Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Time now for drawing a line in the sand
like the lapping of waves on the shore
in crossing the line there is no turning back
the Divine now is calling me more

Leaving behind all that no longer serves me
there's no-one demanding of me
in walking this way now at last I'm Al-One
and can see I am now free to Be

Need only be present for Self, in so doing
the way of the free I can see
accountable now to mySelf and Self only
and the rest is departing from me

The past now has gone and no longer for me
instead now am present Al-One
no other being I need now consider
so simple is life on one's own

Divine life of freedom continues to beckon
with my back on the past now I walk
have now crossed the line and there's no turning back
as I desire to walk now my talk

Written 2008

Love Elizabeth

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Elizabeth,
You have a very nice poem.. how good to be with you here. Keep it up before crossing the line of life wherein lots of trials and pain but strive to succeed.
Very touching, Elizabeth. However, I hope "crossing the line" is not the same as "crossing over"? One Mind, Soul, Love, ron
Hi Ron & Narciso..... Good heavens know....I have no intention in crossing over, for I am an (potential) immortalist...The line in the poem I crossed last year more or less...still some "loose-ends" to tie up however

Thanks for the comments...

Agreed and I think we need to draw the line at ONE World for now. For we all are ONE. Thank you for a lovely poem. Jane
I love your beautiful poem!!!Thank you!!!

Hi Elizabeth,
It seems the line is so busy and i cant even imagine how to crossed the other side with a head up high after some hindrance in life. well have a healthy day to you .

love and prayer,

Thank you all for your loving comments.... this video I feel contains the essence of the above poem...

Love Elizabethxx

Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you for sharing the wonderful message on the video. Truly, bestowing a peace of mind upon meditation and self examination of what life is for when there is no love inside
Love and prayer,



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