Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Too Much Information... TMI... but please remember what AW means... we must tread carefully.

Violette Ruffley said:
Jeanne, do you know what AW means by TMI?
The om symbol or the yin/yang? --- definitely the OM.

Violette Ruffley said:
Marion which tatoo? The om symbol or the yin/yang ~ which would be more fetching????????????????????????
I concur...

Violette Ruffley said:
Actually Jeanne ~ the entire "I heard a rumor that ~~~" should be R rated.
I said I'd check back, but I'm being a wimp & heading for bed, so just a light flurry before I hit this pillow in earnest - fingers crossed for you too Annie: what is it about this light portal that's affecting us so weirdly? oh, yes, light...
also I am now getting this astro thing a little more clearly: all you watery people & I haven't a shred of it in my chart - grand fire trine, loads of earth, Jup in Aquarius, no water. Thank you for balancing me... ...and Annie you weren't supposed to be so clairvoyant as soon as you emerged from your W.coast slumber - but yes, that's my 'day job' - trying like a trojan to get my spiritual novel published - hard graft for a nun, I can tell you - midway thru the painful process of nth rejection & up & try again... think I might go for a W.coaster this time; NYC is just so sure of itself; door closed.
Pls forgive me, (no I know Violette, you'll give me a hard time in hexclamation puncts) if I delay another day before raising this again - oops, that's not intended as encouragement to caboose followers erect & at the ready... but you dream on girl - have a whole night of hotties....
see ya'all tomorrow... x Marian

Annie said:
Marian, that was excellent. Along with the caboose & AWs sparkly entrance to her cave. Etc, etc, etc,. Have you thought about writing a book. Very clever & descriptive with your words.
This 3 page chapter had enlightened my morning-ahem...late morning because just as you Marian sleep is off for me also.
eanne I'm right there with you water woman. My sun & moon reside in Scorpio. Rising is Cancer. I do dream all the time of having a private pool to play mermaid in just as I did as a child.

Marion said: [ok girls, you DID know you were leading the pack/crossing thru the stargate with humor to the fore - great way to start the New Earth - while the rest of the planet was agonizing over what it meeeeans.....]: Universe throwing stuff at us like triple eclipses, fire-the-grid, now Perseid meteor showers - and you gals taking it all in your stride. Way to go.

So, where was it we left off (that's my higher self speaking to my sisters in the circle inside this sweatlodge of eternity you are ALL responsible for creating)...?
Violetteism # 6 is it already? "Jeanne, do you know what AW means by TMI?"

I know that Jeanne told you already, but couldn't you have come to me?
Am I that unapproachable that you felt you had to ask Jeanne behind my back?

Glory Be,
"And the Violette-isms grow... I concur, AW, they may require their own space. Perhaps we should create an R-rated crone section. ...somewhere to hide the hotties."

Well, speaking of full time jobs---just keeping Violette at bay here---is bordering on a full time job for me. A little help here, keeping her in check---would be appreciated.

I mean, like, it's all I have to do just to freakin' keep up with her, and my life, and her hotties, and her web cam (talk about R Rated!). It's like I don't get any help with making sure she's not carrying on in one of the obscure discussions or groups here---

I need help, Crones, I need help!
I'm tired, and I'm cranky and here I am, trying to figure out when I'll stumble on one of Violette's isms, or obsessive use of punctuation.

Can someone lend me a hand here? I'd also like to get to the bathroom---so even some relief for 5 minutes for a potty break, come on!
Violette Ruffley asked---oh so innocently, " Jeanne, do you know what AW means by TMI?"

Jeanne replies, "Too Much Information... TMI... but please remember what AW means... we must tread carefully."

Oh, just FYI? I'm reading here, I know when you're talking about me---heeellllllooooo!
And Jeanne, I can't believe you fell for her innocent question schtick!

Marian shared, "ok girls, you DID know you were leading the pack/crossing thru the stargate with humor to the fore - great way to start the New Earth - while the rest of the planet was agonizing over what it meeeeans.....]: Universe throwing stuff at us like triple eclipses, fire-the-grid, now Perseid meteor showers - and you gals taking it all in your stride. Way to go."

It has been wicked fierce, especially since May 1 - 7th.
I've learned during this time, more about hour to hour, day to day---during this period.
I must say, that I love you all---somehow, we're all doing it together---an amazing energy we have and I thank you.
Violetteism "Also goodnight and peaceful dreams to all. Blessed be, Violette"

Dream with the Angels,
Marian~~~"but yes, that's my 'day job' - trying like a trojan to get my spiritual novel published - hard graft for a nun, I can tell you - midway thru the painful process of nth rejection & up & try again... think I might go for a W.coaster this time; NYC is just so sure of itself; door closed."

Have you thought about self publishing? I have a friend who just did it recently. Hard work, but all hers...
And the 'cat' scan was cuz you're a meow, fierce feline... purr-r-r-rr...

I hope nothing serious... just follow-up?

I'm off to do my bit for health and humanity...
Much love to you Violette, ...and to all you beautiful crones who have deeply inspired me and made me grateful for at least one of my wild hairs.

Violette Ruffley said:
Well where is everybody? (I wanted more ? marks, but AW has taken all of the joy out of that)

I just finished having a cat scan this morning. Kathleen asked if they were looking for my brain and my response was that if they found it where that xray was pointed, I'm in big trouble.

I was wondering ~ where are the hotties,? No doubt busy pulling threads, just not mine.
Annie announces, "OMG Violette did you see that interesting man underneath you...........I mean his picture under yours on Peace Portal. Anthony Strange think is his name. I can imagine you two together. Can you invite him for coffee? I'd like to come to because I know the humor intelligence factor would be unbearably fun. How about it AW, Marion, Nuns, Anthony, can we all come over missV."

Stunning news, Annie~~~
Count me in!!

However, I must admit ahead of time---and this is a very rare event for me---that whomever this Tony Strange is~~~
I'm quite curious and feel I must inquire~~~~~

How would he look partnered with my Eye?
Do you think we would look good together?
And someone pass the boxed Blessed Vino--- over to Violette~~~
I don't want her to see what I just posted---




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