Architects of a New Dawn

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Anyone else facing a Saturn Return? Mine is looming. Saturn in Libra is on its way.
For those here who have lived to tell the tale, what are/were the lessons for you?

It is said that Saturn, the Relentless Taskmaster, Karmic Kaptain, will knock 3 times during its transit, or slap one upside the head---3 times---until we hopefully "get it."

For me personally, while this current transit in Virgo is not my return---well, I wonder.
The lessons have been both idiotic, and yet I can see that I've been challenged to really look AT my
SELF, and what I'm willing to sacrifice of my SELF---in order to get on in the world.

Or---what I'm willing to sacrifice of my SELF for the sake of relationships and the glimpses back on the me I was the last time Saturn was in Virgo---and its impact on my health (Virgo).

To the more seasoned Crones---28 - 30 years ago---what were your lessons?
And, 56 - 60ish years ago, have those lessons come full circle for you?

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Hello AkashicWreckage

Wonderful topic.

I have looked at myself all my life realizing nothing but shortcomings. This last year a decision to have a retrospective
A CELEBRATION OF LIFE AND LOVE my life as an artist was made on Valentines Day, the day to celebrate universal love. Since that decision with great intention to share what I know as love has unfolded the true mysteries of our beautiful universe.

Life is full of grand awakenings if we want them. It is up to decide to want it all opening our hearts and souls to receive in great faith the Divine Source of all that is.

I really must get myself moving here~~~but wanted to say, Imelda----last night as I was responding to your St Imelda posting, and reflecting back on the experiences I had with nuns, and of course others----I realized that often I would look at my shortcoming, where I didn't live up to what others expected of me, and wondered why I had really never acknowledged that to myself. It was like someone turned a light on, all of a sudden.
I realized that I have never much liked the reception of other people's judgments of me, and while I would put on a great show of not caring, or defending myself----I began to understand that it's been the desire to belong, and yet wanting to be allowed to be left to be myself.
However, I'd be continuing to fool myself if I didn't admit to realizing that it is ME who trips me up, almost ALL the time!
With love,
Third time trying to reply to this post... its Saturn. ...a merciless taskmaster... its just never good enough for that guy! Seems he can always find a rough spot that needs smoothing, a scratch that needs filling... a self that sacrificing.

Not only does Saturn demand discipline, responsibility and hard as steel conviction... Saturn wants you to sing... harmoniously, tremulouly... like a whippoorwill. Singing and suffering... enslaved, in bondage to life.

Saturn doesn't appear vulnerable... yet demands it completely... utterly, unto dust.
Jeanne, you said "Not only does Saturn demand discipline, responsibility and hard as steel conviction... Saturn wants you to sing... harmoniously, tremulouly... like a whippoorwill. Singing and suffering... enslaved, in bondage to life."

So freaking wild you said whippoorwill---one of my absolute favorite birds. Coinky dink, or something else I wonder...
While Saturn is a rollercoaster ride---the influences of Pluto right now are of importance as well. A time of upheaval, both within us, and around us. I believe Saturn, in a wild way, really will be assisting us---prepare for the other stuff.

It's so interesting to go back in time, 28 -30 years ago, to look at what we were doing then, that we must finish up now---GET the lesson, or else...
So... you're saying the Saturn induced misery will offset the Pluto upheaval, make it hardly noticeable? Oh where are venus and jupiter when you need 'em?

30 years ago... thats hard to think of... its like the lost years... head down, eyes straight ahead, wearing the yoke of the householder... the cross of matter. I like being a crone... yes, I do.

While Saturn is a rollercoaster ride---the influences of Pluto right now are of importance as well. A time of upheaval, both within us, and around us. I believe Saturn, in a wild way, really will be assisting us---prepare for the other stuff.

It's so interesting to go back in time, 28 -30 years ago, to look at what we were doing then, that we must finish up now---GET the lesson, or else...
"So... you're saying the Saturn induced misery will offset the Pluto upheaval, make it hardly noticeable? Oh where are venus and jupiter when you need 'em?"
No, I'm saying we're in deep shi(ft). Saturn's seemingly unreal focus on what we HAVE to get through our heads, and out of our lives, will throw us curve balls that will be hard to duck away from.
Jupiter in Aquarius, with a bunch of other characters in Aquarius since, what, January---
Jupiter (Search for Truth) in Aquarius (Awakening-detached compassion)
Jupiter (the pull towards growth) in Aquarius (Rebel against the status quo).

Thirty years ago, I began to willingly trade away valuable parts of myself, in return for the protection of a partnership.
It was supposedly easier than the alternative---
I bring up the Saturn return, because many of us crones, are facing our 2nd Saturn return---symbolizing what comes with age. Wisdom, of course---maybe even realizing that there are some things that we will just never do, or have or be---accepting that, isn't always easy---and yet, it IS freeing!
Free without those contraints (not bitter looking back at the couldas, shouldas or wouldas)~~~
Almost a big let go...
No wonder I been feeling this way... ever since the full moon in aquarius, I've been exceedingly energized... no wonder, with all those planets sitting there. no... it is a wonder.

