Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Hello My Friends... This is Christopher, The Digi Dude, Starman, Man Of Peace, From The FYI Networks and More, HELP, URGENT!!!!

Hello My Friends... This is Christopher, The Digi Dude, Starman, Man Of Peace, From The FYI Networks, New Earth Media Networks, Digital Publishing, WEYW 19 TV & Internet and More... You all know me from some where on the internet with the many fundrasiers which I have done for Compassion International, The Imagine Peace festival, The Help Haiti Live Concert and many more as well as the many cool sights and networks like,, New Earth Media, Experiencers Collective and Many More... I have been over the years giving freely great sites and content to all my friends on the net and not asking for anything in return... I did it from my heart... I Now have to ask you all for help... My Life Partner and wife of 24 years is very sick with cancer and I need Everyone's help... Please read on...
Julie Tibbetts Uhland's Fight For Life From Breast Cancer,
Please Read, Donate & Make It Go Viral... 
 Please share this with everyone who knows Julie
and everyone you know as well...
Julie needs help, Time Is Critical!
 Hello Everyone... My Julie is very sick and needs everyones Love and Help. You know our Julie, always trying to take care of everyone with all she can do, all the time... from family, to friends, to animals, to mother earth... She is truly one of God's Special Earth Angels... Now it is time for all of us to come together and help Julie...
Julie is very sick, 
Hi, This is Julie Uhland... I have Ductile Carcinoma, Triple Negative, Aggressive Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Stage 4. It has spread to my Lungs, Pancreas, Liver, Stomach and possibly to my Bones and Head... Yes it has metastisized. "Triple Negative and Inflammatory" most women with either one of the two usually do not live but 2 to 4 months with Conventional Medicine, CUT, POISON & BURN.
   The tumor in the picture below is a new one growing... I had a mastectomy  on Feb 11th and removed a tumor the size of a breakfast plate and now this one has grown back faster and is getting larger quicker and more aggressive then the first one...
 I and my husband & caregiver Christopher have been fighting this for 18 months. I am now going down rapidly. We have done many protocols which have extended my life, but this cancer is winning the battle. We have spent all our money, Christopher has not worked in a very long time taking care of me. We are behind financially in everything. I have a last chance which regular insurance does not cover... state of the art alternative treatment from Germany which will be administered By Dr, Dayton at Dayton I need $30 to $60,000 plus living expenses... this could be my last shot at life. Please Help, Click on the link below and make a donation which can help to save me life...

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