Architects of a New Dawn

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When Did Becoming A Vegetarian turn into a bad thing?

I recently read the article on Time online about Teens and Vegetarianism and was horrified.,8599,1889742,00.html?cnn=yes

I am unapologetically a carnivore...I love my meat and I need it on a semi regular basis to make me fel human. But I can understand and respect that there are people out there who are not like me. This article is acting like dying your hair is normal but joining a charity or choosing an alternative lifestyle is a bad thing. Also this "study" is conducted all on a group of people from Minnesota. It is not a broad spectrum study of teens from across America or even the world. And I (the meat eater) was offended when they decided to poke fun at people who don't eat meat based on the premise that it came from another living creature by talking about "defenseless chickens" and "adorable animals known as fish".

I'm not quite sure where they feel they got the right to spout this sanctimonious nonsense. I agree that eating disorders are a very important worry in this county and it's far more prevalent than any really understand. But I think that to make fun of an alternative lifestyle just to drive the point home is not the kind of stunt that will win over many converts to their way of thinking. It's articles like these that make me scuttle back to Architects very quickly to get a dose of calm and positivity.

Maybe I'm over-reacting but you can tell me what you think.

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Well, I agree with you, Lil. There's a LOT at stake though, if more teens enjoy the healthy benefits of eating healthy---
Mocking it, and associating it with negative behaviors is one way to deflect attention from what is good about about it.
"The authors suggest that parents and doctors should be extra vigilant when teens suddenly become vegetarians. Although teens may say they're trying to protect the animals, they may actually be trying to camouflage some unhealthy eating behaviors."

In general, all nutritional lifestyle changes should be subject to care and caution. Teenagers especially are prone to experimentation with the possibilities... it is, after all, the time of life to individuate the self from parents... to venture away from the family norm, while still within the familial safety net.

The saddest part of the above article quote is not about what teenagers eat, but about the researcher's conclusions that teenagers are to be mistrusted when they come up with lifestyle concepts different than their parents.
The researcher could have instead concluded that parents should take an interest in their teens new food interests, learn with them and assist them through previously uncharted terrain... thus creating a partnered relationship rather than an oppositional one.

Obviously this article was intended for parents who are uninformed about vegetarianism, veganism and raw foodism... and appeals to those with a "you'll eat what I cook" mentality, rather than to a creative "lets explore this option together" mentality. I've met both... some who will create different meals for their budding vegs and some who say you'll eat meat as long as you're under my roof. Ultimately, the relationship with one another is the real issue and the parent with an open mind and heart will come out winning... no matter what diet is chosen.
I hope that I'm not hopelessly caught up in semantics but aren't human beings omnivores? I have listened to so many arguments between the herbivores & carnivores in restaurants that sometimes i feel like it's a Jurrassic Park nightmare. We have the choice to fuel our bodies and our spirits with anything. I choose food raised with Love. I don't choose for others.
Love, Erin
Thanks for the Share... I am a vegetarian and became one for health reasons... I do not read Time magazine and I will be sure not to in the future.

It is not necessary to put down or insult any group to sell magazines. That is old energy thinking.

love and light..Sharon
Jeanne, you nailed it! The idea that teens are to be "mistrusted" when they come up with lifestyle choices that differ from their parents---it's disheartening that this wedge is continuing to be thrust between parents and children. One of my son's chose to become a vegetarian when he was a junior in high school, I think. It's been many years now, and while I sometimes forget---like when I told to have chicken soup when he was sick last week---I knew it was a good choice for him and trusted his judgment.

I also agree with what Erin said about our choices to fuel our bodies. When we are giving our spirits and bodies what they need to thrive, what could be better?

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