AkashicWreckage said:
"So... you're saying the Saturn induced misery will offset the Pluto upheaval, make it hardly noticeable? Oh where are venus and jupiter when you need 'em?"
No, I'm saying we're in deep shi(ft). Saturn's seemingly unreal focus on what we HAVE to get through our heads, and out of our lives, will throw us curve balls that will be hard to duck away from.
Jupiter in Aquarius, with a bunch of other characters in Aquarius since, what, January---
Jupiter (Search for Truth) in Aquarius (Awakening-detached compassion)
Jupiter (the pull towards growth) in Aquarius (Rebel against the status quo).

Thirty years ago, I began to willingly trade away valuable parts of myself, in return for the protection of a partnership.
It was supposedly easier than the alternative---
"No wonder I been feeling this way... ever since the full moon in aquarius, I've been exceedingly energized... no wonder, with all those planets sitting there. no... it is a wonder."

The energy of late has been crazy and my feeling is that it will grow more and more intense over the next few months---as many of us greet our Saturn return----or retreat---as the case may be--- ;-O
Maybe... just maybe, Saturn is my friend now. Maybe Saturn and crones are pals... birds of a feather. Maybe he/she is the bitch I've always wanted to be. HA! know, when I am old I will wear purple... and spit...

AkashicWreckage said:
"No wonder I been feeling this way... ever since the full moon in aquarius, I've been exceedingly energized... no wonder, with all those planets sitting there. no... it is a wonder."

The energy of late has been crazy and my feeling is that it will grow more and more intense over the next few months---as many of us greet our Saturn return----or retreat---as the case may be--- ;-O
I can't believe you just mentioned that, When I am an old woman, I will wear purple!
THAT very thought came up yesterday, when I was thinking about Crones and how we thought it was just the coolest thing that some woman was gonna wear purple---I realized that I had no clue back then, and I was probably at the most maybe 42ish? And yet, I totally was convinced that I understood it, Cronehood!

As for Saturn, I DO believe that Saturn is right there next to us, prodding us---helping us, along the path---
Cronehood, many would agree, is a part of a woman's life, that begins right around the time of our second Saturn Return.
Without the lessons, what's the point, really...
And yet, there really is no significant acknowledgment of that phase of a woman's life---many slip into the shadows, if they haven't already.

Jeanne said:
Maybe... just maybe, Saturn is my friend now. Maybe Saturn and crones are pals... birds of a feather. Maybe he/she is the bitch I've always wanted to be. HA! know, when I am old I will wear purple... and spit...

AkashicWreckage said:
"No wonder I been feeling this way... ever since the full moon in aquarius, I've been exceedingly energized... no wonder, with all those planets sitting there. no... it is a wonder."

The energy of late has been crazy and my feeling is that it will grow more and more intense over the next few months---as many of us greet our Saturn return----or retreat---as the case may be--- ;-O
you two on a discussion & miraculous revelations occur:

AkashicWreckage said:
I can't believe you just mentioned that, When I am an old woman, I will wear purple!

As for Saturn, I DO believe that Saturn is right there next to us, prodding us---helping us, along the path---
Cronehood, many would agree, is a part of a woman's life, that begins right around the time of our second Saturn Return.
Without the lessons, what's the point, really...
And yet, there really is no significant acknowledgment of that phase of a woman's life---many slip into the shadows, if they haven't already.

Jeanne said:
Maybe... just maybe, Saturn is my friend now. Maybe Saturn and crones are pals... birds of a feather. Maybe he/she is the bitch I've always wanted to be. HA! know, when I am old I will wear purple... and spit...

AkashicWreckage said:
I'm not as good as AkaWreck at fixing the code on the block quotes, but I've always wanted to wear purple and now I do - a lot. Saturn is definitely the Male Crone, birds of a feather: Saturn (Latin, Roman god) was Cronos (Gk god), also known as Father Time... I guess he is just sitting waiting for us (male & female) crones to wake up to our realities. I hate it that you, AW, say that some women just fade away in to the shadow without getting to express their cronehood, but I see it all the time. Was there myself until late last year when a blast from the past - or maybe my delayed saturn return(#2) - reminded me who I am. And I came back out from the shadows into the light!!!! yeeeaaaah.
I've always been delayed. Age 10 I was still trying to be the son my father didn't have. Only succeeded in breaking free of the bonds age 30 (some do it at 20); had my first child age 41 (most do it before 31); so mothering continuing at least another 10 years after I should, chronologically, have turned crone; so now I am balancing the tightrope between BEING who I am but also catching up on the me things I still need to do (writing, exploring inner worlds, - this burst of electrons - thank you both).


I find keeping tabs on progressed charts a little taxing - always was better as a skim-over than an in-depth student - but this popped up relating to the 'official' beginning to the Age of Aquarius (I count 1969 as my first saturn return anyway, which was the year the song of that name came out 'when the moon is in the 7th house & Jupiter lies with Mars'...
This is the alignment for February 14, this year. Just wanted to post, so we can all see how all those critters (Jeanne) are hanging in there - phew - what a convocation. No wonder you are energized, AW is being leaned on heavily and I'm feeling chronologically displaced... in calendar years my second Sat.return was 1999, but it FEELS more like NOW. I am in wonder & awe of the energies; still stepping into the unknown, baby steps, but what a ride! thank you both xM



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