Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Mindy Walker opened a new jar of blackberry honey for her morning tea. After walking out on the deck to stand in the sunlight she noticed the passionflower cutting Hans had started over a year ago was now taking over the plum tree. The tree was covered in one massive vine. The jasmine was blooming early. It had been an unusually warm dry winter so far. All the reservoirs were extremely low. On the news the night before there had been mention of water rationing.

Puma took an extended bath on top of the teak deck table before taking a nap. Shadow the chocolate lab watched her with one eye open. He was already half asleep.

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This is Puma again. I noticed one member must have left AOAND and so her posts on this thread have gone poof leaving some holes in the story. I say use your imagination if your TV set has not stolen it yet or the last 8 years of political torture in the USA not that I think O is that great but better than that Bush family soap opera.

I decided to turn this into my very own blog as long as Shadow does not get jealous and delete my posts.

Lately Mindy has been eating a lot of chocolate. She claims it is better than love and likes organic dark chocolate with whole cherries. I licked a left over wrapper once and don't see what the big deal is. I prefer turkey or tuna any day. I watched Martha Stewart's dogs on the Jimmy Fallon show the other night. Those dogs have no manners and should not be allowed to twitter either. I have to go hunt mice in the garden so will talk to you later.


Puma here again.. I am hiding in the bushes with Mindy's laptop. It seems the neighbor who is not quite right in his noodle since an recent operation has decided to weed whack. Oh the unbearable noise and the fumes and not only is it LOUD it sounds like it is broken but that is not stopping him from forging onward. I think I will start a facebook group Felines Against Weed Whackers, Leaf Blowers and Male Aggression. Anyone have an aspirin? Mindy keeps the medicine cabinet locked up after Shadow ate a medical brownie one day Mindy was saving for a special occasion. The fumes are getting to me! My poor little sensitive cat ears!!!
Puma here..

I love having this quiet little corner of cyberspace all to myself. What if you were a cat and had a blog and no one ever read it? Well being sort of a quiet often un-social cat I guess that would be fine. I was hoping for a special treat on Mother's Day and then realized it was just another Hallmark Holiday. It is way past my bed time and I need my beauty sleep. Goodnight all you AOAND possums.

Marinspin said:
The next morning Mindy found herself in her Pilates class. She was trying to stick to her normal routine in an effort to try and stay sane until she could find out more about her lover. She still did not realize that something happened to her dear friend Paco. She was still in complete shock and noticed that her sweat shirt was on inside out.
It was the worm--it bored itself into her soul like an auger drills into a piece of wood. She would not normally put her shirt on inside out, she was too particular about how she looked.
Had she heard Hans come in, or had she been dreaming, and where was her friend Paco--she hadn't seen him in days.
She glanced out of the dining room window and watched as Shadow frolicked on the grass, chasing a butterfly. His coat, shiny and dark brown glistened in the warm summer sun. It reminded her of her lover. She hoped that Hans would never find out--he could be extremeley violent if crossed, But wasn't he dead--her lover, or was it all a mistake?
"Mindy's lover Buck was not the same man who was killed but Paco was. Mindy no longer sees Buck after he fathered a child with a 19 year old yoga student named Candy."

Puma here.. I have started doing a daily practice similar to Primal Therapy. Arthur Janov's son Rick taught me how to do this in one of the therapy sessions Mindy dragged me to with him when he use to live near here. I have a stuffed catnip mouse named what else Mousy. Every morning after treats I take all my aggressions out on Mousy by biting kicking with my back feet and chewing the heck out of it for a good 3 to 5 minutes. The rest of the day I am much calmer and very zen like. Try it - you will sleep better. It helps me to cat nap and get into a much deeper REM state than before I started doing therapy. I wish Rick had not moved away. I sort of ended up liking my therapy sessions. Shadow really needs some sort of dog psychiatrist or dream team of shrinks. He is hyper and obsessed by his dirty slimy tennis ball not to mention he has separation anxiety big time.
Puma here again.

Okay so I smacked Shadow in the face today. I knew I should not do it but could not stop myself. If he did not have to take his time sniffing every dang bush around here when called for treat time I would not have to wait so long for my treat. I don't really feel too badly about it, well maybe just a little but don't tell him that.



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