Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Hello Mary Rose

Oh my you are alive and well that is for sure. All the power to you girl, do keep on eye on the poison ivy if you do decide to have a running naked venture in the rain.

I have that memory and it is as vivid as the sense of warm rain fused with the tears of laughter at the brazen act of utter joy . For that I am so grateful.

I will be 60 this New Years Eve so I guess there just may be more to come, they always say it happens when you least expect
it... right???

My you sure have thinking now Mary Rose. ~giggles~

I have been working away in the basement still up to my neck in mud and all I could think of was "the darn thong"... You guys
made my day today.

God Bless

mary rose said:
Hey, all of you OLD people need to read one of Deepak Chopara's first books. He could have stopped with this one and never written anything else. "Ageless BodyTimeless Mind - The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old," but then it might be better understood once having read cellular biologist Bruce Lipton's "Biology of Belief - The Science of How Thoughts Control Life". Let's please get it that "we are what we think we are." (Gotta get that one on Twitter.)

I am 77 and feel like forty-something today -- probably look a little on the south side of sixty, maybe a little overweight, but what the heck -- i love tasty healthy foods and men love my big boobs. Anyway last year i had some 30-something chasing me around and this year there's a young 40-something that I'm chasing. because every time i get near him i turn into an uncontrollable "red hot momma" and love the feeling. And, you know in this "stereotyping" society of ours run by the "Lollywood" lords and their worship of the young daughter image, we more mature great-grandmothers are supposed to have non-feeling genital regions and shriveled up bodies and minds.

Well the hell with that kind of thinking -- as long as i am here on Earth with an Earthling body, (my temple) I'm going to enjoy every feeling moment of it to the hilt.

Every once in awhile in growing and expanding my consciousness, i seem to outgrow my name and need to adopt a new one. And just this morning i had one of these "pop-thru's" and a new name was bestowed upon me. From now on i am to be known as The Goddess Gaia Rose. Goddess denotes that i am a daughter of the great Earth-mother Nin.Har.Sag, Gaia denotes my Earthling Status, and the Rose is a symbol of the light and dark side of life always present within and without.

And i shall be called henceforth: "Gaia Rose" or just plain "Rose" which ever is most appropriate.

with love and appreciation to everyone for having the courage to "be who they are". May we all bow before Authenticity.

BTW, i have no desire to wear a thong -- as yet anyway. Time will tell, but to run nude through the dew of the morning or in the moonlight night, in a lovely pool of water, or on the sands of the ocean beach, ahhhh yes!!!! .
Violette shared, "However, I have been considering getting a tattoo on each cheek. That would be my sit upon cheeks. Om symbol on one and yin/yang on the other . Once they turn over the body that should perk things up a bit, what with the formaldehyde and all."

How about a cute little tramp stamp? Something maybe lacy with roses---something reminiscent of Grandmother's parlor?
With your name done in a delicate calligraphy across your lower back?

My personal favorite would be a tattoo that reads, "Blessed be~~ Hiya Guys!"
With a beautiful violette wreath of flowers surrounding those words~~

Violette throws out the age card, in an attempt to garner support with, "I really expect you children to be properly respectful as I will be 83 before too many more months. If I can just keep Jeanne from throwing me out of here. I need your support ladies. Gentleman perhaps you would consider supporting me as well."

Move over!
You've lived your life, Granny!
It's our turn to get the decent guys!
It's our time to turn our faces to the sun, our backs to the wind, and push you sexy slutpuppies outta our way!
You keep this up and I'm gonna have throw out my cancer card~~~
Don't make me go there girlfriend!
Blessed be...
I was born on the feast of Blessed Imelda, she was cannonized a Saint on my birthday Jan. 01, 1950. My mother called me Imelda for that very reason. I always thought of myself as a nun... funny you would say that.

Anyway I am not ...but not too far from it I guess pun here simply because 'I don't get none'... ooo, bad huh! To tell the truth here
I really enjoy my own life now. Husbands... Lovers, they take a lot of hard work emotionally, mentally and spiritually and probably many more reasons if I really think about it.

So, I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 47, uteran cancer so I never took hormone replacement therapy. I have never
thought about sex since. Perhaps the urge left with the ovaries. I don't know quite honestly, but it does not bother me in the
least or so that is what I tell myself and I believe me.

Besides for the first time in my life I am enjoying discovering all the things I love in depth at my own pace in peace.

AkashicWreckage said:
Imelda~~~BTW, one of my favorite nuns in high school was Sister Imelda.
But anyway, those days better not be in the past---not that I want to get tied up in thong wearing again---
But it's those days----
I demand to know from the Great Storehouse of Crone Wisdom---
That those days are NOT over!
Are they?
Violette Ruffley said:
Or how about anyone into Necrophilia around here? Surrounded by a wreath of violets? Sounds very dainty and feminine. If there were any guys here I think we scared them off. I hoew my daughter is asleep.

I hope my mother is asleep~~~
Good thing she doesn't have a clue about computers~~but still, she can be clever and intuit that I've been up to no good today...
Hello AkashicWreckage

This is my second attempt at responding to Sister Imelda but alas the computer sure knows how to wake me up... I forgot to add reply. I worn you guys I am computer and money challenged.

