Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'd be interested to know if any of the Crones out there feel that they're part of the vanguard of humanity helping to effect the 2012 shift. Would you be prepared to share what you're doing, experiencing, observing etc?

Because we have to use words to communicate in this instance, I would term myself a Lightworker. I've spent many years alone (but not lonely!) following my own intuitive path and now I'm ready to come out of the cave and talk to like-minded people. I do read all the relevant magazines, channelings, books etc but I have a yearning to discuss with other crones.

This just struck me as sounding like a Lonely Hearts Ad.............perhaps it is?

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dreams I never ever could have expected such an out come.

Daria and Bruno have also explained to me that one person could never make a difference for this beautiful country Africa unless you were a millionaire like Bill Gates. I know you are going to all think I am just mad here but I had no idea until that very moment who Bill Gates was. I never watch television or listen to the radio. I do listen to heavenly music on the spa station on rogers or something that I found on the internet that has to with the heavenly sounds for the soul, but never had I ever heard of this man. So I came home and put him to google. Well, I sure can never imagine that I would be writing Bill Gates a letter. And I still have not. I have been working up the courage and then decided hey, I now have Dennis in Toronto Pictures, Humanity Healing, The most Highest Imperial Society, he is on myspace, fb, he was on start up biz but was banned because I told him to just post, post post pictures of him with the children and he did but I forgot to tell him not to post them on other peoples pages in the groups. Oh, well I am sorry about that, terribly sorry. I explained this to Czar Darius from The Most Exclusive Society and he suggested that Dennis have his own Ning site as well so he could reach more people. So since last Wednesday, the day of my two funerals, he is up and running on Ning.

Oh, gosh, there is so much more I want to share but I am afraid you are all going to hate me.

So until I hear from you all that you would like to hear more. I will close and give you all a rest from my rantings.

Hey, I never promised you a rose garden. That is such a lovery song is it not?

Good night my lovelies and sleep tight.

God Bless

First of all, I do not think that you are crazy or anything else like that.
You have very eloquently represented what you feel and see with your heart. When I was young, my father used to say, always to me (and not so much to my brothers) "Charity begins at home." It always bothered me to hear that.

It wasn't until one day when there was a story on a country in Africa, whose name I do not remember, and I reacted strongly to it, that I began to understand why I didn't like those words. The words were contained, limited, restrained and I thought, quite selfish. And I said out loud, "Charity may begin at home, but it shouldn't stay there."

My ex-husband was right there watching the story as well. This began a heated debate between us, and then my ex muttered the same words as my father had, yet not in the same way. "We have to just take care of our own," something like that he said.

I began to GET what my father meant, and realize what my ex didn't get about those words.
My father very fervently believed that charity begins at home, it's where we learn about sharing, caring and making sure that others, our close family, has needs met. We learn there, so that we can take it from there, out into the world.

IN this world, we HAVE:
So much food that NO ONE should EVER go hungry! We throw OUT food!
In this world, we HAVE:
Enough medicine, that NO ONE should suffer the commonly treated illnesses and suffer or die.
In this world, we HAVE:
So many teachers and books, that NO ONE'S thirst for knowledge should EVER go unquenched.
The list goes on.

In this world, there IS enough of EVERYTHING that IS needed and yet:
We allow all of what you wrote about to continue---
We allow it (and I'm using the collective we, not us here) because the task seems so impossible, and we ARE busy taking care of our own.

You have, Imelda, crystallized the WILL to DO something---to put the WILL into action.
Thank you for your rantings!
Much love,
Good Morning AW

I awoke with a very fearful knot in my stomache thinking OH, GOD, what have I done to my crones with my crazy rantings last night that went on till the wee hours of the morn. Quickly, I came to 2012 to see if I had been banned and found your note.

First of all, I must thank you AW from the bottom of my heart for giving me my breath back by the sharing of your life as a child and your father's message to you. What a relief it is to hear your words. Yes indeed we do have an abundance of everything in this beautiful country of ours. There is no need at all for one person here in the Americas or European or Asian or anywhere for that matter to go hungry or have no clean drinkable water.

The task as you so eloquently put it "The task seems so impossible and WE are busy taking care of our own" that I had a series of dreams or visions if you like where I asked the Heavenly Light Beings from Source to give me a message or a sign that would show a direction directly pointed at making the wrongs of humanity right. I have been asking since last Valentines Day

AkashicWreckage said:
First of all, I do not think that you are crazy or anything else like that.
You have very eloquently represented what you feel and see with your heart. When I was young, my father used to say, always to me (and not so much to my brothers) "Charity begins at home." It always bothered me to hear that.

It wasn't until one day when there was a story on a country in Africa, whose name I do not remember, and I reacted strongly to it, that I began to understand why I didn't like those words. The words were contained, limited, restrained and I thought, quite selfish. And I said out loud, "Charity may begin at home, but it shouldn't stay there."

