most world-renowned spiritual leaders and best-selling authors of our time, such as:
• The Oracle of Tibet (advisor to The Dalai Lama)
• Neale Donald Walsch (“Conversations With God”)
• Rev. Michael Beckwith (Agape Intl & “The Secret” Movie)
• Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (“The Art of Living”)
• Jack Cannfield (“Chicken Soup for the Soul”)
• Don Miguel Ruiz (“The Four Agreements”)
• John Grey (“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”)
• Byron Katie (“Loving What Is”)
• Les Brown (“Live Your Dreams”)
• Gangaji (“The Diamond in Your Pocket”)
• Donna Eden (“Energy Medicine”)
• Masaru Emoto (“Messages from Water”)
and so many more ...
Currently on tour in 2009/10 throughout the USA & Canada in support of their debut album, HERE II HERE will simply rock you out of your head and into your heart!
*tickets an sale soon $15 adv. $20 door
Produced By
Sarva Dharma Productions and the
San Diego World Beat Cultural Center
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