I feel that this thread should be prefaced with a cautionary desecration advisory for those of you not familiar with this haunted site and the details surrounding the tragic murder of the Grimes sisters and may find it upsetting...I assure you it is not intended to sensationalize the events that have propagated this legend, the continued paranormal activity reported there or exploit the plight of the family that owned the property as a consequence of their front yard being the location of a horrible discovery near the end of their driveway...I report the facts as I understand them by the research I have conducted, witnesses I have interviewed, stories I remember from my youth and my own journeys to the “House On German Church Road” starting as a child in the mid 70's ...
The lot at the corner of German Church and County Line Roads is still vacant today... the tiny swimming pool bath house is the sole structure remaining aside from the pile of rubble where the house stood and was finally razed in what was almost an effort erase the enigma associated with this property ...a plot of land that is surrounded by upscale housing in what is considered one of the most affluent areas in the U.S. yet remains conspicuous by it’s continued vacancy...I remember this area growing up in the Chicago suburbs as being a place where pristine snow covered fields were the choice destination of snowmobilers and countless acres of paths, trails and even an abandon prison farm provided those of us with dirt bikes as much adventure as our gas tanks would permit ...
At the farthest reaches of one of these prairie pathways that now has succumbed to the forces of progress and the bulldozer’s blade long ago was an old house that someone had left furnished complete with a vintage ‘55 Buick the basement garage ...Some contend that the woman that lived in the house was so distraught by the bodies being discovered at the edge of her property that she was institutionalized following a PTSD related breakdown and her husband moved across the street leaving the home in stasis in the event that she returned to him (and evidently their children as the discarded toys I remember strewn about the abandon house implied) ...
Some theorize the house became haunted following the murders, and as this became a popular Halloween and thrill seeking destination for kids back then, the paranormal activity alleged to occur at this site was also confounded by irrepressible imaginations of those that mustered up the courage to visit this site that was legendary even back in the 70's ...I can remember the house before it was set ablaze by vandals but never went inside although I did in fact explore the basement garage that sat below the charred remains of the house and became a makeshift crypt for the family Buick ... Being the precocious prepubescent that I was, I of course was often the first to venture undaunted into these places as my friends hung back waiting for me to test the waters as point man ...the apprehension I experienced at this location in particular was always tangible as I made my way up the gravel driveway stepping over the chain hanging between two rusted posts, leaving my friends and the relative visible safety of German Church Road behind ...the expression that surely would have belied my feigned nonchalance as I marched defiantly up the ascending and curving gravel grade beyond the sight of my co adventures was likely one of rapidly diminishing confidence...as the house came into site I was stopped n my tracks by the sound of a sort of whimpering coming from a indeterminate direction ...needless to say my friends didn’t wait for an explanation when they saw me uncharacteristically running down the hill at a hastened pace...I told them I heard someone talking and quickly retreated without notice ...it would be several years before I returned to the site that by then had been claimed by vandalism and arson ...
Some of the stories that are on the net I can collaborate as far as what rumors where filtered down to us from older siblings ...many contend that they would often spot a gaunt looking man wandering the grounds that some believed to be the property owner, while some of the more spectacular claims made included the spectral sightings of the sisters lying just as they were left on the side of the road, discarded like refuse on that cold January night...some claim to see girls consistent with the age of the sisters peering over the guardrail as they speed along that still wooded stretch of road and often there are reports of the two being spotted solemnly wondering between the tombstones in the nearby cemetery behind the Lutheran Church that is the street’s namesake and a stones throw from the cul-de-sac where the bodies were discovered ...they reports vary but most claim they are spotted from a distance and vanish behind the tombstones when someone approaches thus disappearing completely when the inquiring church elder, attendee or maintenance guy got too close ....
