Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Did you ever awake from a nap and feel like someone's talking about you? ...weirdest vibe. ...and then were led to the craziest thread online?
No, I have no idea what you are talking about---
I'm glad someone got to take a nap today.
I've been too busy---working around the house today...
Would you mind posting a link to that crazy thread?
It's been so quiet in here lately.

Jeanne said:
Did you ever awake from a nap and feel like someone's talking about you? ...weirdest vibe. ...and then were led to the craziest thread online?
Aren't you tired yet?
Now you want olives?
You know that olives do crazy things to you Violette.
And now that Jeanne is back~~~~
Well, you know the drill...
I'm going to keep a low profile so she won't suspect anything is amiss~~~
I suggest that you do the same...

Loose lips sink ships...

Violette Ruffley said:
I'm getting hungry throw in the olives too, have you got any cheese?
Pretend like this normal, or something.
So~~~what's new Violette?
I haven't seen you around here at all lately.
What have you been doing to keep yourself busy?
Take care.

Violette Ruffley said:
Ohoh we're in trouble now!!!!!
AW... you say 'normal', like its a good thing. Hmm-m-mm...

AkashicWreckage said:
Pretend like this normal, or something.
So~~~what's new Violette?
I haven't seen you around here at all lately.
What have you been doing to keep yourself busy?
Take care.

Violette Ruffley said:
Ohoh we're in trouble now!!!!!
You know Violette... it sure was quiet here when AW was on hiatus... and now... I see guilt splattered all over the place. Guess we know who the instigator is... the leader of the pack... and I do mean pack. I sure am glad we have you, Violette here... to keep us all in check... the elder statewoman... the grand poopah and all... me thinks...

Violette Ruffley said:
Ohoh we're in trouble now!!!!!
"AW... you say 'normal', like its a good thing. Hmm-m-mm..."

Oh, hi Jeanne. That wasn't me that said that---I think it was a clone, or a spirit, or someone...not really sure.

So, how's it going?

We've all just been pretty bored today, just hanging out here, trying to support Violette.
And Imelda has been helping out, trying to keep things on an even keel here.
She's been telling us about St Imelda who was a nun.
Annie is hooking up somewhere in a forest glen, or meadow somewhere.
And Mary Rose, well~~~she's our new competition for all the young guys around here---

Outside of that, it's just been a very quiet day here---you didn't miss much.
Right ladies?
I'm just here for the olives and sex too...

Of course my husband thinks we're a bunch of old ladies who get together and share embroidery tips. Tsk, tsk...

Bored... ya say?

AkashicWreckage said: We've all just been pretty bored today, just hanging out here, trying to support Violette.
And Imelda has been helping out, trying to keep things on an even keel here.
She's been telling us about St Imelda who was a nun.
Annie is hooking up somewhere in a forest glen, or meadow somewhere.
And Mary Rose, well~~~she's our new competition for all the young guys around here.
Clown chakra...? ...isn't that just below the thousand petalled lotus and left of the funny bone?

Annie said:
That's right AW & Violette did you find some cheese? I brought some back for you...& Jeanne good for you with desiring sex & olives. Your husband will be thrilled to know how your crones site has inspired you this evening. Most fun I've ever had on a site!. You all are delightfully clown chakra thanks you.
"You know Violette... it sure was quiet here when AW was on hiatus... and now... I see guilt splattered all over the place."

I heard this!

And that ain't guilt splattered all over the place~~~
I can't say much more---
Let's just leave it with whipped cream, melted chocolate---and nuts~~~
Mary Rose started in---totally preening and kvelling all over the place---about her conquests---oh---sorry---
Her "encounters" with hot guys.

That's all they'll let me say right now, Jeanne.

"Guess we know who the instigator is... the leader of the pack... and I do mean pack. "

And just what is this little remark supposed to mean?

I hope you're not referring to Mother Crow!

Look, Jeanne, Kathleen got it all on tape---she documented the whole thing.
And, if she doesn't put it up on youtube, perhaps she'll let you review the hours and hours of tape.
I'm sure you'll be bored into taking another nap this afternoon.

Roll the tape!
"Sorry ladies, I get shook up by authority figures. I experienced a sudden wave of exhaustion and faded into the night.

This almost sounds convincing, Violette~~~

Ummm---so how did you sleep?



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