Architects of a New Dawn

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Hidden Reality - The Attack From Within/Elements of the System

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Light Eye, have you thought that while you hide your own face you are also a 'hidden' one, you may say it is to protect you but 'avatars' are masks.
What you share is media powered and while it is significant it is 'reportage' and I wonder where you are in the midst of it. Many know. Many do not act on what they know. Knowing is not enough. In fact, people have become 'object-ified' by the belief in supremacy of rational, or rationalized, mind. The most powerful trust we have is in recovering and regaining our whole 'being and belonging', taking back our living and mutable knowing of Self and empowering that trust, stepping beyond the mythic 7% that supresses our capacity to self actualize as individuals and collectives.
The human being cannot be divided into mind, soul and body. They are one living whole only, indivisible and powerful because of it. Divide them and you debillitate mankind which is what has happened, even with the alternative, holistic fields. It is the singular most potent tool out there for numbing and dumbing down humanity out there.
I wonder if social networking is the newly evolving 'matrix'. It is terrifying to observe the way this new mythic strategy of collective sharing has become a vortex of 'driven suggestion'. People socialize by 'links' and '@', by transference of written info, 'passing' words, creating cliques. Again, it is UNPOPULAR and 'costly' to challenge this new 'status quo'. The new river of followers doesn't want a pebble in their shoe.
What happens if you become 'visible'?
Hi Roshanna,

If you really truly wish to see me as who I look like look no closer than to your bathroom mirror, you may have to look very closely though...

For I am You...

And there You will see me...

And there I will see You...

For You Are Me...

And I Am You...

We are One in the same...

We just take different forms...

There is only one of us...

And at the same time many of us...

This is the dichotomy of the Creator...

And if you're thinking of some kind of actual image, well I don't have a scanner and for some reason my pc won't download an image of me from my cell phone.

I'll see what I can do...

Be Well My Friend.

The enigmatic paradox of it all is... while we are all connected, we are also separate. While we are all one... we are also many. While we take different forms, we are also formless - the part of us that is all one and doesn't need a mirror to see morning bedhead.

I rather like your unique avatar... but wonder why you continually use the forum pages to post videos, when there is a space dedicated to video posting. Just wondering...


LightEye said:
Hi Roshanna,

If you really truly wish to see me as who I look like look no closer than to your bathroom mirror, you may have to look very closely though...

For I am You...

And there You will see me...

And there I will see You...

For You Are Me...

And I Am You...

We are One in the same...

We just take different forms...

There is only one of us...

And at the same time many of us...

This is the dichotomy of the Creator...

And if you're thinking of some kind of actual image, well I don't have a scanner and for some reason my pc won't download an image of me from my cell phone.

I'll see what I can do...

Be Well My Friend.
Hi Jeanne.

Thanks for the info. I'll post videos there.

Be Well.
Heard that before. They don't seem to be your words until you share that you can't download a pic. Perhaps you can find a friend who can help you if you'd like to succeed at that.
For my part, I enjoy the beauty of our individuality even if we share the same root. There are so many shades of color, so many types of flowers, trees, winds, clouds, lakes, streams, seas that I enjoy the ability I have to feel deeply connected and appreciative of their magnificence without wanting to become them. I have my own particular magnificence, as you do, and every other living being, it is part of the wonder and joy and play of being alive, being the particular thread of the great tapestry.
LightEye said:
Hi Roshanna,

If you really truly wish to see me as who I look like look no closer than to your bathroom mirror, you may have to look very closely though...

For I am You...

And there You will see me...

And there I will see You...

For You Are Me...

And I Am You...

We are One in the same...

We just take different forms...

There is only one of us...

And at the same time many of us...

This is the dichotomy of the Creator...

And if you're thinking of some kind of actual image, well I don't have a scanner and for some reason my pc won't download an image of me from my cell phone.

I'll see what I can do...

Be Well My Friend.

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