Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I have been thinking about how to affect change in others as we approach this new dawn. I am mindfully channeling the luminous nature of the gift of spirit to inspire, by thoughts actions and words those that I come in contact with. I am blessed to have a weekly television show, and want to have an inspirational message each week to reach as many people I can with the message that hope, peace, love and kindness are our true nature as humans, and we must walk together towards the new dawn. How about you?

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My grandson was 7 when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. A few months later, the usually happy holiday season was upon us and I realized how difficult that would be for someone who shouldn't eat the usual sweet treats doled out at Halloween and Christmas.

So I started looking for a sugar free event for him to attend and found only one - a hospital had a Halloween party where they charged per person and diabetes suppliers and pharmaceutical vendors were present, pushing their wares.

I thought since people freely give snacks to trick or treaters, then wouldn't the community be willing to provide diabetic children with an event where they could just be kids; where they could be given nutritious food that's so delicious that they won't even think about candy; and where the entertainment and environment is geared only to their joy and fun for that evening.

That was 5 years ago. Since then, I have annually organized events where individuals, businesses and organizations donate their time, money and food to giving an evening of unadulterated fun to kids. And guess what? Most of the kids who attend the party are not diabetic... they just have parents who don't want their kids eating sugar laden junk.

At first, I was a bit freaked out... venues are spendy - but a fabulous venue has been donated every year, a break dance club has performed at every event, a kind-hearted chef has assisted with the food, businesses have given gifts for prizes - every kid gets a prize and volunteers have stepped forth to insure the kids fun and safety.

Its been inspiring for me to see the love in action.
I have a son who is 8 and was diagnosed with type I at age 5. He is an inspiration of spirit. We did a segment on a camp for diabetic children on our show. Good stuff.

Jeanne said:
My grandson was 7 when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. A few months later, the usually happy holiday season was upon us and I realized how difficult that would be for someone who shouldn't eat the usual sweet treats doled out at Halloween and Christmas.

So I started looking for a sugar free event for him to attend and found only one - a hospital had a Halloween party where they charged per person and diabetes suppliers and pharmaceutical vendors were present, pushing their wares.

I thought since people freely give snacks to trick or treaters, then wouldn't the community be willing to provide diabetic children with an event where they could just be kids; where they could be given nutritious food that's so delicious that they won't even think about candy; and where the entertainment and environment is geared only to their joy and fun for that evening.

That was 5 years ago. Since then, I have annually organized events where individuals, businesses and organizations donate their time, money and food to giving an evening of unadulterated fun to kids. And guess what? Most of the kids who attend the party are not diabetic... they just have parents who don't want their kids eating sugar laden junk.

At first, I was a bit freaked out... venues are spendy - but a fabulous venue has been donated every year, a break dance club has performed at every event, a kind-hearted chef has assisted with the food, businesses have given gifts for prizes - every kid gets a prize and volunteers have stepped forth to insure the kids fun and safety.

Its been inspiring for me to see the love in action.

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