Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

This is from a sermon by my Unity Minister, Rev. Margaret Hiller, so anyone with more knowledge please reply or if you have a question please reply also. I paraphrased Rev. Margaret's sermon from a CD.

"Ho'oponopono" is a form of healing from Hawaii. It was devised many years ago by a Kahuna woman with a long name but she was called "Morna" for short.
It is a simple yet profound concept.
Since we are all part of the human family, we have all had a part in creating all the confusion, suffering, fear & war. On the other hand, we are also part of the healing, light, peace, joy & transformation.
A psychiatrist, Dr. "Hugh Lynn" practiced it while at a mental hospital in Hawaii for five years. He never saw a patient, but with each of their files, he would exclaim: "I am so sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." He did this with each file over and over. Rev. Hiller says that "since we are all one, we can stand in for others like these mental health patients."
Slowly the hospital started to transform from a sickly place to a healthy place. The employees stopped their high absentism and started enjoying coming to work. The patients got better until there was no need for the hospital after Dr. Lynn's five years.

I am so sorry,
Please forgive me.
Thank you, I love you.

I think Peter Makena's song explains why Ho,oponopono works:

When you adopt the viewpoint
That all that exists within your circle of life
Is nothing but another part of you,

When you come to the conclusion
That there is no one who exists, who is not part of you,

You will wisely extend to yourself
An unconditional love that will be
The light of your day, the light of your night
The light that lightens up this world of ours.

A young Feldenkreis Practitioner from Hawaii, I met recently, called it "Conflict Resolution."

A sister of a Hawaiin friend of mine who runs the Cultural Center in Oahu said it means to "make things right - to correct wrong." She said to never use the word "Kahuna" as it means "witch doctor". I have always heard great things about ":Kahunas" as being powerful healers, myself.
Do you know anything about Ho"oponopono

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Here is one answer I have permission to post here so far, and I have found the MD's name is "Hew Len".

Greetings Ron...
I was not sure what it was exactly... So I did a little research and here are some links to sites and videos which will help to answer your question... In Peace & Unity... Christopher
Ron, you are more than welcome to post any and all info that you feel is relevant to our growth and progress. I love you my brother, and I appreciate all that you contribute.
Big hugs,
I like the simplicity of this approach. It reminds me of Meher Baba's
definition of philosophy: Simple things made complicated.
I usually recite arti (the
prayers given by Meher Baba), including the Prayer of Repentance.
Ho'oponopono feels like an abbreviated version that just gets to the
heart of things.



And here is what SpiritWalker wrote me:

Here is what I found:

Hope this helps, my brother.
From Ron Alexander to drmike

"Mrs. J got me interested and I'm happy she provided us with that information. I've been in desparate need to find the "problem" and the "solution." Lo and behold it is right in the mirror. Now I think we have some additional tools to dissect and to work it out....
Mrs. J is Jeanne. Isn't she special? The problem has always been us, we are just finding that out and now we are going to get connected at the subconscious level of our mind to improve our consicous contact with that Spirit that lies within which can guide us more effectively.

Dear Drmike, finally, I got it - we do it for ourselves! and that is for everyOne, since we are all one. Your note finally drove it home to me - isn't that what they teach us in Vapassana? Yea! One love, ron
Ho'Oponopono - I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank-you (See this video - it is best yet on this, ron)

Posted by Sharon Taphorn

Fantastic video about a Hawaiian Healing method...

Sharon sent me personal message about it and then posted it on her website
"Playing with the Universe"
It is Joe Vitale of "Outer Limits" and "The Secret" Fame
and he said it is taking responsibility for everything and then saying I am sorry, Please forgive me. thank you, I love you. over & over to the Divine!
Ron Alexander said:
Ho'Oponopono - I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank-you (See this video - it is best yet on this, ron)

Posted by Sharon Taphorn

Fantastic video about a Hawaiian Healing method...

Sharon sent me personal message about it and then posted it on her website
"Playing with the Universe"
It is Joe Vitale of "Outer Limits" and "The Secret" Fame
and he said it is taking responsibility for everything and then saying I am sorry, Please forgive me. thank you, I love you. over & over to the Divine!

Gratitude Power sent me this note that goes along with Sharon's - about Joe Vitale & Dr. Hew Len:

Hello Ron,
Kahuna's are part of the Hawaiian ancestors and were healers and guardians. Some were also considered to be magicians and soccerers which is probably where the "witch doctor" label comes from. I've had the opportunity to work with an Hawaiian Aunty on the Big Island and she comes from an amazing lineage of Kumus (spiritual teachers), Kahus (shamans) and Kahunas (healers & guardians) She teaches the traditional Ho'Oponopono.