Any crime involving child victimization is heinous and abhorrent, but here is something even more sinister when the act of aggression is that of a sadistic, sexually predatory nature ...the only possible reasoning for those that believe there is a higher power allowing this type of atrocity to occur without intervention is that it reminds us not to take our little ones for granted and perhaps hug them a little tighter before they leave to go out with friends or to the movies...it at least provides us with an added incentive for reiterating to our kids just how important it is to avoid situations and scenarios where they could become yet another of the many missing, exploited or worse in an endlessly growing statistic...Loretta Grimes must have replayed those last few moments that she saw her daughters alive during the guilt stages of her grieving ...it is natural for parents to blame themselves or attribute the fate of their child to a discretionary failure or momentary lapse in judgment ... perhaps if more perennial recitations pertaining to the inherent dangers of “strangers” were added to dinner table conversations the child would have not have been so easily lured into the state of comprised security that lead to such tragic consequences ...anyone who is a parent has at some point abdicated authority in favor of being a “pal” to their child or as a means of exhibiting trust, but there was not nearly the frequency of these sort of crimes back in 1957 ...the similarities between the Grimes Sisters and the Schuessler-Peterson murders involving the discovery of three young boys murdered and dumped naked in a ditch on the city’s northwest side less than two years before in ‘55 seemed to mark the end of the assumption that the relative safety of a “good neighborhood” would shield children from the most insidious of transgressions ...crimes of this nature are not that of an aberrant, uncontrollable urge or perverted passion, but that of anger, violence and degradation as all predatory crimes are, but when the object of this unconscionable act is a child, the veil of darkness associated with the crime scene, the surviving relatives, even the investigating law enforcement personnel can linger on indefinitely ...I have heard reports from other “sensitives” that they can still feel the preponderance of residual evil emanating blocks away from the property where the Gacy house once stood ...a small plot of land that also stood vacant for an while following it’s demolition and excavation of 27 young men and boys back in the 70's ...The Grimes murder remains unsolved and the term”cold case” is the worst of puns in this instance, yet is still refereed to as such albeit the fact that it is presumed the girls likely died from prolonged exposure and hypothermia and not as the direct result of the brutal injuries they sustained at the hands of a monster ...
This became a national headline story that even prompted Elvis Presley to issue a statement urging the girls to return home if the were in fact runaways as contended by police during those agonizing weeks while they were missing between December 28th, 1956 and January 22nd 1957 ...Patricia (13) and Barbara (15) Grimes departed their home on the 3600 block of south Damen Avenue that ironically was only a few doors up from a home on the 4100 block where one of the reputed “Resurrection Mary” candidates (Mary Bregovy) resided until she was fatally injured in a car accident in the mid 30's...
“Love Me Tender” enjoyed an extended run at the Brighton theater on Chicago’s south side and as Barbara and Patti were fanatical Elvis fans, this would have been their 11th viewing of that film and what they pledged to be the last ...they were spotted in line getting popcorn around 9:30 pm and then again at 11:00 pm at a bus stop ...what happened next is purely speculation to this day ...Loretta Grimes grew anxious when 11:45 pm arrived and her daughters failed to return ...she promptly dispatched her 17 year old daughter (Theresa) and 14 year old son (Joey) to the Hoyne Ave. bus stop where three late service scheduled stops failed to produce their siblings ...
The month of them missing was already a media circus and reporters camped in front of the grimes home hoping to catch a glimpse of the distraught family members or get a highly coveted exclusive interview or photo...the ensuing nightmare that followed was an endless stream of alleged sightings from all over the Chicago-land area by train conductors, motel clerks, mysterious calls to the homes of classmates in the middle of the night and even claims of visionary dreams ...
At one point Loretta received a ransom note demanding $1,000 to be delivered to a downtown Milwaukee Catholic church that left the poor woman waiting in a parking lot with the money and the promise of the girls safe return that never came to fruition... as if the depravity of robbing a woman of her children was not enough, a scheme to extort money from her only added insult to the open wound of an injury...the ransom note was eventually traced to a mental patient...then there was the call from a man claiming to have had a “dream” that the girls would be found near 81st and Wolf roads in what was then a park in southwest suburban Willow Springs and when the girls where discovered less than a mile away the prognosticator was identified as a 53 year old Walter Kranz; a steam fitter working part time as liquor store clerk where the call was traced ....he was questioned extensively as a person of interest and later released after he was said to have been interrogated numerous times at the Englewood police station and administered a polygraph test, the results of which were unspecified... nor was it disclosed if he was later released because of lack of sufficient evidence to detain him or if he was exonerated of the crimes through a substantiated alibi and the results of the lie detector test... Walter Kranz and Rolando Cruz are in my opinion perhaps the most visceral and salient examples as to why so many do not come forward with psychic visions that may assist in a murder/missing person(s) investigation as the fear of implication by over zealous, skeptical, unscrupulous or pressured investigators/prosecutors may name them as a suspect, offender or accompli by association...
