Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Yes I'm still these days of life to feel the inner love removing all
that has been of past recalling and bittersweet pill of life's past fall
yet slowly wakening I am, to what has always been, a love so deep
in this stillness I feel the inner swirlings of that which is my keep

Mysteries unfolding to reveal their inner magic of time long gone
and so in stillness I see at last a love with power supreme and strong
to take me forth to days anew where all is beauty, such peace
of mind, joy of heart, depth of soul and embracing this I feel release

Filled I am with such love that future moments in now created, reflect
that which can only, in stillness filled, be, giving honour, gratitude, respect
in reverence then I am when such imparting 'comes known and yes
too, I am, of heart and soul, so well and truly blessed

I be in this time of changing world, journeying deep within to see
again, what has always been and there I feel that I am truly free
and, in awe and wonder, eyes open wide at last, I see the vision crystalline
and filled with stillness I live the victory which I know at last is mine

Elizabeth Feisst
Written 2007

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