Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

After reading about the health care "reforms" that the U.S. media and politicians have been discussing for months, I became really clear that these "policy" decisions and others like them are hopelessly mired in the muck of a system that doesn't work. The sooner we realize this the better. Talk about waste in the health care system, the energy wasted on discussing it and tinkering with it is much greater.

I can see the "hope" that many placed in President Obama is fruitless; it is obvious that he was and is a product of the economic system that rules him and everyone else. As with every attempt to create something that really makes a difference for people, creating a health care system that works is impossible within the current paradigm.

As is the case with the disintegration of the monetary system, reform of the health care system is simply another way to ensure the transfer of wealth to the elite who benefit from the system, placate us with illusions and sow the seeds of division and discord among us.

The very fact that there is a "debate" indicates a lack of harmony and a basic disconnection with our own humanity. There is a lack of understanding that we are all connected and that what is good for one is good for all. Any contribution that any of us can make to the well being of another benefits us as much as them. Consequently, the discussion is really just a collective expression of individual fears and concerns about survival. Concerns about "loosing" coverage, the "imposition" of restrictions, paying for the care of others, etc., etc. are based on the concept of scarcity which is one of the primary tools used to separate and dominate people in the old paradigm.

Without a complete shift to a new world based on the deep connection and inherent value of human beings, a world that is free of the need to hoard and ration resources, any effort to "reform" our health is simply another way to perpetuate a world that doesn't work for people. As with other policy changes that may seem to be filled with promise, this one has quickly degenerated into the muck of petty self-interest and the "I win, you loose" mindset that permeates our culture.

The new world is begging to be born. We here are to witness it.

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I totally agree...what a disapointment...well said~
This is the first thing I have read about Health Care reform that I agree with. This debate is partly a distraction so that people won't realize 1. that they have been robbed blind by the banksters and 2. that there is a planned pandemic in the works with the ultimate goal of killing off most of the population. Here's my short version of health care reform:
1. STOP ALL VACCINATION immediately. The cost savings will be immediate and huge, both in cost of vaccinating, and subsequent illness and autism rates will drop to nothing overnight.
2. Outlaw flouride completely, in water, toothpaste, medicine (prozac), and dental treatments. Prosecute all those who continue to deceive the public into thinking that adding flouride(industrial waste) to the water is safe and effective. The combination of no more vaccines and no more flouride will cause alzheimers and osteoporosis rates to drop to near zero.
3. Dismantle the FDA, and investigate the FDA's ties to big pharma, with prosecutions to follow.
After these reforms have been in place for 6 months, re-assess the health care system with emphasis on nutrition and natural and "alternative" remedies.
I agree that there are some very simple things like those you suggested, that could be done right away and that would go along way towards alleviating the health care "crisis." As you alluded to in your post, most everything we do is motivated by fear with fear of death being the ultimate fear.

So long as people hide, wallowing in their fears, there is no possibility of real reform. In our system, debates are simply mini-dramas to distract us and feed our fears. Discussions have become opportunities to disseminate propaganda and the "news" is simply a public relations tool of the power elite.

Ragen said:
This is the first thing I have read about Health Care reform that I agree with. This debate is partly a distraction so that people won't realize 1. that they have been robbed blind by the banksters and 2. that there is a planned pandemic in the works with the ultimate goal of killing off most of the population. Here's my short version of health care reform:
1. STOP ALL VACCINATION immediately. The cost savings will be immediate and huge, both in cost of vaccinating, and subsequent illness and autism rates will drop to nothing overnight.
2. Outlaw flouride completely, in water, toothpaste, medicine (prozac), and dental treatments. Prosecute all those who continue to deceive the public into thinking that adding flouride(industrial waste) to the water is safe and effective. The combination of no more vaccines and no more flouride will cause alzheimers and osteoporosis rates to drop to near zero.
3. Dismantle the FDA, and investigate the FDA's ties to big pharma, with prosecutions to follow.
After these reforms have been in place for 6 months, re-assess the health care system with emphasis on nutrition and natural and "alternative" remedies.
Obama is forced to walk a "middle path" because of the current state of consciousness in our country, which you are right on. However, he is trying to lead us the only way possible to a Universal Health Care eventually. There has to be "baby steps" to Single Payer Coverage which is the best possible. Obama and his allies are doing the best they can, to be an obstructionist whether from the right or left (where you appear to be) is to play right in the hands of the greedy insurance/corporations which I am sure you don't want to do! please support Obama or at least don't obstruct his efforts, thanks, ron
I continue to hear mixed responses regarding President Barack Obama and Health Care Reform as one would expect. I am disappointed though that so many are not seeing through the intentional stone walling to his deeper agenda. We all must discern carefully and support even when their is no good verifiable reason to do so. Applied metaphysics requires the utilization of the power of intention.

