Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

lush ferns breath beneath the redwoods

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and wishing upon the falling star

BenTwig said:
I cry, eyes high
and while that one is a bit stale one chews and contemplates the flutter of butterfly kisses...where?

Marinspin said:
the humans on goat shoulder with pureed cauliflower and dino kale
as I try to forget the past

BenTwig said:
I cry, eyes high
living emerald leaves amongst the heathen wood
Gavin Tonks said:
living emerald leaves amongst the heathen wood
catch my tears of invigorating joy like gentle winged hands - just so...
The joyous rustle of limbs dancing to the rhythm of the breeze
Straining ever upward to meet the ocean-like infinity that defines them

Gavin Tonks said:
living emerald leaves amongst the heathen wood
Brown and tan fingers cloaked in grey-green fringe

Gary Gach said:
lush ferns breath beneath the redwoods hush
only in the darkness do we see the brightest light
Welcome Darkness and the stars,
love seeps from all things.



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