Cruz was originally convicted of the murder of 11 year old Jeanine Nicarico of Naperville
Illinois, in the neighboring county of Du page when he related dream visions he had about the killing and he actually served jail time before a new trial revealed suppression of evidence and criminal misconduct by county prosecutors and state investigators that ultimately freed Cruz , indicted the offending prosecutors and investigators that were later acquitted and solidified the case against serial killer/rapist/scumbag Brian Dugan whom now resides on death row following an almost personal seeming campaign by States Attorney Joe Birkett...a personal seeming vendetta he continued even after his unsuccessful gubernatorial bid a few years back that many claimed was at the root of his allegedly feigned indignation of the botched case that left such an indelible stain on the County Court system even today...the retrial of Dugan and ultimate death sentencing last year resurfaced the memories of the horrid crime and revealed more details pertaining to the officious misconduct in the Cruz conviction, but I digress ...
When the gruesome discovery was finally made by a passing motorist and his wife that January 1957 morning after noticing what appeared to be a couple of unclothed store mannequins on the side of the road he was horrified to find that they were indeed human remains ...the pair proceeded directly to a local police station (assuming Willow Springs as affluent Burr Ride was unincorporated Hinsdale or Lyons Township back then) where the wife whom was so beset with emotional trauma following the discovery that she had to be carried back to the car ...what was to follow was a crime scene trampled by law enforcement officials from numerous local, county and state agencies and from numerous surrounding municipalities ...the FBI’s involvement was never disclosed but many claim that this investigation was botched the moment the girls left for the movies that fateful night ....
In a city that was still reeling from a similar crime a few years earlier that left many in the Chicago area catatonic in the grip of fear and a killer still at large in 1958, the consensus among those closely monitoring the investigation was that assigning Lt. Joseph Morris to head the special police unit assigned to this case as well, must have seemed like a bad choice ...a haphazard search of the crime scene and wooded ravine flanking the banks of Devil’s Creek (much of which remains wooded today ) yielded no clothing or clues and as Lt. Morris vowed not to make the same mistakes they did in ‘55, ostensibly it looked to be repeat performance of the disorganized, poorly orchestrated, uncooperative undertaking that was the hallmark of the Schuessler-Peterson CSI ...The scene on that day on the northwest side was apparently an effort that seemed almost adversarial by the competing factions comprising the assembled task force of 162 officers from mixed departments and municipal law enforcement agencies that searched the Robinson Woods for clues after a lunch breaking salesman spotted the boys along a forest preserve creek bed that day ...
The autopsy performed on the girls itself was inconclusive as far as gleaning additional clues or useful forensic evidence by mid 1950's conventions save for the reluctant admission by the three experienced pathologists that the older of the sisters (Barbara) was sexually assaulted ...there was also confirmation of the injuries the reporters had noticed at the crime scene but claimed that none of the injuries suffered were life threatening and the girls likely dies from exposure after being left unconscious on the roadside the night they vanished on Dec 28th ...the preserved state of the bodies and the fact that they went unnoticed mere feet from a well traversed roadside, just beyond the guardrail, was attributed to the steady snowfall and consistently frigid temperatures that prevailed for the month they were missing...whether this information was intentionally deceptive, convoluted or erroneous is unknown as it is was often a common tactic to intentionally falsify details related to a crime to help screen out the steady stream of bogus leads and false confessions...This often accompanies celebrated cases where national notoriety is a potential and thus a motivation for false confessions by whack-balls and nut-jobs alike
even when the fame acquired would be that of a nefarious nature (I feel like I’m describing aspiring para-celebrities for some reason)...
As the media circus escalated and the city that was swept with paranoia, suspicion and conjecture reverted to the panic stricken state it was struggling to overcome...the investigation intensified and became even more bizarre and complicated...there was even a Chicago Tribune newspaper sponsored contest inviting readers to mail in their theories for a $50 prize if it was posted in the edition that it was featured...but as repulsive as media sensationalization can be, the outpouring of sympathy from the community came to the rescue of the now destitute surviving Grimes family members and rallied to raise the funds required to pay off their Damen Avenue home ...very little information is available about the father (Joseph Grimes) aside from being “ a husky truck driver that broke down and sobbed upon identification of the bodies ...but as divorce and single motherhood carried with it the stigma of marital discord and the connotation of infidelity back in those days, this may be the reason that the father’s role in this ordeal is not mentioned or largely suppressed ...I have yet to notice a reference to Loretta as a widow in my research endeavors thus far ...the girls were buried at Holy Sepultre; the site of “The Miracle Child” and the subject of a few of my past threads...I will visit their grave sites when I return there in the early spring ...
