Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Say Yes

Know in your Heart the Truth
Of the One Source of Light,
Brought into the Reality of Billions
of Reflections of this Radiance throughout humankind.

Feel the Power of the Ultimate Infinite Love
That holds the Key to all Understanding and forgiveness,
So we may experience this Love in Ourselves
And all of the Billions of Radiant Reflections of the One light.

See the Sacred Planet of Earth
As a Place that can be a paradise that is Heaven On Earth,
Where Humankind may use the gift of Life to Live
With Compassion and Kindness
to help each other and Love each Other
As Brothers and Sisters of the same Creation.
Know throughout the World there are many holding this Vision.
Believing this Hope, and working to make this dream a reality.

For it is possible if we say Yes, to the impossible dream.
If we say Yes to our true connection that realizes
In this Breath we Breathe we all have
the Miracle of Creation Uniting us as One.
And when one says Yes to the Light and Love Within,
This Yes, ignites a spark that burns as a beacon
For all who are searching to see.

So say Yes to this Love and
Say Yes to this Light,
And say Yes to the Dream of Heaven on Earth.
And with each Breath of Yes,
Know the Power of God’s Creation
Can work through you to make it so!
And so it is.

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