Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Hi .. I love the poetry on this site -- especially Elizabeth's!!  I will post something later, I promise....Karin  Piet

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Well, I imagine "Elizabeth" will be the only one who will want to share with you, lol
Elizabeth is a brilliant poet! I don't blame ya Lalainia! (Deep Purple lyrics)

That's beautiful, Ron, thanks for sharing....What would we do without beauty in the world -= and our ability, as artists, to create beauty?? Karin

Ron Alexander said:
Elizabeth is a brilliant poet! I don't blame ya Lalainia! (Deep Purple lyrics)

Love the picture of Max, that's great.


And the poem is perfect, I can even hear how some music would go to it, would you mind if I tried that and somehow sent it to you?


Thanks and Peace




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