The investigation intensified as the outcry from the public and governing officials demanded resolution...in all, it is stated that close to 300,000 people were questioned and up to 2,000 were seriously interrogated and the interrogative methods employed back then back were said to make Guantanamo Bay look like and all inclusive stay at “Sandals”...The search for the killer(s) headed by Lead Investigator Harry Glos produced a narrowed down list of unsavory suspects one of which was a drifter from Tennessee named Edward L. Benny Bedwell who was a dishwasher at a restaurant on west Madison street where the transient worked periodically for meals ...his resemblance to Elvis by way of sideburns, duck tail style haircut and the description of the two girls that claimed to be sisters he was seen with following the disappearance was enough to subject Bidwell to an interrogation where civil rights where not as much of an immediate concern as the extraction of a confession which they where able to elicit presumably by brute force...but the culpability of Bidwell’s admission of guilt was scrutinized by the State’s Attorney and ordered released only to be immediately scooped up and extradited to Florida on a warrant related to rape charges involving a 13 year old girl there that bore striking similarities to the Grimes case, but the accuser in Florida managed to escape after being held captive for several days...this M.O. and the startling revelation released by the pathologist confirming that Barbara was in fact molested and the opposing viewpoint of lead detective Glos that the weather conditions that created the layer of ice around the still warm bodies of the girls could have only occurred if they were dropped off over a week later around January 7th as conditions and cumulative precipitation prior to that would not have created this ice layer around the bodies...this was concurrent with a scenario that the sisters were held captive then murdered, consistent with the Florida allegations...he escaped conviction on a technicality there and was jailed years later on a weapons charges, he died shortly after his release in 1986....
Police Captain Ralph Petaque netted the other of the more likely suspects in 17 year old Max Feig ...details surrounding his implication as “a person of interest” is unclear but, but through the notoriously persuasive techniques of he day, the 17 year old voluntarily took a polygraph examination that was later ruled as inadmissible because it violated the laws governing juveniles and the administration of lie detector testing...the results of the polygraph were never disclosed but not unlike Bidwell there were accusations of a coerced confession thus necessitating the boy’s release ...he was sent to prison just a few years later after he was convicted of the violent murder of a young woman... time passed and hopes where dashed as the Schessler-Peterson murders were deemed not connected by it’s eventual resolution in 1994 and relationship to the murder of the Brach Candy heiress: Helen Vorhees Brach...Loretta Grimes died in 1989 and was described as despondent and spiritually depleted woman ...rumors and theories continue today, and some of the prospective scenarios have included an attempt to force the girls into a white slavery/prostitution ring and even disputed claims that the girls were known to frequent an Archer avenue tavern where they supposedly would often entice older men into buying them drinks and this ultimately lead to their demise ...these allegations are still angrily denied by childhood friends and acquaintances of the sisters contending that they simply met with foul play by forced abduction or by consenting to a ride by a stranger with sinister ulterior motives...as the case grows colder the likelihood of resolution wanes and closure for the family lessens with each passing year ...
The vacant property on that corner is like a dark void amid the contemporary, upscale houses and the wooded, spacious lots, some of which overlook Devils Creek...from the elevated perspective and foliage veiled vantage point of the hill where the old house stood, one can almost imagine how a displaced soul must feel gazing into the warm, ambient glow of the domiciles below harboring the life energy that burns as brightly as the illumination provided by the flickering televisions and interior track lighting visible though the patio windows ...this feeling is compounded by the cold and darkness adding to the already fantastical, self imposed mind set...a mid set some of us that obstinately reject the “ghost hunter” methodology strive to achieve when we embark on the solo excursions that have become the preferred mode of investigation for those of us that are reverting to a scaled down and bare bones technique...a technique that has liberated us from being burdened and limited by elaborate and yet-to-be-proven useful gadgetry in favor of an unencumbered, distraction free, sensibility oriented session ...I feel there is plenty of room for both investigation types in this field and I am not going to tout one as more
credible than the other, though I still don’t understand if some of my counterparts are looking for EMF variables as proof of paranormal activity or as proof of hallucinations by those that report it, but hopefully once they decide they will let us know ( lol ) ....
The latest trips to this complicated site incorporated both a night and a following day visit ...The night visit was relatively sedate save for the uncharacteristic apprehension I had to scale the steep embankment beyond the guardrails where the old house once sat and prime corner lot real estate remains devoid of development...looking up over the summit of the grade, the skeletal tree tops where clearly visible by the ever present orange glow provided by the nearby network of highways and the close proximity to the city and this is often visible when I experiment with the longer exposure and high ISO camera settings ...the elevated expanse of this plot of land that still
haunts my memories remains in the state of stoic stasis I remember from the spring of ‘08...the usual tactic of photographic distraction served as an adequate shield when the growing anxiety from the sudden energy shift I felt caught me off guard as I made my way into a clearing for a better landscape shot ...I did not feel the compulsion to retreat that I have in some of my past escapades but the comfort level here was “tolerable” at best...
