Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Welcome to the circle, Victoria. Thank-you for re-affirming the beauty of crone... and for calling us lovely and wise.

Victoria Regina said:
Hi All!
Well, I heard a rumour that Violette is having computer issues, again. Except, it's not a rumour. LOL She wanted to let you all know, She'll be back asap. As for being a 'crone', it's definitely an honour for me. Although, I get the impression that none of us here are 'withered', in any respect.... and 'old' is subjectively relative. ;-) Of course, I'm referring to the Merriam-Webster definition. This group of lovely Souls is surely redefining the word 'crone'. First thing that pops into my mind is, Wisdom.

Love and warm smiles.
Jeanne, AW, Annie, VR, Violette, Kathleen, Imelda, Ron(hon.crone), GaiaRose
I definitely feel more like a tree (arms to the sky, leaves dropping) than a human right now... but... determined to persevere in spite of the damned time difference - no sleep or disrupted sleep pattern has me on comp same time as you ladies & I'm 8hrs ahead of some of you... ahem onward & upward

Annie said:
Hi Victoria,
I agree with what Jeanne said. Your words are refreshing & uplifting. You too are a beautiful crone (wise) . Maby they could add that into the dictionary. Crone, full of beauty & wisdom although may appear on the surface to be withered & witchy. Which in the eyes of a knowing soul would also be considered full of beauty. Like a tree that has witnessed & weathered many years. Seasons coming & going, it's branches continuelly turning to the sky, the sun. It's leaves dropping & forever renewing. As trees are, we are. Continuous, reaching for the light, eternal. Love & warm smiles to you both this day.

I guess I can add a little to bulk up the number of posts to desired 333, 444 - in about a month we're about to get a 999 (which is 911 in Brit-speak & they're bound to go wild over that). So many to one thread - no l promise not to pull it - and all of this took me ages to catch up on because I was being 'serious' on another of Jeanne's theads - you see, Jeanne it's you we can blame for all this. Wise: yes the wisdom to laugh, clown chakra; Akashic you live up to your name utterly and beautifully - thank you - Annie, Imelda, can't keep up... I can't even give Violette's excuse & go for a nap because I've had no sleep pattern AT All thru the week's energy window [ok girls, you DID know you were leading the pack/crossing thru the stargate with humor to the fore - great way to start the New Earth - while the rest of the planet was agonizing over what it meeeeans.....]: Universe throwing stuff at us like triple eclipses, fire-the-grid, now Perseid meteor showers - and you gals taking it all in your stride. Way to go.

So, where was it we left off (that's my higher self speaking to my sisters in the circle inside this sweatlodge of eternity you are ALL responsible for creating)...?
oh yes - small serious injection: I really do take choline for short-term mem & it does wonders
& even smaller non-serious:
there are three kinds of memory: short-term and... I can't remember the other two...
... and don't you just hate it when somebody comes late to the party & tries to catch up too earnestly? sorry Violette, I forgot the crackers, but will almond cake do? love ya all x
She wouldn't dare detach the caboose!
We're striving for the Angelic Numbers here, a feat that none (but us Courageous Crones) have dared to try!
History is in the making here---
Okay, well maybe history is going a bit too far----
What the heck are we doin' here anyway?
Oh, Violette---tomorrow is Friday---
One of my days off----
Get some rest today!

Violette Ruffley said:
Well all of my beloved crone sisters and the few brave gentlemen hanging out on the fringes of this madhouse called "I heard a rumor that ~~~" . Goodness I hope our fearless leader doesn't uncouple the last car, ain't that the baggage car????? Who says we carry any baggage around here??????? I have been computer deprived, sleep deprived and some might say mind deprived soooooooooooo what's the thread??????????
now now Violette, no pleading it's the fault of the Bangladeshi call-centers - (that's because Hewlitt Packard won't pay world average salaries to people who speak your language, sorry - got carried away there) -

wot AkashicWreckage said, bless her...

AkashicWreckage said:
I'm sorry Violette---the delays are for a reason. Spirit is telling you to picture in your mind, or visualize your web cam in perfect order.
After that, Spirit says, "Make a picture board with what you wish to allow into your life, and fill it with pictures!!!! Fill it Dear One, with pictures of a perfectly functioning web cam!" And it will be! AW end quote

so even better, fill the picture board with functioning webcam AND all the stuff you really want to concentrate on & feed your dreams on (bet that's a hundred things OTHER than a webcam) - I totally love it AW - filling up my picture board here... birdsong, atar of roses, messy Muse (like it Jeanne; I'm trying to polish a MS & messy Muse wants me to start a whole new one), music-of-the-spheres, wisdom to be content with being here now xxx that's Violette's bar on the corner
bless us all
LOLing here Marian!
I think maybe I should make a picture board for my self right now. Between my Beach Buddy and I, we have 3 cars right now---
One of which, whenever the key is inserted in the ignition---senses that the car is being stolen and shuts off the ignition. We have to set a timer for 10 minutes and then it will start. That car is in the shop now, hopefully being fixed.
Another car, just won't start, period. And, it's not the battery---probably an ignition problem. Need to have that car towed soon.
And the latest addition to this family of vehicles, don't ask why Beach Buddy is accumulating cars---I'm sure there's some mystical significance in that---is a red Civic with a bazillion miles on it---and a check engine light that doesn't go off---