Back to Sister Imelda... well I was born on the feast of Blessed Imelda who was canonized a Saint on Jan 01, 1950, my mother of course being an Irish Catholic from Inchichore Dublin Ireland called my Imelda Frances, Burnadette Maguire.

It is funny you would say that Akashic.. I have always felt like a nun.

I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 47 and I think my sex drive left with the ovaries. I had uteran cancer therefore
opted not take hormone replacement therapy as a result I went quite mad so sex has never found it's way back to my desire
or passion chamber.

Perhaps that leaves you with a good measure of hope that it is not over for you yet... ~*giggles*~

AkashicWreckage said:
Imelda~~~BTW, one of my favorite nuns in high school was Sister Imelda.
But anyway, those days better not be in the past---not that I want to get tied up in thong wearing again---
But it's those days----
I demand to know from the Great Storehouse of Crone Wisdom---
That those days are NOT over!
Are they?
Good point, Violette---
We must be clever, if we are to outwit Jeanne.
We should take turns guarding this page, someone needs to be the lookout while others of us sleep.
We will have rotating shifts and we need someone to stoke the fire so that the rest of us who are sleeping do not get cold.
A ring of fire surrounding us might not be a bad idea, keep the animals out too.

Someone must continue to post on this page throughout the night.
Is there anyone out there in the midst of menopause whose sleep patterns are all screwy?
Care to volunteer and help the rest of us out?

Thanks for that head's up, Violette~~~
Good lookin' out for ya sistas!


Violette Ruffley said:
When I worked as a psych nurse the doctors came in late to check the charts, if they did not like something the nurses wrote in the chart they would tear out the page. Do you suppose Jeanne will come in later and tear out our pages?
I'm with you Violet,

Gone with a quiet breeze that slammed the door shut. AMEN!

Good for you Akashic for wanting to fulfill your passion. It does amaze my that you could have it so well defined however.
Anyhow it sure is a lot of fun listening to you fantasize... or maybe you do not have to fantasize but I would watch out for that old fart for sure. ~*gg.

AkashicWreckage said:
Well Mary Rose, I'd like to respectfully request that you share whatever it is that you're taking----Look, at this point in my life, I'd settle for an old fart with a pulse---Cancel that---our thoughts are what?
Hold on, I've got to go re-read your post---
Thoughts control our lives---okay---no old farts with pulses---
I'll take an energetic 50 year old, with a side of a 35ish year old---
And no, I won't say which side of the 35ish year old!
Crazy Crones!

Violette Ruffley said:
What was the original thread?.. You folks are going to make me think I have dementia.

What thread?
I thought about that, Annie!
When my dad died, my mom shocked us all by bringing a small jar of Skippy peanut butter (he LOVED peanut butter) and a small jar of stuffed olives, which he loved as well.
It was almost a joyous occasion!
Hope my dad is ready for all this when she joins him in the afterlife!
Annie said:
If what the egyptians said was true then your Mum would be taking these to her afterlife with her & having a lovely time with the gift you sent with her. Really nice thought don't ya think?

AkashicWreckage said:
That's okay, Violette~~~
We can build a panty shrine and do a memorial march in our thongs, granny panties, boy shorts or tankinis for ya.
I plan on freakin' my brothers out at my mom's funeral---I've already bought a nice vibrant red bra and panties that I'm going to put in her casket...
What's she gonna do to me anyway?
Thank you Annie for your willingness to brave the night on our behalf!
We will cast a cloak of protection around you, even though we sleep.

Now, I see that Jeanne is nearby~~~
May I hide under some Nun's skirts so she won't discover me here?
Thanks in advance,

Annie said:
OMG I'm giggling like I hav'nt for a long time. I shall keep the page warm later as I must go for groceries for us. I shall forage the woods alone but know my kindred soulful crone sistas are with me in spirit. This makes me br strong So keep a good lookout & keep stokin the fires for safety comfort. I Love you All. Annie

AkashicWreckage said:
Good point, Violette---
We must be clever, if we are to outwit Jeanne.
We should take turns guarding this page, someone needs to be the lookout while others of us sleep.
We will have rotating shifts and we need someone to stoke the fire so that the rest of us who are sleeping do not get cold.
A ring of fire surrounding us might not be a bad idea, keep the animals out too.

Someone must continue to post on this page throughout the night.
Is there anyone out there in the midst of menopause whose sleep patterns are all screwy?
Care to volunteer and help the rest of us out?

Thanks for that head's up, Violette~~~
Good lookin' out for ya sistas!


Violette Ruffley said:
When I worked as a psych nurse the doctors came in late to check the charts, if they did not like something the nurses wrote in the chart they would tear out the page. Do you suppose Jeanne will come in later and tear out our pages?
Jeanne's around, try to behave.

Fine, we'll find you a hottie guy to put in the box with you.
Just hurry along and pretend that you're old and tired out.


Violette Ruffley said:
Hold the olives and the peanut butter. Find me some hottie guy and put him in the box with me.



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