Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Current PlanetoPhysical alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible.
Strong evidence exists that these transformations are being caused by highly
charged material and energetic non-uniformity's in anisotropic interstellar
space which have broken into the interplanetary area of our Solar System. This
"donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited energy states in
all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on Earth are to be found in the
acceleration of the magnetic pole shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone
content distribution, and in the increased frequency and magnitude of
significant catastrophic climatic events. There is growing probability that we
are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that
took place 10,000 years ago. The adaptive responses of the biosphere, and
humanity, to these new conditions may lead to a total global revision of the
range of species and life on Earth. It is only through a deep
understanding of the fundamental changes taking place in the natural
environment surrounding us that politicians, and citizens a like, will be able
to achieve balance with the renewing flow of PlanetoPhysical states and

I've put this "update" together though there's certainly more info out there.
Newer Contributions are Welcome...

Pluto is undergoing global warming, researchers find

And here;
Global Warming on Pluto Puzzles Scientists
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 09 October 2002
01:25 p.m. ET
In what is largely a reversal of an August announcement, astronomers today
said Pluto is undergoing global warming in its thin atmosphere even as it moves
farther from the Sun on its long, odd-shaped orbit.
Brighter Neptune Suggests a Planetary Change of Seasons
Springtime is blooming on Neptune! This might sound like an oxymoron because
Neptune is the farthest and coldest of the major planets. But NASA Hubble Space
Telescope observations are revealing an increase in Neptune's brightness in the
southern hemisphere, which is considered a harbinger of seasonal change, say
Evidence of global warming seen on Neptune's largest moon
Deborah Halber, News Office
July 15, 1998

We're not the only ones experiencing global warming. An MIT researcher has
reported that observations obtained by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and
ground-based instruments reveal that Neptune's largest moon, Triton, seems to
have heated up significantly since the Voyager space probe visited it in 1989.
The warming trend is causing part of Triton's surface of frozen nitrogen to turn
into gas, thus making its thin atmosphere denser.

New Images Reveal Clouds on Planet Uranus (Unusual weather = global warming?)
New Images Reveal Clouds on Planet Uranus
By Staff
posted: 10 November 2004
09:16 am ET
New images of the planet Uranus reveal more diversity in cloud features than
ever seen before.

The new images, from the Keck Telescope in Hawaii, provide insight into some
of the most enigmatic weather in the solar system, researchers said today at a
meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical
Society. "It's weird behavior that hasn't been recognized before on Uranus,"
Sromovsky said. "It's similar to what's been seen on Neptune, although there the
oscillation is much more rapid.
Radio data show that Saturn is warmer than astronomers predicted. What is
causing this extra heat? One idea is that Saturn is still contracting. As gas is
compressed into a smaller volume, heat is produced.
Saturn has strange hot spot
Posted: February 4, 2005
Astronomers using the Keck I telescope in Hawaii are learning much more about
a strange, thermal "hot spot" on Saturn that is located at the tip of the
planet's south pole. In what the team is calling the sharpest thermal views of
Saturn ever taken from the ground, the new set of infrared images suggest a warm
polar vortex at Saturn's south pole -- the first to ever be discovered in the
solar system. This warm polar cap is home to a distinct compact hot spot,
believed to contain the highest measured temperatures on Saturn. A paper
announcing the results appears in the Feb. 4th issue of "Science."
Researcher predicts global climate change on Jupiter as giant planet's spots
By Sarah Yang, Media Relations 21 April 2004
BERKELEY ? If a University of California, Berkeley, physicist's vision of
Jupiter is correct, the giant planet will be in for a major global temperature
shift over the next decade as most of its large vortices disappear.

And this;
New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change
By Sara Goudarzi
Staff Writer
posted: 04 May 2006
01:00 pm ET

A storm is brewing half a billion miles away and in a rare event, astronomers
get to watch it closely. Jupiter is growing a new red spot and the Hubble Space
Telescope is photographing the scene. Backyard astronomers have been following
the action, too. "Red Spot Jr." as it is being called, formed after three white
oval-shaped storms?two of which were at least 90 years old?merged between 1998
and 2000. A similar merger took place centuries ago and formed the bigger and
legendary Great Red Spot, a storm twice as big as Earth and almost 300 years
Mars Is Warming, NASA Scientists Report
Data coincide with increasing solar output
Written By: James M. Taylor
Published In: Environment News
Publication Date: November 1, 2005
Publisher: The Heartland Institute

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I "create" that which my 5 senses "experience, yet at the same time everything that I "experience or create" is just a "dream..."

It is time to awaken...

It IS time to "Re-Member..."

Part III

You Are NOT Your Name...

For those interested in what Time is and how we experience time I've written a series of postings which I can send.
What's Happening & Why - Part IV

Maurice Cotterell discusses the sun spot lows and highs and the past and now implications for humanity of these predictable cycles....and they are potentially astounding!!!

Cotterell has spent many years researching encoded messages in ancient artwork that speak of the same cycles that modern science is only now on the edge of understanding...

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