Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Conscious Kindness Movement


The Conscious Kindness Movement

A global movement dedicated to spreading Conscious Kindness across the planet.

Location: Lucerne, California
Members: 61
Latest Activity: Dec 24, 2021

How to Start A Movement

This is the most awesome video. Thank you to my sister in peace, Gina Blackmore, for spreading the love.
1. One man can start a movement.
2. A movement need not be started by the most skilled member of the movement.
3. When beginning your movement and you look around and no one else is joining the dance, just keep dancing.
4. When the one guy who joins your movement slowly fades away, keep going.
5. Before you know it, the people joining your movement won’t even know you started it.
6. When your movement takes a life of it’s own, just let go. There will be no stopping it.
7. The very people who are staring at you like your nuts as you move alone, will be the very same people dancing the hardest in the end.

Thank you Gina

music by: Santogold

Discussion Forum

Watch PeaceDay Broadcast Here

Started by John'nie West Sep 14, 2010.

Help Haiti Live Relief Concert Tonight, Feb 27th, 7:30pm CST

Started by Digital Publishing Entertainment Feb 27, 2010.

A New Idea! Ideas and suggestions needed and appreciated. 4 Replies

Started by SpiritWalker. Last reply by SpiritWalker Feb 27, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Conscious Kindness Movement to add comments!

Comment by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi on February 27, 2010 at 11:02am

Comment by Digital Publishing Entertainment on February 27, 2010 at 7:37am
Hello My Friends...Christopher Here... Help Haiti Live Relief Concert Tonight, Feb 27th, 7:30pm CST on The Florida Internet Webcasting Network:

Help Haiti February 27th - from Compassion International on Vimeo.
On January 12th an earthquake shook Port-au-Prince leaving thousands dead and many more without food, water, or shelter.

LIVE On The FYI Global Networks....

."You Must Be The Change You Want To See In The World"
Mahatma Gandhi

Thank You All... Christopher & The FYI Networks...
The New Media For, By and About The People & Businesses Of Planet Earth...
Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 27, 2010 at 6:23am
Music is looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of the people. The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song or the rhythmic movement of the body. From immemorial times the inspiring affects that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.
The ancient kings made music in order to honor merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity inviting their ancestors to be present. In the Temple folks drew near to God with music and pantomimes. The Ancestors were invited to these divine rituals as guests of the ruler of heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions. This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in revering his ancestors with solemn moments of spiritual inspiration established the bond between God and man. Our first Earthdance and Theater.
Comment by SpiritWalker on February 2, 2010 at 10:04pm
A message from Maria A. Diequez Extremera:
My mind and my spirit are with you at any moment to generate of a conscious way the Kindness, that together with to yours and the one of million anonymous beings, of some form it generates sufficient energy positive to neutralize the badness and the negative energy that we must have and the commitment to eradicate of this world. Them control a hug from the South of Spain and I thank to have to them me.
Comment by John Davis on February 2, 2010 at 12:41pm
This is a great idea for a group alright. This fits right in with what I am doing elsewhere on Ning. I am a member of the Intention Experiment group and about a dozen others focused on healing and transformation. A real world group called Aiki Extensions also has a group on here called the Peace and Collaborative Development Network. I also host a Ki Society Aikido group on one of the 60 some odd sites I'm a member of on this network. But I can't find it now. I wonder if someone took it down. I may start one here as Aikido is known as "the peaceful Martial Art" and "Off the Mat" the techniques are the source of much of the nonviolent conflict resolution techniques taught under one trademark or another. I may start another group here, but not put up even the publicized Ki Society information. Then again, Aikido is best learned in the dojo. After 21 years of practice I still work on the internals at home. I don't live near a dojo and haven't for over a decade, so that is my only practice. I am also a Reiki Master and lend my talents to distant healings here free of charge. I have on occasion done direct healing gratis as well.
Comment by Maria A. Dieguez Extremera on February 2, 2010 at 8:05am
Mi mente y mi espiritu están con ustedes en todo momento para generar de una manera consciente la Bondad, que unida a la vuestra y a la de millones de seres anonimos, de alguna forma genere la suficiente energia positiva para neutralizar la maldad y la energia negativa que tenemos el deber y el compromiso de erradicar de este mundo.
Les mando un abrazo desde el Sur de España y les doy las gracias por contar conmigo.
Comment by Arieljoy Fine on February 1, 2010 at 1:20pm
What a great idea for a group! And I love the video demonstration that true kindness can only emerge from a free spirit.

We are all related.

In Love and Light,
Comment by Ron Alexander on January 31, 2010 at 6:38pm
Sunday, Jan. 31

Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch, a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of
which have the potential to
turn a life around.

Leo Buscaglia
Comment by Maria A. Dieguez Extremera on January 6, 2010 at 3:04pm
La Bondad Consciente es una poderoza fuerza bilateral.
Es incrible!!! Cuanto más doy de mi misma mas me recorforta y me llena de energia positiva.
Comment by SpiritWalker on January 5, 2010 at 12:50pm
A message from Maria A. Dieguez Extremera to all members of The Conscious
Kindness Movement on Architects of a New Dawn:

It is for me a privilege to be member of a group where kindness is the unique and more powerful used tool to construct a New Future. Thanks to accept to me.

So happy you're here Maria!

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