Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Attention Crones!

I need all the hot air ya'all can muster up.
You too, Violette!
We've got us a tropical storm out there and while I've made up my mind NOT to watch the Weather Channel, nor the news, I would appreciate some help.

I implore you all, to blow that thing away from here, South Florida, thankyouverymuch!

Every single time you open this discussion to read, would you please focus your 3rd Eyes on South Florida and open up your 5th Chakras and send this thing out somewhere else, where it can do no harm?

Thanks in advance,

Views: 42

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I've got an idea, AW... I have an extra bedroom... come stay this storm out in the great Northwest. We don't have the everglades, alligators, hurricanes, Bushes as governors, bad voting chads or cottonmouths, copperheads, black racers, etc...

We do have rain, lots of rain... and trees - really big ones, spider overpopulation and a few occasional dormant ans non-dormant volcanoes... but overall, its nice here.

I woke this morning to the sound of migrating geese overhead... I thought, in August? WTF? Isn't it kind of early for that? Does that portend an early winter?

Well... for now, Florida has AW... and thats all the reason I need to "focus (my) 3rd Eye on South Florida and open up (my) 5th Chakra and send this thing out somewhere else. Be safe...
Jeanne "I've got an idea, AW... I have an extra bedroom... come stay this storm out in the great Northwest. We don't have the everglades, alligators, hurricanes, Bushes as governors, bad voting chads or cottonmouths, copperheads, black racers, etc...

We do have rain, lots of rain... and trees - really big ones, spider overpopulation and a few occasional dormant ans non-dormant volcanoes... but overall, its nice here."

I'm almost sold on it---you had me with the "Bushes as governors," but I'm wavering a bit with, "non-dormant volcanoes".
Third eye engaged, fifth chakra powerfully released, cloaking device engaged. It's in the hands of the Goddess now.....
Stephanie arrives on the scene, with help: "Third eye engaged, fifth chakra powerfully released, cloaking device engaged. It's in the hands of the Goddess now....."

Oh, thank goodness you got here in plenty of time!
Which goddess?
Not that I care...but I do want to make sure it's one I haven't pissed off lately~~~
Annie, our resident Weather Vane~~~"I am turning on the weather channel now. there doing an old hurricanes show. What's happening today AW. I am concerned. I will do as you ask sis."

Whatever you do, do not turn on the Weather Channel, you'll ruin the surprise!
We have maybe 5 days at the very most, before this thing sets its sight on right where I live, Crones!
Right where I live!
BTW Annie---its name is Ana---any relation of yours???????????? ;-)

Hi AW;
Did my part for ya,,, set my intent & BLEW.
I’m one who chooses to stand in My Power,,,,
feel that we Crones don’t need to run & hide.
I was living very near Galveston last September
when Hurricane Ike devastated the Texas coast.
We didn’t evacuate, instead, I sat out on my patio
all night, holding my intention that a huge bubble
was over our house/neighborhood & that NO harm
would come to us.
A long story short,,, at dawn, our house, yard &
all the trees were basically Untouched by the two
tornadoes which passed by during the ordeal.
However, the neighborhood surrounding us had huge
downed trees & much damage.
We had electricity within 6 hours after the hurricane,
while our neighbors waited for 2-3 weeks for power.
And Yes, I did attempt to send the hurricane out to sea
but it’s my opinion, the area in which I lived needed to
be cleansed of much negative energy.
Sometimes it’s not meant for us to shield others from
what they are supposed to experience.

I send Love, Blessings & Safety to U all in Florida,
I have a Dear friend living there.
Amber Joy Dancin said:
Hi AW;
Did my part for ya,,, set my intent & BLEW. A long story short,,, at dawn, our house, yard & all the trees were basically Untouched by the two
tornadoes which passed by during the ordeal.

I send Love, Blessings & Safety to U all in Florida,
I have a Dear friend living there.
you gottit Aka Wreck - I'm an old hand at Bahamian hurricanes - not one of them rocked me & my family (of which you number one) - so cocoon set, 3rd eye & correct chakra to the fore: you ain't in its path - it's being blown AWAY. If you dont' believe me, see my post on the other thread!
p.s. since we're both operating from a stance of moon in Sag, I invoked his unfailing accuracy in sending the arrow elsewhere. He smiled in a Centaurean way & said with great jollity, 'be glad to'
**Which goddess?**
She Who Creates and Cares For All.

**Not that I care...but I do want to make sure it's one I haven't pissed off lately~**

Don't worry about pissing Her off ~ she _likes_ that ! Rebellion reinforces the knowledge that Her creations are a true reflection of Self.

Wondering what you are doing (or did) to celebrate the storm? We had a humdinger here the other day - I ran out into it, grateful for the opportunity to cleanse. As I walked back toward the building, the 2nd nearest tree (pretty large) fell to the earth, blocking 5 lanes of travel. Me-thinks I waited a bit too long to cleanse myself ;-}

Love, Light & Harmony to All my Cronies!
Thank you so much, Amber Joy!
I understand what needs to be intended with this Ana Tropical Storm!
A bitch to be reckoned with, for sure!
I can't go runnin' anywhere, I've come to realize that these things must be faced.
I went through Wilma and went only 12 days without electric---but the lessons were huge.

I learned a LOT about resilience and resourcefulness.

And about having a plug in thingie in the car, so that I could run a fan, get online---but the darn thing didn't have enough power for a pot of coffee!

I'm glad you made it through Ike relatively unscathed.

I agree about the cleansing and clearing~~~~very important, if one can release and allow~~~

Amber Joy Dancin said:
Hi AW;
Did my part for ya,,, set my intent & BLEW.
I’m one who chooses to stand in My Power,,,,
feel that we Crones don’t need to run & hide.
I was living very near Galveston last September
when Hurricane Ike devastated the Texas coast.
We didn’t evacuate, instead, I sat out on my patio
all night, holding my intention that a huge bubble
was over our house/neighborhood & that NO harm
would come to us.
A long story short,,, at dawn, our house, yard &
all the trees were basically Untouched by the two
tornadoes which passed by during the ordeal.
However, the neighborhood surrounding us had huge
downed trees & much damage.
We had electricity within 6 hours after the hurricane,
while our neighbors waited for 2-3 weeks for power.
And Yes, I did attempt to send the hurricane out to sea
but it’s my opinion, the area in which I lived needed to
be cleansed of much negative energy.
Sometimes it’s not meant for us to shield others from
what they are supposed to experience.

I send Love, Blessings & Safety to U all in Florida,
I have a Dear friend living there.
SagMoonMarian~~~"you gottit Aka Wreck - I'm an old hand at Bahamian hurricanes - not one of them rocked me & my family (of which you number one) - so cocoon set, 3rd eye & correct chakra to the fore: you ain't in its path - it's being blown AWAY. If you dont' believe me, see my post on the other thread!
p.s. since we're both operating from a stance of moon in Sag, I invoked his unfailing accuracy in sending the arrow elsewhere. He smiled in a Centaurean way & said with great jollity, 'be glad to'

Expect Miracles---My favorite two words---and I've known the truth of those words, on a personal level.
And, once again, I must say thanks, for the confirmation!
Aaaa------haaaaaa---deep let go breath---
Sis AkaWreck

I'm overwhelmed with the Earth Angel Assistance I am receiving!

Thank you, Maggie~~~



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