I'm putting my board together and it will have pictures of brand new, environmentally wonderful---non energy sucking, vehicles---

Or maybe I should just focus on beaming myself where I have to be...

Marian Youngblood said:
now now Violette, no pleading it's the fault of the Bangladeshi call-centers - (that's because Hewlitt Packard won't pay world average salaries to people who speak your language, sorry - got carried away there) -

wot AkashicWreckage said, bless her...

AkashicWreckage said:
I'm sorry Violette---the delays are for a reason. Spirit is telling you to picture in your mind, or visualize your web cam in perfect order.
After that, Spirit says, "Make a picture board with what you wish to allow into your life, and fill it with pictures!!!! Fill it Dear One, with pictures of a perfectly functioning web cam!" And it will be! AW end quote

so even better, fill the picture board with functioning webcam AND all the stuff you really want to concentrate on & feed your dreams on (bet that's a hundred things OTHER than a webcam) - I totally love it AW - filling up my picture board here... birdsong, atar of roses, messy Muse (like it Jeanne; I'm trying to polish a MS & messy Muse wants me to start a whole new one), music-of-the-spheres, wisdom to be content with being here now xxx that's Violette's bar on the corner
bless us all
Violetteism #3 "...And where are all the hotties?"

Keep 'em coming, Violette---tomorrow is Friday! Yeah!
I heard there were some Courageous Crones in a Caboose (the Three Cs) that got uncoupled a while back on the track and they're sending up flares just for show, but really they're totally content to be off-somewhere having a whale of a time - even got a 'do not disturb' sign round Violette's seat at the front and an astrology cart decorated with a tie-dyed veil of glitter, peace and beauty in the back for AW when she feels like heading into the cave...after work....

... it was just a rumor

...but, believe it or not the hotties are in hot pursuit - sorry - hand-pumping one of those old railroad rescue/techno cars (what are they called? memory fails...) that run on MANpower - VERY ecological, - can't you see them out the rear ? look Violette they're nothing like the dead guy in the casket - these are REALLY hot. OK gotta go into my nunnery now
Oh geez! You are so excitable ---dare I say that?
Not to worry---actually I should have suggested this when you first mentioned the computer problems---
Call upon Arch Angel Gabriel---the angel of communication---
Ask him nicely now, Violette, and don't go pulling your hottie stuff on Gabriel!
Ask him to do something about your computer---don't go barking orders at him, he's rather touchy.
He's the angel associated with Mondays---so he tends to be rather cranky~~~

Violette Ruffley said:
So what's the thread? I think someone pulled it, I cautioned you not to! OMG now everything willfall apart, ignitions, story boards, computers, thongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, but you saw thru my disguise - all the things on my picture board didn't include hotties - I just made them up in the caboose-chaser to please you... I happily live in my world of no hotties . . . I think

Violette Ruffley said:
I thought Imelda was the nun.
Marion, the Seer of All, observes: "and an astrology cart decorated with a tie-dyed veil of glitter, peace and beauty in the back for AW when she feels like heading into the cave...after work...."

How'd you know this Marian? LOLOL!

Marion goes on to describe The View from the Rear: "the hotties are in hot pursuit - sorry - hand-pumping one of those old railroad rescue/techno cars (what are they called? memory fails...) that run on MANpower - VERY ecological, - can't you see them out the rear ? look Violette they're nothing like the dead guy in the casket - these are REALLY hot."

Violette~~~~ take the thong off your head! They're shirtless! And not a man boob amongst them! Oh too bad, Violette, it's time for you to take a nap~~~ I'll volunteer to bring them refreshments...

Marian slips away: "OK gotta go into my nunnery now"

What is it with nuns that they keep coming up, both here and elsewhere in my life? LOL---a message of sorts, perhaps?

"I thought Imelda was the nun."

Well yes, but we're taking turns. It's your turn for the next week. That way the rest of us have half a chance~~~

Yours in slutitude,
Just a little by the way~~~~

Jeanne is up early---we may need to act like Cool Crones for a while~~~
I'm joining Marian in the Nunnery~~~
And please, NO ONE utter a word to Jeanne about where I'm hiding---I think my very life might depend on your silence~~~



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