Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

When we look at the world through the perception of the ego, i.e. physical eyes, we are caught in a dream in which we think we are participants in a play that is real, and that things do happen to us, and that we need to do things to fix, change or correct our experiences.

As we practice turning within, and allowing the Holy Spirit's perception to permeate our mind, although we still do things in physical form, our actions are led, not by fear but by love. There is a sense of peace and serenity within, even when our circumstances seem to be chaotic. As we let life unfold as it will, it becomes fascinating as to how every event follow a perfect order, and everything works together for our highest good as well as the good of everything and everyone who may be directly, or indirectly affected by our state of being.

My experience has been, that as I continue to let go and let God, I find myself doing less and less, ironically, I end up accomplishing more and more. And in the meantime, all of my needs are met as I continue on this wonderful path.

For live videos and mp3 you can visit me at for only love is real!

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Hi Nick,

I love reading how many different ways we can express truth .Thank you for adding yours to the collective wisdom of this group and this site.

warm regards,
Nick's quote from above:
"My experience has been, that as I continue to let go and let God, I find myself doing less and less, ironically, I end up accomplishing more and more. And in the meantime, all of my needs are met as I continue on this wonderful path."

Thanks for reminding me of this Nick, I have been efforting too much lately, and it really helps that "I need do nothing", as it says in ACIM. Taking that in, helps me to relax, let go and allow God (Love). Yes, only Love is real, ron
You are welcome Linda.
Thanks Ron, I'm glad for Spirit's inspiration. I always remind myself that there is nothing to do, but to choose peace. From that space, Spirit will lead me as to what to do. It never fails.
This is an amazing paradox, isn't it, Nick?
>This is an amazing paradox, isn't it, Nick?

Yes it is!



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