Architects of a New Dawn

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I think I know what forgiveness ISN'T but defining it...? Can it really be taught? I think we must become forgiveness and becoming forgiveness everything to do with finding one's inner truth.

What do you think?

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I'm quite certain that I have not yet become forgiveness, and chances are, I may need another life time to perfect that. ;)

For me, the thought process is integral, which I know is probably in conflict with the beliefs of others. I believe the time I've spent "thinking," and what that has resulted in bringing to me, hasn't been ill spent.
By that I mean: being able to go back into whatever thoughts I was thinking, or remembering the feelings and thoughts I experienced----it's enabled me to get into MY own mind and heart set at that point in time. It's brought me a different perspective, when looked back on---so that I could see if I could forgive and what would be necessary for me to forgive.

Then, it became easier to move into: Is this worth holding onto? What is the discernible payoff, or, how is this enhancing my life (holding onto whatever)?

And then: What do I need to do with myself, to cut this cord, to release this energy, to move into more peace?

There are times it becomes almost an instantaneous process---I'll catch it before it begins to take root; think what I need to think, and release it. Take the lessons and learn.

Other times, not so quickly.

Interesting discussion! Thank you for this topic!

Arieljoy Fine said:
Great answer, AkashikWreckage. I absoutely agree. So what were the steps you took to move beyond thought process? How did you internalize forgiveness so that you became forgiveness?

AkashicWreckage said:
I think Forgiveness comes in different stages---and I'm not sure it can be "taught." Rather, I suppose it can be modeled. For me, the beginnings of realizing what not forgiving was doing to me---was the impetus to take my thoughts further. When I began to take in the impact of holding onto that energy, internalizing it, and how it permeated so many other aspects of my life, a number of aha moments began to follow. Choosing, and understanding that I could choose, NOT to hold onto whatever it was, meant freedom---then peace.
Oh my gosh! I really love this! :)

John Richard Clinton Maenpaa said:
Forgiveness is giving up all hopes for a better past... :)
Thank you Akashic Wreckage. I have some thoughts on the topic that simplify the act of forgiveness, even for moi. ;-) I am going to blog about it tomorrow because it will be quite lengthy. My take on forgiveness is that thanks to formalized religious doctrine, most folks have become hung-up on forgiveness as an intellectual concept ONLY.

Mo latah...

In Love and Light,
I have wondered about this myself. While writing my book on the social and neurological consequences of belief systems I interviewed Immaculee who was a Rwanda survivor. When I first watched her on OPRAH and 60 Minutes I knew I wanted to talk to her to see how she forgave those who butchered her family and friends. Her interview is in my book "To Believe Or Not To Believe: The Social & Neurological Consequences of Belief Systems" and can be read on my website for my magazine at For more information on what I'm doing and my book, visit
"Do unto others that which you would others would do unto you and that which you do unto others you do unto thy self..."

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Good topic. Forgiveness...what is it?

well i think it is a complex but also very easy answer for some. to some especially the fairer sex it appears to be in bucket form. in the male domain it appears more visible because to some it is not a natural force. So how do you aquire it? naturally? is in us all ...whatever the sex. To me personally.... firstly the ultimate forgiveness comes when an individual has the heart to forgive themselves totally unequiveably ....the clouds become clearer then the lights go on and as actions are forgiven from our source of life it gives us the strength to look at the whole picture and the relisation of our actions and thoughts are brought into our inner view screen and we seek forgiveness totally...if you are at this point when you are being asked to forgive in all past life streams you are well on the way to wholeness....our mission will be complete. healing is achieved from graces table.

i believe total forgiveness is just that... the sum of your total parts.

We are very blessed ....source is trying to help all of us understand forgiveness. without this assistance we would truly fail.

My perspective on it.
Thank you John for your reply. I appreciate what you said about men and women dealing differently with forgiveness and that makes perfect sense although, heretofor, I hadn't gone there in my thought process. I am finding that using the Ho'oponopono mantra is working really well for me as I don't like to get into my intellect with it; I tend to use my intellect to distance myself from my feelings and that opens up another can of worms. And there is another aspect that the mantra covers. It gets me out of looking at what has been done to me, helps me to let go of the "heinous" act, and I become fully responsible for everyone's actions, not just mine. It is good exercise for my egoic mind because of course I always want to say, "the other is bad and I am good" when in truth I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we are all one and therefore the other is bad and good, and I am bad and good. In fact, I was just reading a bit ago that there is a light St. Germaine and a dark St. Germain, a light Ashtar and a dark Ashtar, etc. So anyway, from where I stand in this moment there is only one way to get out of the egoic mind blame game and that is to cancel or zero out the goods and bads by taking full responsibility for all of it by saying, "I love you, Please forgive me, I'm sorry, Thank you. I am not only saying these words to the spirit of the person I have been in conflict with but I am also saying these words to G-d as a prayer.

Anyway, it is very late here (actually very early) and I will try to revisit your answer tomorrow because I would like to get into it in more depth.

Again, thank you.

In Love and Light,

john piggott said:
Good topic. Forgiveness...what is it?

well i think it is a complex but also very easy answer for some. to some especially the fairer sex it appears to be in bucket form. in the male domain it appears more visible because to some it is not a natural force. So how do you aquire it? naturally? is in us all ...whatever the sex. To me personally.... firstly the ultimate forgiveness comes when an individual has the heart to forgive themselves totally unequiveably ....the clouds become clearer then the lights go on and as actions are forgiven from our source of life it gives us the strength to look at the whole picture and the relisation of our actions and thoughts are brought into our inner view screen and we seek forgiveness totally...if you are at this point when you are being asked to forgive in all past life streams you are well on the way to wholeness....our mission will be complete. healing is achieved from graces table.

i believe total forgiveness is just that... the sum of your total parts.

We are very blessed ....source is trying to help all of us understand forgiveness. without this assistance we would truly fail.

My perspective on it.
LightEye said:
"Do unto others that which you would others would do unto you and that which you do unto others you do unto thy self..."

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