Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Global Government: Organic Union of Souls Tricks The New World Order

Imagine if you will a framework, no, an architecture for a whole new agreement on how to have a functioning world government. Not one being sold to us by old European bankers with delusions of global empires, no. This new architecture would support some fundamental principles.
What might it look like ?
What are the key principles ?

I have some ideas...? What are yours....? Can you be specific and concise...?

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Following the logic then, the process of correction might take some time, thus the imposition of a New World order might succeed for a period of time. Meaning, we might see the systems implemented and laws passed forming various regional structures and enforcement paradigms. But overall in time they would break down. I postulate that this period of time could lead to some serious damage to the Great mother.

Do you think that this attempt toward imposition of centralized control is possible in the short term or not?
Would it fail at inception or would it have to rise and fall like a lifecycle..?

Lance Michael Foster said:

Marc said:
So then in your view is it also true that any imposition of a New World Order would fail by the same criteria..?

Lance Michael Foster said:
My graduate work was in Anthropology. Any system is an elaboration of our band behavior, with alpha males and females running the show, whether cruelly or kindly. So, in a word, no, I don't think it is possible really. Eventually, absolute power corrupts absolutely. That doesn't mean we can't have moments of success...but they are only moments. If we are looking for a workable system of interrelatedness and energy exchange, we need to look at the world systems of Gaia, Mother Earth as a model, not human systems. But there is a limit to growth; death is also part of the cycle.
Marc said:
thanks Lance,
Do you think it is possible for a global system to exist which preserves the diversity you so aptly mention..?
Lance Michael Foster said:
We need diversity in the human and social ecosystem, as seen in nature, not a one world order of ANY kind. We should see ourselves as forest, steppes, deserts, swamps, oceans. A raven should be a raven, not a wolf, and a wolf should not be a tree or a grass. But a forest needs the raven AND the wolf AND the tree AND the grass.
It would fail at inception. It could not happen now, that's for sure. Look at the trouble in the Mideast, in Central America and Mexico, in China and Tibet, in east Europe and Russia, Darfur in the Sudan, etc. etc. We are not even close to beginning it.

Any attempts at centralized control could occur only under Draconian measures, and lead to great loss of human life (e.g. freedom fighters of various ideologies striving for their own destinies) and mass injustice. After all, what you are talking about is worldwide Empire-building. Empires are about force of one group's will upon the many. And of course every empire has a rise and a fall.

And yes, in the end, all Empires fall.

It is sad that any way we go, Mother Earth's creatures, our brothers and sisters, will suffer destruction and extinction at our hands. But don't worry about the Mother herself. She has been through many worldwide extinctions and disasters, and she will recover and bring to life new forms of her children. We don't need to save the Mother; we need to save ourselves from extinction.

When i was young I had not clear that we should do something to have something back such as money.

I had no sense of bad actions.....everything was due a sort of communist do your best and have the whole love back......I had a static idea (even of the sex i can't explain more)......i think before maturing i was an angel........wanted only see smiles in people's face it didn't matter how was my face



today one gipsy in the station made a trick to gain 50 cents from me......I didn't claim for the change it was a donation.............and again don't commit the error to consider that if you are a millionaire you can help people with hundred of little cheques........maybe a word spoken can be a thousand times more worth than a million dollar donation.


That's tough. While I obviously want a better world I don't think having one government would would be too easy for it to not be answerable to the people. But whatever government(s) we have they should be based on Peace, teach every person about conflict resolution. departments of Peace, focusing on sustainability and not consumerism and disposable products, indigenous rights (if someone is already there no one can come in and say they don't have a title or that eminent domain is going to trump their rights and they must leave), Earth, we must have education on how the Earth relies on ecosystems and how things are interrelated, term limits on ALL government positions, corporations are not people so they do not have human rights and are not exempt in any way shape or form from responsibility, abide by all treaties, teach about different cultures, have arts and creative endeavors in schools just as much as math and history, stop all use of parks other than personal use (hiking, picnicking, some driving (limited roads) so no logging, drilling, mining, cattle grazing or snowmobiles. Also convert 90% of all parks to reserves with NO ONE allowed other than a revolving public over-site group that hikes and makes sure no one is misusing. Require all land mines to be cleaning up and any and all toxic or dangerous areas made safe by the groups or governments or whoever made the problem in the first place. Abolish all laws that do not adhere to and support human rights, restore habeas corpus on the whole Earth. No new buildings when existing buildings would suffice. Any new buildings or developed areas must only be allowed if 1) they are not in an sensitive area 2) they are made as sustainable and with as low an environmental footprint as possible. Local food and products must be given priority over shipping in things from a distance. The old standard of what is called education must be changed, they focus on teaching how to pass tests and how to become a worker and get in line and be quiet, that is unacceptable. Schools like the Bridge School must be available to all. Peacemakers do everything possible to settle problems, if there is ever anything that could be considered needing a use of force, those that decide to use force (such as Congress) must serve on the front lines and their families must serve also, no exceptions. No drones, or long range weapons. Health care must look at health care as holistic. The patient is not a machine and should not be looked at as one.  Resources such as water can not be privatized.  Except in cases of health dangers or environmental damage there should be no zoning codes blocking anyone from growing food, or having anything growing on their property. No GMO or GE foods or plants of any kind. No patenting of life forms or any part of a life form (such as an plant or DNA or anything. Non violent offenders should not be in jail. Counseling for anyone needing it. Homeless people are helped, not pushed out of sight. No breeding or selling dogs or cats until all the shelters are empty. No exotic pets. Revisit the endagered species laws and update to be anything that could see problems from the path we are on in how we live, not just those facing imminent dangers. Abolish banks, only have not for profit credit unions. no monopolies of any services or products. Give the airwaves back to the people. Votes counted by hand publicly,  audited publicly and shown live on tv. Full labeling of food and country of origin on all products. Shift many military personnel to public service. Planting native trees everywhere except where we need to grow food, and teach every single person how to grow food, mend and make clothes. co-ops. Any and all food past the "best by" date but still safe to eat must be given to people. And..
Well, that's a quick little list off the top of my head, I could add plenty more and go into detail but I think that should be food for thought.
Anyone else have ideas?

I see what you're saying Lance, but we do need to save Mother Earth, yes it's true She can continue one way or the other, but all the myriad life forms are part of Her and we don't have the right to lay waste to or ignore the suffering of all those. But all that said maybe you meant that when you said "we".

  Peace to All,


Lance Michael Foster said:

It would fail at inception. It could not happen now, that's for sure. Look at the trouble in the Mideast, in Central America and Mexico, in China and Tibet, in east Europe and Russia, Darfur in the Sudan, etc. etc. We are not even close to beginning it.

Any attempts at centralized control could occur only under Draconian measures, and lead to great loss of human life (e.g. freedom fighters of various ideologies striving for their own destinies) and mass injustice. After all, what you are talking about is worldwide Empire-building. Empires are about force of one group's will upon the many. And of course every empire has a rise and a fall.

And yes, in the end, all Empires fall.

It is sad that any way we go, Mother Earth's creatures, our brothers and sisters, will suffer destruction and extinction at our hands. But don't worry about the Mother herself. She has been through many worldwide extinctions and disasters, and she will recover and bring to life new forms of her children. We don't need to save the Mother; we need to save ourselves from extinction.

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