Dr. Hew Len teaches an updated modern approach he calls Self I-Dentity Ho'Oponopono which is a method of healing from the inside out. The method is based around repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love. It's a very, very powerful process for cleansing, clearing energy/emotional blockages and opening up to receive all the goodness life has to offer. We teach it in our classes Awakening to Gratitude. " I'm sorry-please forgive me- thank you - I love you"--I've witness some amazing shifts using this process.

I recommend the book "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len. It's about Dr. Hew Len's work and the Self I-Dentity Ho' Oponopono process

Love and Gratitude
Gratitude Power
Ron Tocknell replied: "I have come across Ho'oponopo but I can't claim to have studied it. Anne (my wife) has been studying it and she's talked to me about it. I quite like the concept of taking responsibility for all that we experience. It seems to me to be a very grown up philosophy. I think maybe I'll look at it closer and see what my heart soaks up."

Very adult response, Ron. Thanks, I am copying it and adding it to my Ho'oponopono wisdom, respectfully
Karen of Gratitude Power left me this message, when I asked her if I could use Ho'Oponopono on someone who I thought betrayed me?
Hi Ron,
With Ho'Oponopono you take responsibility for the situation whether you felt you caused it or not. Dr. Hew Len explained in his book that total responsibility for life means everything in your life--simply because it is in your life..
If you take responsibility for your life, everything you see, hear, taste, touch or in anyway experience, is your responsibility because it's your life. ( I had to sit with that for awhile, but eventually it made sense)

It's always about the "Self"--when you cleanse the self with I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you--it's not about the other person at all--i'ts between you and the divine. When Dr. Hew Len cured a hospital of patients, he never met any of them--but the case came into his life experience and he took responsibility for the experience by cleansing himself with Ho' Oponopono.

All of your experiences live within you--when you shift within, everything automatically shifts around you. One thing that I've tried in relationships is to just think of the person and say to yourself "I love you" over and over again. I find that softens the tension and energy around the situation. In the meantime Ho'Oponpono is always--I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you--- it's about you---"peace begins with me"
Love and Gratitude
Gratitude Power
Ron Alexander said:
Karen of Gratitude Power left me this message, when I asked her if I could use Ho'Oponopono on someone who I thought betrayed me?
Hi Ron,
With Ho'Oponopono you take responsibility for the situation whether you felt you caused it or not. Dr. Hew Len explained in his book that total responsibility for life means everything in your life--simply because it is in your life..
If you take responsibility for your life, everything you see, hear, taste, touch or in anyway experience, is your responsibility because it's your life. ( I had to sit with that for awhile, but eventually it made sense)

It's always about the "Self"--when you cleanse the self with I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you--it's not about the other person at all--i'ts between you and the divine. When Dr. Hew Len cured a hospital of patients, he never met any of them--but the case came into his life experience and he took responsibility for the experience by cleansing himself with Ho' Oponopono.

All of your experiences live within you--when you shift within, everything automatically shifts around you. One thing that I've tried in relationships is to just think of the person and say to yourself "I love you" over and over again. I find that softens the tension and energy around the situation. In the meantime Ho'Oponpono is always--I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you--- it's about you---"peace begins with me"
Love and Gratitude
Gratitude Power

I have started using Ho'oponopono during meditation and in times of stress. It is amazing how it helps to calm and soothe.
Just great!
Thank you Ron, for posting and being so giving.
Mercy - Forgive Everyone
MERCY (Sharon's Angel Card combined with Ho'Oponopono)

"To develop the quality of mercy, forgive yourself and everyone around you."

"I am sorry,
Please forgive me,
thank you.
I love you."

Be magnanimous, see the good in others and give them the benifit of the doubt. Open up to compassion, but most of all access the wisdom within that recognises the Divine in every creature.

When you temper your attitude to others with mercy, you offer them grace. You spread much light, joy and freedom and empower others to find the good in themselves.

The angels of mercy are offering you release from your pain or difficulities. Accept it graciously.

with love, the Angels
I heard this on a radio show just yesterday. I am gonna write it down, practice this and spread it forward. Peace

Ron Alexander said:
Mercy - Forgive Everyone
MERCY (Sharon's Angel Card combined with Ho'Oponopono)

"To develop the quality of mercy, forgive yourself and everyone around you."

"I am sorry,
Please forgive me,
thank you.
I love you."

Be magnanimous, see the good in others and give them the benifit of the doubt. Open up to compassion, but most of all access the wisdom within that recognises the Divine in every creature.

When you temper your attitude to others with mercy, you offer them grace. You spread much light, joy and freedom and empower others to find the good in themselves.

The angels of mercy are offering you release from your pain or difficulities. Accept it graciously.

with love, the Angels
What a Blessing in the attitude and acceptance of Ho' Oponopono.
In love.......Adrianna



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