We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Time: March 11, 2009 from 6pm to 7pm
Location: The world-wide-web! - Available to download anytime!
Street: Everywhere
City/Town: Planet Earth
Website or Map: http://www.sedonatalkradio.co…
Phone: 646 652 2656 (regular USA charges apply) Call in with questions!
Event Type: internet, talk, radio, show
Organized By: Matthew Engel
Latest Activity: Mar 6, 2009
You are a Soul Being. You came from Source (God) and chose to be here in your current situation. Divine arrangement has supported you by establishing just the right set of circumstances to allow for all the healing, growing, learning, and transcending that you would like to accomplish in this body. With the birth of your physical body came the birth of an ego. This intricate interaction between temperament, emotions, and planned circumstances has lead you down a path; however you have free will to do with these circumstances whatever you choose. Opportunities here in Earth School are limitless and karma is not punishment. Spirit (God-Source) does not judge and you are loved unconditionally.
Interested in learning more about reincarnation, soul evolution & the purpose of life? Wondering where we came from and why we're here? Tune in to my interview - live on Angel Talk Cafe - Internet Talk Radio with Host, Joy Barker:
When: Wednesday, March 11th from 6-7pm (PST).
Click Below for the Link:
The show will be archived, so you can follow this same link to listen afterward!
Please call in with your questions: 646-652-2656
(Only regular long distance charges in the USA apply - no other fees.)
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