Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


may gaia and the universe do a harmonic dance today... may we all be touched by our eternal spark and remember what is important... may love reign supreme... may we flow together in beauty... may peace unveil her best gown and open it for all to see the tree of life that is her
bones — the tree that has always been and always will be, bearing fruit to nourish the eternal...

blessed be our humanity forevermore... my heart is open wide, rocking my wings of white... let us fly in the glory of creation...

I am that I am
a reflection of all that Is
hooded eyes of blue
with the golden sunflower circling the void
one day
i looked inside and seen
the pulsing Horus eye beaming at me
oh it filled me with joy and trust in
I am that I am

my heart is dripping blood
i ask for no more than
each of you pick up a piece of me
with the drop of heart blood

dip your forefinger gently in my essence
dab it where your eyes can see
into the void
that is me

in my emptyness lies promise
for here...
is all as it should be
unfolding now
into the sea
that is

Heart Blood
wants to dissolve
it is not yet time
hold on....

- Ajumaaree 25 August 2007

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