President Barack Obama is playing the game like a masterful martial artist whom has already seen the victory and is coaxing his opponents momentum into place with incredible confidence and patience. The same method used against 'us' mind you! Imagine standing in front of a group whom are frightened, needy and angry and continuing to appear as if you are supporting oppressive forces and not offering the group console in order appear compliant. This approach assures success by not to alerting the crumbling elites that he is not truly following their agenda. I would go as far to say that he is risking his life to achieve this solution and every critical sentence has three meanings depending on who is listening.

This version of the Western story all truly started in late 18th dynasty of Egypt when similar problems arose and Akhenaten had to flee for his life from the emergent Western orthodoxy who substantially remain in place today. Governance slowly shifted from a cosmological perspective to the notion that oppression and smallness yields obedience from the masses and new stories were spun. Most recently the notion that fat and happy masses are safer than hungry mobs and the deployment of strategic denial and fake wars is the strategy of control. This general paradigm is important to keep in mind when discerning the current choices and challenges.

The Unites States (Corporation) remains under the sovereign control of the Royal Crown and the Vatican under Maritime Admiralty Law while the United States of America is governed by the U.S. of America's Constitution under Federal Law. It appears that the U.S.A. has never been a sovereign nation, yet, and since 1946, a strong push towards Fascism, not Socialism, has been the primary focus and quite successfully deployed my fat and happy friends!

If corporations were nations, 51% of the world's wealthiest nations are corporations. These cancerous growths (clearly not all corporations obviously), are autonomous behemoths that like the human ego have two goals: Administer the prescribed agenda and survive. That is the soul of the opposition at this time. Individual's casually see their way of life changing so they support the orthodoxy quite selfishly despite being our representatives. I say ignore them and forgive them and chew on the critical details.

The systems of control that are in place must crash to some extent in order to be reborn. That's an impossible question to ask of an institution or an individual and most would obviously refuse due to the counterintuitive nature of the request and fear. There is therefore only one solution and that is to allow the opponents to create the solution. There is a long explanation of how and why this will work which I will not share due to length but it involves the legal, non repayment of international loan transactions under Maritime Admiralty Law. Once a critical quantity of ownership has shifted to corporate entities whose legal address is not in America, loan repayment will not be required.

The 'redistribution of wealth' will occur in the form of current wealth being retained and gaining instant revaluation from the surge of investments that would commence in the United States of America upon receipt of the news. I predict this will occur independent of untrustworthy banking institutions, and in the context of a new greenish economy with an emphasis on education and disease prevention, a new era of will commence including the Cultural Creatives who now comprise 36% of the U.S.A.'s population.

What we are witnessing is not health care reform but the oppression of corporate insurance companies which determined the cost of healthcare inter alia BigPharma all the way up to the (un)Federal Reserve that must be brought to its knees as well. The prevailing healthcare delivery systems and facilities are not intending to change despite the many alternatives that are available and legal elsewhere. I lived in a small nation for awhile where insurance was not required due to the affordability of medical and dental treatment. I am also a building designer with 15 years of research into alternative medicines like Cymatherapy, Rife technology and the entire gambit of electromagnetic options.

The best defense if to stay positive, really learn what DNA truly is...check out Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton for starters (DNA processes only 3% of it's efficacy as protein while 97% manages light and sound), discipline yourselves, for yourselves, to ask purely and act divinely and take responsibility for your life, every part of it, without blame. "We are what we are looking for!"

Thanks for this place Carlos.

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