My ex-husband was right there watching the story as well. This began a heated debate between us, and then my ex muttered the same words as my father had, yet not in the same way. "We have to just take care of our own," something like that he said.

I began to GET what my father meant, and realize what my ex didn't get about those words.
My father very fervently believed that charity begins at home, it's where we learn about sharing, caring and making sure that others, our close family, has needs met. We learn there, so that we can take it from there, out into the world.

IN this world, we HAVE:
So much food that NO ONE should EVER go hungry! We throw OUT food!
In this world, we HAVE:
Enough medicine, that NO ONE should suffer the commonly treated illnesses and suffer or die.
In this world, we HAVE:
So many teachers and books, that NO ONE'S thirst for knowledge should EVER go unquenched.
The list goes on.

In this world, there IS enough of EVERYTHING that IS needed and yet:
We allow all of what you wrote about to continue---
We allow it (and I'm using the collective we, not us here) because the task seems so impossible, and we ARE busy taking care of our own.

You have, Imelda, crystallized the WILL to DO something---to put the WILL into action.
Thank you for your rantings!
Much love,
Day, the day to honor Lovers all around the world to use me or my work in any way shape or form to begin this most daunting task that is a global work as an individual would just go mad at the impossibilities to make a difference.

What was to follow has been a great series of events. Some of which you now know of. The first message was to have a Retrospective of my work which would lead to a series of new pieces that would be given to the world to begin the process of funding to produce food for the inhumane and neglected way the children of Africa have been left by the fate of war, hunger and disease. I have no money, nothing but my work. This was the first vision.

Then things just kept rolling from one dream vision to the next until my brother-in law had his pacemaker and defribulater zapped him 23 times in 20 minutes. I had been working non-stop researching for African relief for Dennis and everything came to a giant stop. He should have expired through such an experience and did not. I had left a message on Twins to pray for
him in collective healing prayer group. When I got home there were many messages from people who had prayed that I was compelled to personally thank, and then something very strange happened. I hit something, some kind of button like a share button on Humanity Healing that night and then all of a sudden emails from everywhere started coming in. I was on the computer working frantically to stay up with it all. Sometime in the wee early hours of the morning, I began to delete all of my groups just so I could stop the emails. I arose from my chair after deleting the fourth group and that is all I can remember. A few hours must have passed. When my eyes opened I was on the floor curled up in a little ball. Then instant reaclll brought back to mind that a giant blak bird swirling in centrifical force at great speed in flames in the vastness of universe had mistakenly swooshed me up in his speed. The very moment that I recognized this was happening, the gaint bird reversed on a whisper through his flames and with his giant wing placed me on a ledge of a giant mountain of crystal multi-colored shards and gently pushed me safely into a crevice where I would be safe and shielded from the going ons. I felt like a seared little chicken who had just escaped a barbecue. I looked up to see what the heck and into the face of
this giant phoenix whose eyes were so very sad and sorry that this had happened. I was in shock for a good week or more very week and very much at peace. I have since been full of so much love and sense of faith that I walk in every moment knowing there is nothing to fear and that much work muct be done to just forge ahead with loving impulse directly connected to Divine Source. I have no idea what I am going to be doing from one moment to the next.

I have to clarify here that I have been a coward all my life. I am a lover and a dreamer, I indeed have managed to be very strong and come back 100 fold from any negativity after a graceful period of shock, but quite mad. These feelings of awarness that I am experiencing now are far beyond anything I have ever known. I love this world so very much. I feel the imbalance now more than I ever have in my entire life of which I always thought I was very aware of ... not so.

There is this sense of urgency and yet it is not stressful just very determined promptings from source to get things done for humanity in whatever that might be moment by moment. I am not technical at all, I am a sculptor and work from the heart
Amazing Imelda,
I would never ban you from CTTB... I would never ban anyone who makes such an enormous contribution to the group - in fact I would never ban anyone unless they said something so horrific that it was universally understood to be harmful to all.

You are a precious gem placed here for us to admire. You are unique and sparkling, full of so much love that it hurts, full of so much drive that you exhaust yourself. I read in admiration your comments and only hope that I and others can compose the responses that assist you on your journey. Because your courage and openness inspires me... and though I can't speak for anyone else - please know, you have already assisted my journey, strengthened my wings and given hope where there was doubt.



with my hands and color abounds.

Whatever way I can motivate a collective response to join in this mass healing to begin, I must do.

Whew!!! Honest to God I am amazed that this is all coming out. I have been working on a painting of that experience with the flight of the Phoenix rising, but quite honestly it is very challenging to try and capture the vastness and proportions of that journey into the cosmos. In fact at this stage of the work it is almost comical.

