Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Ten days of silent meditation... tingly.

I'd love to hear your stories, outcomes, etc.

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Ron Alexander said:
"P.S I still hope that we would have our own group here, however, being newest "older student", I don't think it is my place to start one.

I have patiently been following recent posting in this thread, and rather than continue the debate about whether or not there should be a group specific to Vipassana meditation, I have decided to create one:

The new group is specifically for the purpose of discussing Vipassana meditation as it applies directly to the lives of those participating in it.

@Ron: I applaud your interests and your dedication to Vipassana. I hope you don't mind my "taking the bull by the horns" in this manner.

I respectfully submit that those wishing to promote their own agendas should continue in the meditation Group, or even this existing thread if desired.

All my Metta
I apologize if sharing myself (and my book) occurred as off topic. I was excited to share with new friends... although Vipassana is a powerful tool for me, it is not the only tool. I am not finite. We are infinite.

Somebody very wise once said... "As long as we desire anything, we remain caught in the cycle of delusion, and the door to truth cannot be opened for us by any person other than ourselves individually as we travel the journey of self-discovery." And I believe any and all journeys are driven by desire. Self-discovery is a quest after all. Opening a door, any door, requires the desire to do so... desire is what has us do Vipassana too.

My desire here is to share infinite strategies and to discourage finite and exclusive conversations. "Observe" I hear you, but I don't know you. This is a fairly intimate and courageous community. We use our names, our faces, and we share ourselves.

Your post upset me. My reaction was not equanimous. I did not hear patience or respect. I heard passive aggressive exclusivity. I do not feel invited to your new club... and my ego got hurt.

I love it!!!! Thanks for the reminder and the opportunity to share more about myself.

Vipassana had a profound impact on me and is a major contribution to my life's work.. I love how Vipassana confronts the "apparent reality" at such a deeply personal level. I love how it encourages us all to transcend our egoic experience and to get in "touch" with the infinity inside us and all around us. This is what my life and my book are about.

I notice that in spite of my best effort to be equanimous... I still lack compassion for you "observe"... and so, I'll reflect on that and ask you to share more about you. What's your name? What else do you do besides meditate? What is your desire? agenda? photo?

Here's a page from my book that is very relevant for me here and now and I hope it is useful and inspiring to you too.

Isn’t it interesting that people who are interested… are interesting …and people who are not are not?

Now ask yourself, who has really made a difference in your life? You probably have known of 1000s of interesting people, but only the interested ones are the ones who impacted you personally. A good teacher is interested. A good parent is interested.

A good friend is interested.

Ever notice that self indulgent people are not very compassionate? That’s because they think they are interesting. They’re also the most vulnerable to depression (the ultimate in “being” interesting)… you can’t possibly be depressed, bored, or even frustrated if you really get interested in something or someone else. If you have a foe, get truly interested in them, and not to win, but to learn… and you’ll find the conflict will get resolved and you’ll have a friend instead.

To experience peace, kindness and compassion, be interested. You’re really not that interesting.



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