The weather was not as limiting or physically debilitating as my recent freezing, predawn voyage to Peabody Estate, but the prolonged glove-less exposure quickly rendered my fingers to a stinging, inoperable numbness that made the trek back to the Jeep parked a quarter of a block away a welcome intermission to the nearby Trinity Cemetery stage of the visit that is endemic to the lore associated with the legend of this site...
The still-warm engine thawed my frigid digits as I splayed my hands in front of the dashboard vents ...the ride to the cemetery was brief but elongated by the continuation of
my “warm up” session...and as I sat in the church parking lot facing the darkness beyond the line of tall evergreens that bordered the parking lot and the cemetery, I realized that it was more of a matter of procrastination than a reprieve from the cold that kept me in the car ...the hesitation was quickly replaced by an adrenaline rush exhilaration that solitary expeditions to night darkened cemeteries often provide by way of aesthetic creepiness alone ...I look forward to analyzing these photos from the night visit, but the return I made the following afternoon revealed a startling discovery that the route I took along the muddied banks of “Devil’s Creek“ on my ‘08 previous trip must have denied me ...The commencement of the day trip was academic retracing the steps from the night before, starting at that infamous forested stretch of German Church Road where the bubbling trickle of the creek can be heard from the spotted unfrozen patches below the steep drop protected by the iron rails on both sides of the road ...the surreal beauty of this rural oasis will be forever tainted by the residual imprint of unspeakable brutality that robbed those poor young souls of their lives ...lives they barely had a chance to experience by an act so heinous that this area along “Devil’s Creek” is said to be indelibly cursed ...
The rubble from the demolition of the house, the still-standing bathhouse, the rust hinged, wooden gates are all still there as the light of day confirmed this just as I remember them ...I noticed what appeared to be a monolithic stone structure perched on a jutting promontory above the shore of the creek from the vantage point behind the bathhouse where the creek gently curves east before it resumes is southerly flow back under the road where I started ...as I drew closer easing my way down the snow covered slope, the outline of an underlying structure built into the side of the hill became visible ...it appeared to be a hut or shack of sorts fashioned out of cobblestone and flagstone to form fit a hollowed out space dug from beneath an overhanging cliff ...they fortified this space with an stone cemented arch ceiling that still supports a tree and partially exposed root system above ...sort of a stone cottage/cave complete with windows, a door-less front entrance, a fireplace, shelves and stone slabs benches ...the charred remnant of a fire, pop cans and a few other items left behind hinted at recent activity ...activity that evidently included pot smoking ...At first I surmised that this was likely the result of surplus landscaping or construction materials from the new subdivision as the back yards of some of the new houses end at the creek bed...and although this structure seems to be on the property of the abandoned lot on the other side, it isn’t unfathomable that this was the collective efforts of the new neighborhood’s fathers to make a sort of playhouse for their kids while forming new friendships etc ...yet closer inspection lead me to conclude that this concave cottage likely predates the new subdivision by a considerable margin, but I stand undecided at the present pending inspection from some of my more construction savvy cohorts ..Devil’s Creek winds for a considerable distance and is flanked by woods on both sides all the way to the next major thoroughfare north and for an indeterminate distance south until it undoubtedly terminates as a tributary to the Des Plaines River as the Google Earth renderings are inconclusive ...there many rumors and hearsay associated with how this tiny stream earned it’s name, but that is for another thread ....
-R.I.P. Barbara and Patricia-
Here are the unedited (compressed) photos from my 2 early February 2010 visits ( 187 total)
Grimes Sisters German Church Rd Photos




































I took these with a cell phone back in '07...
if you listen carefully you can clearly hear the cicadas in the background ....b















I took these with a cell phone back in '07...
if you listen carefully you can clearly hear the cicadas in the background ....b
Here's the Youtube video:
German Church Road, Devil's Creek, The Grimes Sisters and Trinity Cemetery:
Another famous haunted Chicago-land location...this installment includes motion video and seasonal photos from 5 plus years of ongoing site coverage ...
The site of a horrifying discovery that paralyzed Chicago with fear, captured national headlines in 1957 and remains unsolved today ... German Church Road, Devil's Creek and the vacant lot beyond have withstood the test of time as a legendary haunted location ....b