Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Violetteism #4- in reference to nunneries "I did that Marion for nearly 15 years, now I'm looking for a last hurrah!!!!!" (excessive exclamation points removed due to the impending shortage of ! that was channeled recently by AW) More on that bit of exciting news soon...

Violette Ruffley said:
I did that Marian for nearly 15 years, now I'm looking for a last hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAST? what's all this Last?
AW told you categorically to take the thong off the front of your pretty face; (biggest laugh this week, AW, thanksamillion)
so V: may I suggest you turn the other (thonged) pretty cheek out the rear door and flash 'em a tatoo - and I assure you you will be beseiged - until next week when it's your turn in the nunnery - fair's fair... lol

p.s. did I miss it, or was there a roll call of astro signs & in this 3C caboose? Wonder if V is a Virgo - sounds definitely self-inflicted this webcam thing - god, did I just revert to an actual thread? x
"p.s. did I miss it, or was there a roll call of astro signs & I missed it? Wonder if V is a Virgo - sounds definitely self-inflicted this webcam thing - god, did I just revert to an actual thread?"

I am a Libra with Aries rising.
I won't speak for Violette (she's an Aquarius and they talk so damn much and ask so MANY questions!!!!!!!)

What sign are you Marian?
And the rest of all you Nutcase Nun Nymphs?

Violette~~~~Queen of the Neverending Questions "Marion which tatoo? The om symbol or the yin/yang ~ which would be more fetching?" (Question marks deleted due to yet another channeling which will reveal a new shortage of question marks---AW, of course has been selected to bring this message to humanity)

Violette~~~you're getting the old tramp stamp tattoo---must I constantly remind you of this?

"Have you noticed the Westcoasters haven't put in an appearance yet~~~"

Geeeeeeeeeeeeez, Violette! Please, Jeanne's up and we're trying mighty hard here to not draw attention to this group. Our hope is that she will be distracted and forget to check in here.

Virgo, Leo rising & at this time of year it rises a lot!!! sorry to guess wrong V - it goes with the territory - still think Aquariuses ('cos they're a fixed sign, right?) might tend to get caught up their own web of webcam....again sorry - it's Jeanne's Muse speaking thru me, not my fault. And speaking of whom... do you think she's gonna pop her head in again soon or is that her on the damn caboose-chaser with all those bare bodies?
definitely the OM one, V, (goes with bottOM rather well, don't you think)?

seriously - or not as it may be - I have to leave for a while (nunnery garden calls) gotta catch up before my day is mysteriously over...
love & kisses - tell Jeanne when she gets back that I'll check in later - ah yes another sleepless night.... but wot fun!

AkashicWreckage said:
"p.s. did I miss it, or was there a roll call of astro signs & I missed it? Wonder if V is a Virgo - sounds definitely self-inflicted this webcam thing - god, did I just revert to an actual thread?"

I am a Libra with Aries rising.
I won't speak for Violette (she's an Aquarius and they talk so damn much and ask so MANY questions!!!!!!!)

What sign are you Marian?
And the rest of all you Nutcase Nun Nymphs?

"Thank you Marion now I know which cheek to share ~ whats with the tramp sign AW?" (extraneous question marks removed~~~~by orders from the Quorum of Queens who are being channeled by AW, as she types this response.

Tramp stamp is a tattoo located on the very lower back, right about the crack!

Violetteism #5 "I don't know what's rising but I do hope it is one of the hotties.!"

Nothing to add, this one stands alone---and fully erect!

WA (incognito so no one knows that I responded to this...)
Violetteism #6 (we may need to have a designated area for these soon) "All I know is I am an Aquarius with my moon in Scorpio!" (!!! removed due to critical shortage of inventory)

Nothing to say---except TMI Violette~~~
Oh, Violette---go look outside your window NOW---there's a cute guy out there!

That ought to keep her busy for a while...
You're all welcome, it's the least I could do...

"Geeez AW where's my daughter?"

I am not your daughter's keeper!
Great granny panties--------sheeesh!

