Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Importance of Myth in the Transformation Toward 'A New Dawn'

The Importance of Myth in the Transformation Toward 'A New Dawn'

Join the new 'Be The Change' Conversation about Myth and Change at

Defining the Nature of Myth

What is myth? How does it play a role in our evolution? And why does myth so often stay unspoken or be the victim of mis-spoken understanding?

We have now entered a time when a large enough group of people are asking deeper questions about the cosmos, life, and consciousness. It is a time when many feel we are moving through one of most profound portals in human history. Whether it has been there waiting for us, or it is a forethought manifesting the era itself, it is here now. During this emergent episode, emergencies abound. A shattering of our belief systems, our values, and our understandings of how the Great Universe works ... and our place within it.

Inspire to become an agent of the mythic change by learning and sharing ideas and thoughts that are beyond your own comfort zone. Watch some of these great speakers and learn a bigger picture about the value of myth and mythology ... in a time when time itself has less meaning; a time when we can actually feel and see how our planetary story is changing. Watch and learn about 'myth'.

Here are some more video presentations on Myth. When you find great story tellers of myth - especially new myth or the defining of myth, add them to this discussion below.

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We live in an incredible time... a time when myths from around the world, are shared globally... a time when we can see and understand the commonalty of seemingly disparate myths.
Science and critical thinking has dominated the human consciousness during the past century... but I believe that the truth of our humanity thrives in stories shared by one another, told around a warm fire on a cold night, sung in fullness of spirit and re-enacted through voice, body and community.

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Cool Jeanne,
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