Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For... Take Action... Please!

The Florida Webcasting Network Is Making An Appeal To The World...

This appeal is for The Global Ecosystem, Life As We Know It and A Coming Together Of All The Brothers & Sisters Of Planet Earth... Not Just In The Gulf Oil Disaster... But In All Global Situations Which Need We The People Of Planet Earth To Come To The Aid Of Our Earth & Global Family...

I, Christopher, live a life of Spirituality and My Life is Filtered thru God's Hands... I believe that the Great Creator, which I choose to call God, Has Blessed us all here on Planet Earth with a Duality... We are Spiritual beings attempting to figure out this 3D experience... I feel that anyone that tells you that you must shed the duality, the 3D experience... to be able to rise in consciousness or to ascend or what ever, is not even close... We have been blessed with being the care takers of planet earth and all living things and we MUST act both in the Spiritual Planes and well as the Physical Planes to take meet with our responsibilities which have been given to us as sovereign beings of Planet Earth & Children Of The Great Creator... People tell us that true spirituality is a sit in one place, do not ruffel any feathers, Pray, Mediatae, Manifest and ask the Great Creator to help... Well... this is all good... BUT... WE MUST ACT On the Physical Plane as well... Nobody is going to drop money out of the sky or ride in on a White Horse and Save The Day! We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For... It Is In Our Hands... We Must Accept Our Responsibility as the care takers of this beautiful planet and take action in both the Spiritual Plane and the Physical Plane... We Must do this individually as well as together... We Must Pray, Meditate and Manifest... But We Must Also ACT and ACT NOW!...

I know that there are many terrible things happening on planet Earth Today as well as many Miracles... This brings me to this point... I'm not sure if you all understand the relevance of the Gulf Oil Disaster and it's effects not just on the Gulf States... But all our Oceans and the World. I posted information about the Gulf Oil Disaster News and Information Network... And... much to my dismay... Nobody... Yes... Nobody responded with any type of input accept to make small of this on going Gulf/Global Disaster in the making... This really distresses me... Why? you might ask...
1) There is a Media Blackout on the Gulf Oil Situation... They are putting on a good show... but are not doing true investigative reporting or revealing the truths... just following the BP and Fed script... $$$$$
2) BP, against the Demands of the EPA, Many Countries, Environmental groups and We The People Of Planet Earth are Still spraying COREXIT 9500 Solvent to disburse the oil.... It is Killing every living thing it comes in contact with down to the essential microbes... It is making people sick and killing sea life and animals in mass... They actually have a wand which is spraying there Corexit right into the wellhead at aprox 1000+ Gallons a day not to mention the spraying by Planes and Boats... They are not letting you know this...
4) The Powers that be are bought and sold... They are owned by BP... BP was the biggest contributor to Obama's Presidential campaign and have Billions of dollars in Global contracts with the U.S. ... It's not about anything but MONEY!
5) The People are just living their lives the best we can and are not ACTING on this.
6) The Corexit has just pushed the oil under the surface and is hiding it... There are now reports of the Highly Toxic Corexit Oil Clouds as high up the Atlantic Seaboard ad Massachusetts by local media, politicians and the marine and fishing industries. And Soon to be heading, if it is not already... to Europe and throughout the Atlantic...
7) The Governmental Groups at all levels are underplaying the Toxicity of the Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methane and other Toxic VORs as well as the Deadly Solvent COREXIT 9500 which are being assimilated in our waters and air.... Did you know that there was a list of professional people and local people which worked on the Exxon Valdez Disaster clean up? ... Did you know that according to Dr. Ott, Marine Biologist & Toxicoligist, who is one of the very few survivers of the Valdez Disaster cleanup states... All Most All of the people which worked that disaster or lived in the directly effected areas of the disaster have died of a variety of respirtory issues and cancers... The Ecology, the Marine life and the infringed land areas have not recovered or even come close to recovering from the oil and dispursents... It is a DEAD SEA!
8) There are videos and reports of an acid rain coming down on the crops, trees, plants and even the weeds which is killing everything... This is happening in Mississippi in a 100 mile radius... and there are new reports of the same coming out daily....
There is just so much more!!!! I could go on for a long time... Go To The Gulf Oil Disaster News & Information Network and Read and See For Your Self... Please... This is Our World and It Is In Our Hands... Please Watch This Video and then go to the Oil Disaster Network and Take Action!

Please Go To and Join and/or donate to the oil network.... Or Just Join and read the real news and information and let all which are being effected by this Terrible Global Event, that they are not alone and that We The People Of Planet Earth Are Together...
Please contact Christopher Uhland, Ceo, Owner and Visionary... The Florida Webcasting Network at : or Call: 305-451-2473... Purchase a Sponsor Ad In The Book or just Flat out give from your heart to help us help all being effected by One of the Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In The Making In Human History.... Thank You and Many Blessings...
Christopher "Starman, The FYI Guy, The DigiDude" Uhland


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