I have to go in the shower now---

I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night... and awoke to 3 pages of new posts... long, interesting, funny and inspiring posts and short bursts of profundity posts... and right now I'm pushing my way toward the almond cake post to celebrate the longest thread ever and growing!

Let me just say... Wow!

These words are like the resounding aftershock of an earthquake... "ok girls, you DID know you were leading the pack/crossing thru the stargate with humor to the fore - great way to start the New Earth - while the rest of the planet was agonizing over what it meeeeans.."

I've been feeling something... been hearing others utter similarly... don't know what any of it means, just know that i've been highly energized since the last full moon - in Aquarius, the one who inspires cool dispassionate group think, and community. Uranus rises in Cancer my chart, so even though I'm watery, watery... Uranus provides that quirky bent of Aquarian energy.

"...sweatlodge of eternity" ...probably not a good time to tell my sweat lodge story... but I sure do love how you talk, Marian.

Marian Youngblood said:
Jeanne, AW, Annie, VR, Violette, Kathleen, Imelda, Ron(hon.crone), GaiaRose
I definitely feel more like a tree (arms to the sky, leaves dropping) than a human right now... but... determined to persevere in spite of the damned time difference - no sleep or disrupted sleep pattern has me on comp same time as you ladies & I'm 8hrs ahead of some of you... ahem onward & upward

Annie said:
Hi Victoria,
I agree with what Jeanne said. Your words are refreshing & uplifting. You too are a beautiful crone (wise) . Maby they could add that into the dictionary. Crone, full of beauty & wisdom although may appear on the surface to be withered & witchy. Which in the eyes of a knowing soul would also be considered full of beauty. Like a tree that has witnessed & weathered many years. Seasons coming & going, it's branches continuelly turning to the sky, the sun. It's leaves dropping & forever renewing. As trees are, we are. Continuous, reaching for the light, eternal. Love & warm smiles to you both this day.

I guess I can add a little to bulk up the number of posts to desired 333, 444 - in about a month we're about to get a 999 (which is 911 in Brit-speak & they're bound to go wild over that). So many to one thread - no l promise not to pull it - and all of this took me ages to catch up on because I was being 'serious' on another of Jeanne's theads - you see, Jeanne it's you we can blame for all this. Wise: yes the wisdom to laugh, clown chakra; Akashic you live up to your name utterly and beautifully - thank you - Annie, Imelda, can't keep up... I can't even give Violette's excuse & go for a nap because I've had no sleep pattern AT All thru the week's energy window [ok girls, you DID know you were leading the pack/crossing thru the stargate with humor to the fore - great way to start the New Earth - while the rest of the planet was agonizing over what it meeeeans.....]: Universe throwing stuff at us like triple eclipses, fire-the-grid, now Perseid meteor showers - and you gals taking it all in your stride. Way to go.

So, where was it we left off (that's my higher self speaking to my sisters in the circle inside this sweatlodge of eternity you are ALL responsible for creating)...?
oh yes - small serious injection: I really do take choline for short-term mem & it does wonders
& even smaller non-serious:
there are three kinds of memory: short-term and... I can't remember the other two...
... and don't you just hate it when somebody comes late to the party & tries to catch up too earnestly? sorry Violette, I forgot the crackers, but will almond cake do? love ya all x
It took about two hours to read all those posts... this is turning into a full time gig... totally threatening my day job. Oh, wait... I don't have a day job. I love being a crone. Truth is... I want my life to be my work... and my work to be my life. And I'm working on that...

Granddaughter Lillian Grace spent the night... she is such a little indigo... a little 2yo cronette.

Me? Water, water everywhere... Scorpio, sun, Pisces moon, Cancer rising, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Capricorn - Capricorn seems kinda crone-ish and Mars is high energy = a high energy crone, I can do that! ...I think ...I hope. Yes, I can.

And the Violette-isms grow... I concur, AW, they may require their own space. Perhaps we should create an R-rated crone section. ...somewhere to hide the hotties.

Violette Ruffley said:
Ahhhh our Westerner is awake, our fearless leader. I am bowing, now if I had the bloody webcam you could see the countenance of respect. Didja bring some hotties with you? Marion has a whole thingie, trailing the caboose, filled with them..



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