When I have more time to return to the easel I will perfect this expression in proper... for now I have posted it here so you might all understand a little better of what was going on. I warn you it is rough indeed but if you think of the story and close your eyes after you look at this very rough sketch perhaps you might be able to shed some light.

Thank God you are all here.

O'H Jeanne,

I am sitting here in such a great state of gratitude and healing tears that you have heard my urgency to begin when I am so challenged with the computer and tech things. This support is the pivotol point of all one can dream for humanity. We are on our way to the moon, all of us in tow, one glorious moment at a time. The world is about LOVE that is all.

God Bless your beautiful souls and so gorgeous brains. It is such a great, deep, sincere honor to be here with you all during this most changing beautiful time here on planet earth.


Jeanne said:
Amazing Imelda,
I would never ban you from CTTB... I would never ban anyone who makes such an enormous contribution to the group - in fact I would never ban anyone unless they said something so horrific that it was universally understood to be harmful to all.

You are a precious gem placed here for us to admire. You are unique and sparkling, full of so much love that it hurts, full of so much drive that you exhaust yourself. I read in admiration your comments and only hope that I and others can compose the responses that assist you on your journey. Because your courage and openness inspires me... and though I can't speak for anyone else - please know, you have already assisted my journey, strengthened my wings and given hope where there was doubt.

Hello Annie

Yes, we are all at home here. You are as dear and as precious yourself lover. We can only reach out and hope to be heard by others that feel the same urgency to begin the amazing enormous help to humanity to make things wrong, right.

We are all making just as equal a difference by the mere sharing of our precious moments and experiences so the next in line to receive will feel more at ease in order to heal. It is by healing each other with our sharing that our new world is activated.

It is all about LOVE, all else is just an illussion.

I am really glad you could understand the painting. My friend Dr. Richard Presser was online with during the event. He sent me a clip of one of the new crop formations and it truly took my breath away. It was indeed a phoenix. Thank God for our good friends.


Annie said:
Dearest Precious Gem Imelda,
You have deeply touched my heart today. What grace & strength you hold within you. Your ability to love & reach out where your heart has been touched. Your "Phoenix Rising" the flames were brilliant. I had to leave several spiritual sites as I was flooded daily with TMI. I have only chosen a few to stay on with as they promote my growth & I can be of some service hopefully. Your soothing brilliant heart & words span the oceans & feels right at home here with me. I have never actually written my own petition I only add my name to the all the ones I receive & look for in aiding the world with water, saving precious animals & lands, humanitarian issues such as freeing Lara lang & her friend? There is a place (site) called petitions at care 2. This is where a person can start there own petition. If you want I can find it & send it to you so you can see what it's about. Water pumps are being installed throughout the world in small & varied locations such as where your young friend is at. Wouldn't it be a miracle for him to walk outside his back door to pump some fresh clean water for his little sister & grandma & himself working so very hard for one & all. This can happen. I could look at & see what I can find. Thank you for your compassion, strong love for the world & sharing your story. Your artwork is amazing & I'm thrilled TP is using one of yours for their movie. In gratitude,Annie

Imelda Maguire said:


with my hands and color abounds.

Whatever way I can motivate a collective response to join in this mass healing to begin, I must do.

Whew!!! Honest to God I am amazed that this is all coming out. I have been working on a painting of that experience with the flight of the Phoenix rising, but quite honestly it is very challenging to try and capture the vastness and proportions of that journey into the cosmos. In fact at this stage of the work it is almost comical.

When I have more time to return to the easel I will perfect this expression in proper... for now I have posted it here so you might all understand a little better of what was going on. I warn you it is rough indeed but if you think of the story and close your eyes after you look at this very rough sketch perhaps you might be able to shed some light.

Thank God you are all here.

I've just read through your postings Imelda and I'm humbled. You are one of the precious few who can dream us through the shift into our new Paradise. When I was young I never understood the purpose of artists/lovers/dreamers. I saw them as impractical people who escaped (or skirted around) the real issues while I was on the streets with my political campaigning actually 'doing' something. How wrong I was.

I looked at your painting and closed my eyes as you directed. I felt the heat of the flames and with it came a universal fear of fire as the unstoppable destroyer. And then a burnt and barren landscape and more fear and hopelessness. And then the rebirth, new and numerous living plants, pushing up through the earth to repopulate the barren landscape, an abundance of life never before seen. The shadow emotions slowly began to evaporate and were replaced by hope along with joy, abundance, beauty, gratitude, well being and LIFE ANEW. Your phoenix is such an important symbol and I know of two phoenix crop circles which have appeared in the UKs West Country this year.

I send you deep blessings and gratitude Imedla for sharing your story. I will contradict the others by saying that you are slightly mad......but so am I.....and so are most of us here. Madness is the new sanity of the new earth, the sane souls are still asleep. Thank you for touching me and keep on dreaming and painting. May Africa benefit from your LOVE.



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