Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Violette purred "Good morning sweet AW. Are we going to kick a__ today?"

Geeeeeeeeeeeeez! I just woke up and my fingers can barely type yet!
Working on my coffee and a couple of painful pimples---on my ___.

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Violette Ruffley said:
You (and I am serious here) might do well to check they are not boils common to staph aureous. If they are boils that is one way it manifests.

No, thankfully not a boil. I think it's because I wore thongs and jeans...seriously.
That must have been some time in your life and your family, Violette. I've never had to deal with boils or infections of that type. I did end up with a post op staph infection infection after the lumpectomy. I had merely a fleeting weird thing that happened to me, that led my doctor to hospitalize me---I was cooking dinner, about 3 weeks after the lumpectomy. Suddenly, I felt very strange and weak. I went from feeling fine one minute, to literally trying to make my way to the couch without collapsing the next minute. When my ex and the boys got home a few minutes later, both my sons had to help me up the stairs to bed. I felt as if every pore in my body had closed, and the very touch of anything on my skin was painful. I had only a 99 temp. The next day, I was fine, as if nothing had happened, but I called the surgeon anyway.
Sight unseen, he put me in the hospital on IV antibiotics. It wasn't until the 5th day in the hospital that he decided to go back into the surgical site to drain the fluid and another 3 days before the report came back staph. Then I was put on a different antibiotic...
Thank you for your concern, sweet heart,

Violette Ruffley said:
If you were joking the joke is on me. Otherwise it is the nurse and the mother in me that dealt with every household member that had staph aureous. We were put on an autogenous vaccine made up from the culture of Kathleen who also was infected with strep. We were on that vaccine for two years. The doctors don't even know what your talking about now if you mention making up an autogenous vaccine.
Why are ppl posting here midday?
Jeanne~~"Why are ppl posting here midday?"

Something to do with time zones. I don't really understand it all, but supposedly, some people get to sleep when others must get up. Others are able to talk in the morning, while it's night time for others. It's all very confusing to me.

BTW, what ppl?

That explains this headache...

AkashicWreckage said:
Jeanne~~"Why are ppl posting here midday?"

Something to do with time zones. I don't really understand it all, but supposedly, some people get to sleep when others must get up. Others are able to talk in the morning, while it's night time for others. It's all very confusing to me.

BTW, what ppl?

Good morning Crones!

Today begins my work week. It's back to the Un-Real world for me!
Where I must rein in my mischief maker and pretend that I am normal---
Someone, please, take care of Violette---keep her in check!

Have a blessed and miracle filled day!
Aka Wreck
Good morning, Violette~~~
What's up in your world today?
Well, what a busy little thread this is!
Good morning everyone!
I have almost no voice today, so this should make for some fun at work---taking customer service calls!
Have a great day!
Isn't this amazing? I can hide in here and wish myself good morning and good night and no one will bother me!
Back when I was a little girl, in my bedroom there was a closet that had a slanted floor because it was over the stairs---whenever I wanted to be alone, I went in there.
Why am I telling myself this?
This is cool!
"Blessings to me."

"Oh, aren't you sweet to wish me blessings? Blessings right back to me, and I hope me has a good day!"
Love me!
Oh, hi Annie, coulda sworn I was alone in here! LOL! Squid eye???? It's not a squid eye, LMAO! It's from space, from beyond the beyond or something like that! Thank you so much for your compliments, I'm blushing here!
Thankfully, today is the last day of my work week, and I'm hoping against hope to get to the beach this weekend. I truly need to sink my feet in the sand and feel the sun on this body. I'm also hoping my son will help me figure out this iPhone I just got. I'm so discombobulated with it, but I'm managing to slowly but surely get the basics figured out.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Annie said:
That was Choice stuff AW. I liked it very much. Are you keeping all your writings from here. IYou could do a book on short stories...".Short Stories with Threads" written by AW aka squid eye. Can I bless you too. Let's hide in the closet & make childhood mischief with st.christopher. Love me also!
LMAO---dear Annie, means---Laughing My Arse Off! Never made it to the beach over the weekend---this bug going around at work caught up with me!

Morning to everyone!

Annie said:
Hi my darling all cosmic seeing eyeball. It's just that I saw a show on giant squids & it resembled yours so the connection. What does LMAO mean? Wish I could join you on the beach. Been a long time since I burrowed my feet under warm sand. Have tons of R&R. I think our gathering healing meditation is a wash for now. To much going on but I did like the thought of it. You are in my minds eye oh high & noble eyeball Te he......Love, Annie



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