Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Inspiration for more silence, stillness, truth, listening, Can you contribute?

Silence. Stillness. Listening (as I go into a ten day Vipassana Silent retreat, I remind myself...)

"There is a silence into which the world cannot intrude.
There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost.
There is a sense of holiness in you that the thought of sin has never touched.
All this today you will remember."
A Course in Miracles

"True Intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity & solutions to problems are found.

Any disturbing noise can be as helpful as silence. How? By dropping your inner resistance to to the noise, by allowing it to be as it is, this acceptance also takes you into that realm of inner peace that is stillness."

Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks.

"All things of value are given and received in silence."
Meher Baba

"As I silently listen to Spirit within me and think of Its perfection,I know that I am being born into joy, hope & gladness, born into love, faith & assurance.
Silently, I release every negative thought from my mind, I release it and let it go. And I too, pray 'that they may all be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may be one in us.'"
Ernest Holmes

"Stop the words now, and open the window in your heart
And let the spirits fly in and out out and in...."
Peter Makena

"Just one look into your eyes
Now I'm forever falling into the silence inside."
Peter Makena

"Be still, and know." Psalm 46:10

'Let every voice but God's be still in me. In deepest silence, would I come to You, to hear Your Voice and to receive your Word." A Course In Miracles (lesson 254)

In the silence of listening,
you can know yourself in everyone,
the unseen singing softly to itself
and to you.

Rachel Naomi Remen

n the stillness of the quiet,
if we listen, we can hear
the whisper of the heart
giving strength to weakness,
courage to fear, hope to despair.

Howard Thurman

If you love truth, be a lover of silence.
Silence, like the sunlight will
illuminate you in God.

St. Issac - 7th Century Hermit Monk

RETREAT (Angel Card of the Day)

"Spend some time alone in quiet thought. Clear your mind, and focus on your truth and priorities."

Are you pushing yourself too hard? The Angels remind us that rest is a natural cycle in every living thing.Think of the mighty oak tree that grow in spurts and then rests. It draws its nourishment from deep within the earth, and takes its time before growing upwards again. Like the oak tree, it's important for you to nourish yourself with spiritual and emotional 'Food'.

While you are resting, take time to reflect on your heart's true feelings and desires. Your angels speak to you through your heart, and when you listen to and honour your feelings, you walk hand in hand with the Angels. You will know that it is true Divine guidance, and not just your imagination or wishful thinking if it speaks to your desire to make a difference in the world.

we love you dearly, the Angels

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